Glenn Beck tearing it up in the ratings


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
It says alot, when people like you, who claim mathematical formula's are the truth, which is applied into scientific analysis, don't believe in this stuff, and throw the majority of scientific consensus out the window as soon as it leads to policy conclusions you don’t like?

Tooner, While we are at it.....Lets drug test all well-to-do suburban kids. I'm tiring of my tax dollars paying police overtime on the war on drugs. Only to have these kids on the streets the next day. Lets just drug test one class of people, it's the American way, isn't it ?

I have no problem if one chooses to be reckless, like the X-games, because the end result usally results in the daredevil being effected. But your example of recklessness with tobacco, effects innocent people in a confined area. The EPA has classified secondhand smoke as a Group A carcinogen. Alcohol is legal, but using it recklessly effects millions of innocent people from phyical death and injury to emotional scars and broken families. Yet there's no talk of banning alcohol, just free marketeers complaining it's regulated to much. So instead of demonizing the big bad Gov't is raising your Whopper from $2 dollars to $2.25 and your bottled water 10 cents, bring your lunch from home and refill your water bottles with filtered tap water...:wink2:
BTW....Sporting and Racing events are already curtailed by the price of tickets vs the profitability determined to be made...

LOL...None of our Military Ind Complex war mongering supporters are touching this one Wkmac. And Acorn's subsudized funds are a drop in the bucket compared to AmorGroup and LM/NG. If your going to punish Acorn for a few bad apples, lets be consistent and revoke funding for these Org's. Or is this one big fat political witchhunt......Good point as always wkmac

Diesel, You may drug test them also. Fine with me.
As for testing only one group of people, I am saying yes, if we have to pay for reckless behavior which at this point today, they do not pay for their healthcare, then yes we should curtail this reckless behavior. If the funds disappear, so will much of the abuse. The other side was talking about tax payers having to pay for reckless behavior, yet we have been for years. And there is no punishment to them who are unemployed due to drug and alcohol abuse. Why is this so? I know there are many, many unemployed right now through no fault of their own. We are not talking about them here. I am talking about the generation after generation addicted to welfare. They could test positive, and still get govt money, but they are not checked. Yet Other side thinks smokers should be punished for buying a legal, yes deadly product and using it. I dont argue the point tobacco is deadly, my Mom died from lung cancer. I just think the double standard goes way over the line. It seems only the productive are brought in line here. Seems only the productive have to give up anything.
Yes and you have told me before, just what a small amount of money is spent on welfare. Just like Obama tells us he will get rid of fraud in Medicare to pay for this new healthcare takeover. Well seems like if we got rid of a lot of fraud we may have the money to cover those who need help with care.
Lets get rid of the fraud, fund the program, as it is, then worry how to expand it to cover those not eligible now. Its simple and would not require a take over of the health care system. Easier to figure out how to cover a small percentage, than throw out the baby with the bathwater and have a new baby.


golden ticket member
I still say if Obama knows there is fraud to the tune of millions of $$$$.....why hasn't he saved us some $$$$ every month since January?????
How irresponsible of B.O. to let fraud that he knows about, continue.

He turns a blind eye to it until it suits him. He's a flake !!


Well-Known Member
Willing to trade a little freedom? Oh you mean fear mongering people like yourself supporting the Patriot Act, FISA. and wireless wiretapping. Gov't intrution?
Funny, I don't hear you complaining when Obama supports renewing the Patriot act.

Is anybody stopping you from your coke, salty french fries, and dbl quarter pounder w/ cheese ?
No, but the freedom hating liberals in Congress would sure love to. Or atleast tax them so much that a Big Mac costs the same as a T-bone steak so that I consume less, for my own good. :sick:

Cause there not stopping people in communist China neither.
It is sad when a communist nation has a more free economy than we do.

