Gay Rights


Well-Known Member
about 500 species have been found to display homosexual behavior.

The researches made on animals also confirm the hypothesis that homosexuality is innate.existing in, belonging to, or determined by factors present in an individual from birth .

Did you see that Discovery program on the killer whales? Not only were they caught in same sex activities but they were also going solo using some round rocks. It was a very intriguing show. This program showed me that homosexual activity is natural or occurs natually it is just not accepted by a lot of folks.

Obviously this topic can get heated so I hope everyone can just present their views and try to be respectful of others. We won’t agree but let’s not call each other names.


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
I can't have children naturally either so does that mean my marriage is null and void? I understand that a lot of people are against Gay marriage but I have known some great Gay couples that were far better suited to be married than some straight couples I have known.

No Aspen, I was refering to the biological fact that couples of the same sex cannot procreate. I have several friends in the same situation as yours, I think that people who adopt usually make better parents. Yes, there are a lot of hetrosexual partners out there that make horrible parents. A lot of people have children and don't bother to take the responsibility that goes along with parenting. And yes, there are Gay couples that make better parents than some straight ones. I could care less what two consenting adults do behind closed doors. I have also been taught that I am not supposed to judge other people, I'm far from perfect myself. I think that we are all guilty of that to a certain extent, its a very human trait.


Staff member
"I could care less what two consenting adults do behind closed doors."

Me too. But they won't keep it behind closed doors, will they?

I think the rest of us have an obligation to speak out against this ......behaviour. It should NEVER be considered normal. It certainly should not be addressed as normal in our schools.

I guess that's what upsets me the most. I don't care what they do in private, but when they want their lifestyle to be considered normal, THATS when the rest of us have to draw the line. STAY IN THE CLOSET!

If we accept this as normal, what will be next???

<sigh> the downfall of our country is upon us...


Well-Known Member
Agreed on both points. Concerning the second point...slapping the word "bigot" on someone is a standard tactic these days. Nevermind that the majority of the country is against gay marriage. Otherwise there would be more than one state that recognizes it. And the accusations that people are ignorant is laughable too. How could anyone in this country be ignorant of the issue when it is being shoved down our throats on a national scale? And intolerant? Not quite. Other than stating my opinion about the issue I have done nothing in the real world that would put me in the intolerant category. I have a friend that is gay. Would an intolerant, ignorant, hatefull bigot have a gay person as a friend? I don't think so.

To argue that the majority is against anything does not matter in the USA. We are not ruled by majority (mob) rules. We are a democratic Republic. We set laws in this country. Yes, in a democratic republic, the majority will of the people does matter on most issues, but not on all issues. So what if the majority of the country is against it. In the early 1800's the majority thought that black people were not considered people and they owned them. Was that a good thing?

As far as the state of Mass not being able to vote on the matter. You are incorrect. The people of Mass voted in their reps in the house and the senate to represent their intrests. There was indeed a vote. If the people did not like the vote of their rep, then use your power to vote them out.

People are not claiming that people are ignorant on the topic. They are argueing that they are ignorant on the feelings of gay people. Yes, gay people can choose to act on their feelings, just like heterosexuals can do the same.

I just want to aks all the people that believe that having sexual desires for the same sex one question. Can you tell the rest of the people on the board the day that you decided that the opposite sex turned you on? Since you believe that being gay is a choice, then being a heterosexual must also be a choice. Therfore, you must remember the day that you decided to be turned on by a person of the opposite sex. I would think such an incredibly important decision would be memorable. In addition, I would assume that if it is a choice, you could change your mind tomorrow if you would like.

I can tell you this for a fact. I persoanlly never made the choice to be a heterosexual. I have always been attracted to the opposite sex. I have been attracted to the opposite sex since day one and I will never be attracted to the same sex, because I do not have the choice to be attracted to the opposite sex.:cool:


Staff member
"I persoanlly never made the choice to be a heterosexual."

This kind of thinking scares me. We make the choice to do the right thing or the wrong thing 100 times a day.

