Pees in the brown Koolaid
You'd still vote for him if he tried to take guns away?
NRA official: Obama wants to outlaw guns in 2nd term - Washington Times
I am a member of the NRA, but I also refuse to be a one-issue, party-line voter.
I am also smart enough to see Romney for the hypocrite that he is when it comes to the 2nd Amendment, he was the governor of a state (Mass.) that is virulently hostile to the rights of gun owners. He publicly stated one one occasion that he "doesnt vote with the NRA". He also supported the so-called Assault Weapons Ban. Romney is no more of an ally to gun owners than Obama is, he is just less honest about it.
Obama is, by many orders of magnitude, the lesser of two evils in this election. I have a sister who is gay and it is my hope that someday she will have marriage rights equal to my own. That will not happen under a Romney administration.
As far as my gun rights go, Obama isnt going to "take my guns away". First of all, the right to keep and bear arms is enumerated in the state constitution of Oregon as well as that of the United States. The Supreme Court has recently upheld that right. Obama lacks the authority to "take my guns away" even if he had the desire to do so, which he does not.
As a gun owner, I have no good choices in the upcoming election. As the brother of a gay woman, I do.