You know, because of whiny anti-gov't/anti-establishment saps like yourself, many our children have become fat and lazy, heading on a H'way to Hell towards chronic diseases, instead of educating and introducing phyiscal fitness in our youth's everyday lives
Yup, you know us. We are there forcing those parents to get those kids as many double cheeseburgers as they can swallow and forcing it down those kids throats. Yup, free marketeers are forcing people to feed their kids junk food and then let them sit in front of their xbox all night long doing nothing. I'm sure it has nothing to do with the personal choices made by the parents who buy their kids that food and then let the tv babysit them for the rest of the evening. Lacking personal responsibility has nothing to do with that...

But like your side says, that resembles Hitler's youth camps
Funny, I don't remember the President mentioning youth camps bearing his name encouraging child weight loss programs.

You and Michele Bachman are two peas in a pod.
Why thank you! I can only hope to be as great as Michele Bachman one day. Someone who believes and stands up for conservative values and is lucky enough to have a district which backs her up for it.

A true education are those able to decipher trumped up, paranoid delusions oozing out of the 24 hr right wing news cycle.....First lesson, learn the true definitions of words like Socialist, Communist, Marxist, Fascist....Then apply them to our Constitution and define our Gov't as a whole entity, of one of those terms above. An educated Republican, most likely left the party, and should have been throwning Tea Parties years ago during the Bush Adm....
It is interesting you should mention this. You see, I have taken classes at one of the top business schools in the nation. It was pretty apparent to me the professors who had come from the real world, and worked with or in real businesses tended to be more conservative. While the professors who had never worked outside a college campus in their life were rabid liberals like yourself. Funny how the whole real world experience things seem to turn people to the right rather than left. So what's your excuse?

Mathematical formulas tell the story by who plugs the numbers in and X factors. Perfect example.....The 9/12 tea party...You, Glen Beck, and Michele Mailkin seem to be the ones plugging in your mathematical formula's to come up with 2 million and concluding that as
As tieguy has said numerous times we took your formula your side used to figure out how many people attended Obama's inauguration, and used it to add up how many people attended the 9/12 March on Washington. Its amusing to see you ignore your own standard when it works against you.

Back to Cap and Trade.....Take it from a real expert, not some late afternoon Fox news cry-baby entertainer.
Your little blogger doesn't really prove your point any better than you do. Basically says it is not a tax on families, but ignores what your own messiah has said that electricity rates will sky rocket. Last I checked families use electricity. In fact they use gasoline, natural gas, propane, and a whole host of other fossil fuels to sustain their lifestyle. All of which will rise in cost as a direct result of cap and trade. This is really a lost cause for you, and you should give up while you believe you are ahead (you are not).


Well-Known Member
SA @ Takimag - Why Mark Levin Hates Glenn Beck

Ain't it funny and somewhat interesting that both loyalist of the republican and democrat parties find Ron Paul so aweful? This again points to how much they are really just alike!

No wonder that when either party takes power, things just get worse, not better!

And now for the newsflash of the day. So many here assert that Fact Check is Susie, Sloth, etc. and I'm here to tell you right now that this belief is just flat wrong! Fact Check, the BC hater of all things libertarian is in fact, drum roll......wait for it......Lindsey Graham!

Glenn Beck Responds To Lindsey Graham's Comments On Libertarianism


fact check

Well-Known Member
I still say if Obama knows there is fraud to the tune of millions of $$$$.....why hasn't he saved us some $$$$ every month since January?????
How irresponsible of B.O. to let fraud that he knows about, continue.

He turns a blind eye to it until it suits him. He's a flake !!

He hasn't stopped it because it would mean prosecuting Bush & partners.

It took Bush 8 years to get us into this fix, do you really expect President Obama to get us out in 8 months?

Try to respond with your own thoughts, not a cut and paste from 'a friend'.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
I still say if Obama knows there is fraud to the tune of millions of $$$$.....why hasn't he saved us some $$$$ every month since January?????
How irresponsible of B.O. to let fraud that he knows about, continue.

He turns a blind eye to it until it suits him. He's a flake !!

My favorite Obama "Blind eye":

Obama changes the subject when ACORN comes up


Well-Known Member
My favorite Obama "Blind eye":

Watching that video reminded me of something from long past.

Charles Durning in The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas

Speaking of long past, Obama just proves he comes from a long line of...... regardless of the endless promises of change!


I still think the play was lots better than the movie!