With your logic, it should be legal to have sex with children because you have no choice.
It should be legal to have sex with the dog, because you have always been attracted to animals.

This is where America is headed. This is why we must speak out, and not tolerate this. America is in a huge downward spiral. It is time to take a stand!

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
To argue that the majority is against anything does not matter in the USA. We are not ruled by majority (mob) rules. We are a democratic Republic. We set laws in this country. Yes, in a democratic republic, the majority will of the people does matter on most issues, but not on all issues. So what if the majority of the country is against it. In the early 1800's the majority thought that black people were not considered people and they owned them. Was that a good thing?

Democracy...Republic....either way the law in 49 out of 50 states states that same sex marriages are null and void. Enough said.


Two minute Therapist
Re: Civil Rights

For the record, I'm not touching this thread with the proverbial 10 foot pole! "This private feels that any answer he gives will be wrong and the senior drill instructor will beat him harder if he reverses himself, sir.":w00t:


Well-Known Member
"I could care less what two consenting adults do behind closed doors."

Me too. But they won't keep it behind closed doors, will they?

I think the rest of us have an obligation to speak out against this ......behaviour. It should NEVER be considered normal. It certainly should not be addressed as normal in our schools.

I guess that's what upsets me the most. I don't care what they do in private, but when they want their lifestyle to be considered normal, THATS when the rest of us have to draw the line. STAY IN THE CLOSET!

If we accept this as normal, what will be next???

<sigh> the downfall of our country is upon us...

over9five ~ I once shared a cube with a gay fellow and he agreed with you. He once told me that although he did not choose to be gay he did consider himself a freak; it was not normal in his opinion. He also believed it was a means of population control that some humans were “defective” in the reproduction area. So in that regards we fit well together since I am infertile. He had a great attitude and I learned a lot from him. We were going to write a book about infertility, gayness and other means of population control.

At the same job a few years later I ended up working by a lesbian. She had a totally different view and felt that everyone owed her something because of her lifestyle. She was annoying and when ever she didn’t get what she wanted she would say it was because “they” didn’t like that she was gay. She felt that all kids should learn in school about her lifestyle. However she didn’t agree that aspects of her lifestyle should be taught in school.

I do have to agree that I don’t think people should flaunt their lifestyle but the ones I have mentioned never mentioned sex. The issues they had dealt with who would get the pension or who would take care of the children they died. The concerns I heard mirrored my own and had nothing to do with what was done behind closed doors. The gays I have known never came up to me and said “guess who or what I did last night in the bedroom.”

I have no problems with gays; it is the radical vegans that bother me (but that would be a whole different thread!)



Well-Known Member
No Aspen, I was refering to the biological fact that couples of the same sex cannot procreate. I have several friends in the same situation as yours, I think that people who adopt usually make better parents. Yes, there are a lot of hetrosexual partners out there that make horrible parents. A lot of people have children and don't bother to take the responsibility that goes along with parenting. And yes, there are Gay couples that make better parents than some straight ones. I could care less what two consenting adults do behind closed doors. I have also been taught that I am not supposed to judge other people, I'm far from perfect myself. I think that we are all guilty of that to a certain extent, its a very human trait.

I can understand what you are saying. None of us is perfect. There is a lot of wrong doing in this world that has nothing to do with who people love. Heterosexual and homosexual couples cheat on each other, use drugs, and abuse each other or themselves. I just don’t think that homosexuals should be treated as second class citizens. Most of them do not disclose what they do behind closed doors. It really upsets me when I hear of hate crimes and someone dies and some religious group is quoted as saying “they got what they deserved.” I may not agree with everyone on this forum but I would never hope you would be killed for your views or that others would think justice had been done if you had been.


Well-Known Member

It's really hard to believe this conversation is even happening. Gotta wonder what would have been going through Jim Casey's mind about this subject. But it's not about what Jim Casey would have been thinking. It is the times we are in. The gays want equal treatment, but they will go to no end to have a political platform to promote their kind. What better way, then to try to go up agianst a high profile company.

