Sofar 4 cities are banning Chick-fill-A from ever opening up !
Boston, Chicago, and Mountain View, Ca.
Philli even goes further tells them to "Take a hike and do your buisness elsewhere" !
Well, guess what , oh learned one.......they can put down the business all day long, but it's ILLEGAL (that means against the law) and they have no authority to turn away a business in their town for the personal beliefs of the owner. Rahm has "cock of the walk" syndrome!!
The business doesn't discriminte from hiring gays or serving gays.......Since when can the government control what we think. Maybe in canada.
If the gays want to stage a kiss-in at the restaurants, it'll only increase business. No loitering, must purchase something.
I've never had one of their sandwiches, but I plan to try one now that we had one open on Thursday in Laguna Hills. People were camped out overnight ready to protest, but got shooed away, off the property. Ha Ha!
Rahm is in a power-reach just like his ex-boss.
“Alderman M has violated the First amendment rights of Chick-fil-A and the individuals in the corporation by bringing the hammer of government down upon them purely because they disagree with the religious view of the owner,” Cleveland said.