Seems that this isn't really about insurance benefits, as it is about getting back into the spotlight as a group. More then likely they will get what they want, but do a lot of high profiling in the process. Gay rights activist's will gladly hop on the bandwagon.

It was a sad day when the closet door opened.


golden ticket member
"I just don’t think that homosexuals should be treated as second class citizens."

I don't think they should be treated that way either, BUT....They are not entitled to Marriage benefits under the definition of marriage (a man & a woman)

Now, if the law should change and also cover "life partnerships", then that's a different story.


Well-Known Member
What if NJ now wants us to recognize beastial relationships do we now abide by that law in that one state also.

Uh, not that I'M interested at all, but, uh, I'm asking for a friend, yeah, that's right, a friend.

Is NJ going to recognize beastial relationships and are there any transfer openings for feeder drivers in NJ? Just asking...for a friend, that's right...a friend...


Well-Known Member
"I just don’t think that homosexuals should be treated as second class citizens."

I don't think they should be treated that way either, BUT....They are not entitled to Marriage benefits under the definition of marriage (a man & a woman)

Now, if the law should change and also cover "life partnerships", then that's a different story.

It seems unfair to deny people rights based upon a definition. There are a lot of convenience marriages in this country and those people have more rights than they should. I agree we need rules and yes definitions will be in those rules. At one point in our countries history the only people that mattered were white men and they set the definitions. I believe the constitution said blacks were equal to 3/5ths of a person; thankfully that has changed! It is ironic that the reason they finally were given status a whole person was to benefit the state (it was all about numbers and the larger the population the more representatives the state would have).

If you look at women's history marriage benefits were more for the man; any woman that owned land lost her rights when she got married. Times have changed and the laws have changed. People who didn't have rights before have them now.

Definitions can be changed. If you believe what they do is wrong that is fine; they just want the same benefits for their families as the others in our country. Your marriage won’t be lessened if gays have “marriage” benefits. There should be a way to do this without tearing the country apart.


rod:Oh please tell us the name of this bearded gay women. Texas? Isn't that the home of steers and ______?civilrightsfighter:No. He is a guy and he has a full grown beard. And I found out through my union rep that he will be driving in about a week or two. He was given peemission because of his religious belief.
Hey Rod,
I am a TEXAN, (I appreciate the old joke about steers and ------- not seeing any horns on you, bubba) Steers are Bulls that have been castrated.
I still have my horns and hope I never see a UPS driver with a beard.

Hey civil rights mouth,
I have not heard a word about a driver with a beard in Texas, except from your post. Can you provide some proof of your statement?
The only religion that demands, as I know of, a man to not shave or cut his hair is Musllim.
So, if UPS allows this driver to have a beard ,due to his "religious" beliefs, it follows that UPS will also adjust his load so he will not have to deliver any Christmas Hams/Pork Sausage/Bacon wrapped Omaha Steaks/Footballs/Work Gloves/Work Shoes or any other product that is made or has touched a pig.
That is a one way ticket to HEdoublehockeysticks, to some religious believers.
Save the BS about one's civil rights. It is more important to be civil, than always having your religious "rights" inflicted on everyone else.
If I have offended anyone's feelings, I am not sorry.


Well-Known Member
Seems that this isn't really about insurance benefits, as it is about getting back into the spotlight as a group. More then likely they will get what they want, but do a lot of high profiling in the process. Gay rights activist's will gladly hop on the bandwagon.

It was a sad day when the closet door opened.


Well-Known Member
Seems that this isn't really about insurance benefits, as it is about getting back into the spotlight as a group. More then likely they will get what they want, but do a lot of high profiling in the process. Gay rights activist's will gladly hop on the bandwagon.

It was a sad day when the closet door opened.

Sorry, I was trying to respond to a quote from PIP and got carried away and was timed out. That's OK though because this thread needs to die.
While I disagree with many comments on here the fact is that we all have strong opinions and this subject really polarizes folks.

My wish would be that we all try to understand each other a bit more than we do. I am guilty of not doing so and will make an effort to improve on that.
Have a good week.......