Glenn Beck tearing it up in the ratings

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Thank you for clearing up your native language. I guess it is just grammar that befuddles you.

Would you clarify your statement on utility bills? Do you mean to say that the average family will pay $1875/mo in 2020? Is this for all utilities? Gas, electric, water and sewer? Is this in inflation adjusted dollars, and if so, to what year is the dollar valuation pegged?

As far as 'sin taxes', if you insist on using tobacco, you should pay extra for the health care that you will need in the future that is provided by the government. Even if you health care is not provided by the government, as I'm sure you have refused your medicare benefits, you raise the costs of everyone else in your private pool by your reckless behavior. This is America, so you are allowed to be reckless, but don't ask me to subsidize your reckless lifestyle.

President Obama has been as consistent as anyone on his stance regarding health care. I think it is your clouded vision and choice of information sources that leads to your confusion.

Regarding the war in Afghanistan (note the spelling), President Obama DID increase the troop levels, but may be coming to the only logical conclusion, that our resources are better used elsewhere.

We can make Afghanistan a place that will not allow Al-Qaeda to operate freely, but we can not keep the Taliban from running the country.

Read a history book. When was the last time Afghanistan was conquered, or even subjugated?

Pour yourself a cocktail, or pop the top off a 40, fill your cheek with chew, and relax.

You guys had your chance, and really screwed up, give us a chance to fix it.

Put down the Kool-aid.:devil3:


Well-Known Member
:happy-very:Obama to SEIU --"I support and always have a single payer system health plan"
Obama today "I do not support a single payer system health plan "
Will the real Obama stand up ?
During the joint session speech he claimed that he would put forward a health care plan-----He continues to make speechs --but no plan proposed by him.
Does Obama as Kerry did --wears flipflops ?

Your taking a six year old quote and incorperating it into todays politics. Obama realizes America is not ready for single payer, He campaigned on the public option plan and has stuck to it.....wear is the flip-flop he campaigned on?

" We need more troops in Afganistan"
Probably will not send more troops !

With the current strategy,commanders on the ground are requesting more troops. With day to day progress or regression, new strategies are reconfigured more frequently. New strategy may require more or less troops. Let it play out before prematurely screaming flip-flopping. I personally would like to see us withdraw permantly.....

" I continue to support our CIA and its brave people"
Lets continue to dig ---to promote fear inside the CIA so nothing gets done.

Nobody is above the law. Obama wants to move forward on this, but ultimately the law is the law....

During the campaign on O'reilly:" I believe in and supprt the eastern Europe missle defense system "
This week --Europe missle defense system cancelled !

Since you won't elaborate on this issue besides cancelled, I will :

Obama "I will not TAX any person making less than 250,000"
Tax on cigs
Tax on soda
Tax on healthcare(page 29 0f Senate Bill}
Cap and Trade --Average American --extra 1,000 month electric bill

Your talking sin taxes on tabacco and possibly sugar laden soda if it passes. Leading perps of deadly diseases and obesity in America...stop pretending this doesn't cost the taxpayers dearly.

Quoting page 29 of the Baucus Bill.....A bill that hasn't even been voting on and is already projected to be rejected by many in the house and senate.

Cap and Trade estimates by the year 2020......Are you suffering from premature emancipation. Who knows what happens eleven years from now.... [/QUOTE]


Well-Known Member
:happy-very:fact check
Glad you can spell !!
I also have discovered you are a kool :dissapointed:aid drinker ------I stated "facts" that you cannot understand nor handle ------Please give me a spell check !!


Well-Known Member
:happy-very:Fact check or spell check or grammer check,
I see you also make a few mistakes ---guess you are not perfect after all ----I will not ask if english is your first language or if grammer is just the problem.
I mispelled a word --my fault --not the moderator's or Brown cafe"s.
A typical liberal response wondering why you could not modify your post ---as if you saw the error ---rather than accept responsability for it !!


Well-Known Member
Your talking sin taxes on tabacco and possibly sugar laden soda if it passes. Leading perps of deadly diseases and obesity in America...stop pretending this doesn't cost the taxpayers dearly.

Quoting page 29 of the Baucus Bill.....A bill that hasn't even been voting on and is already projected to be rejected by many in the house and senate.

Cap and Trade estimates by the year 2020......Are you suffering from premature emancipation. Who knows what happens eleven years from now....

Diesel ,
This is one of the problems with American citizens today -both left and right.
The lets wait and see what those that SERVE us will put into law. If you or spell check can afford to pay more for utilities ----whether it is one dollar or one thousand --more power to you.
It makes me laugh --the do as I say not as I do. When President Obama moved into the oval office he laughed that local Wash DC schools closed because of a few inches of snow. He told the gathered reporters that he was a tough Chicago guy where the schools rarely closed. When one of the reporters asked why the thermostat in the oval office was set at eighty ---Axelrod quickly responded "Hey don't you guys know --he needs the heat--he is from Hawaii.:happy-very:
Yesterday as the World leaders lamented global warming ----the lines and lines of huge limos with motorcades polluted :dissapointed: the NY air --Do as I say -not as I do.


Well-Known Member
Your talking sin taxes on tabacco and possibly sugar laden soda if it passes. Leading perps of deadly diseases and obesity in America...stop pretending this doesn't cost the taxpayers dearly.

If they are so dangerous why does the government not just outright ban them? BTW, incase you didn't realize, those products are used by people who make under $250k/yr. The President has broken his campaign promise.

Quoting page 29 of the Baucus Bill.....A bill that hasn't even been voting on and is already projected to be rejected by many in the house and senate.
Atleast you admit the healthcare bill is almost certainly going to be a failure in the congress. For the sake of our nation and future healthcare system we can only hope this monstrous failure of a healthcare plan will end up in the same trash heap Hillarycare ended up in 1993.

Cap and Trade estimates by the year 2020......Are you suffering from premature emancipation. Who knows what happens eleven years from now....
Its called mathematics. I know you don't appear to be well educated, but some people can take numbers, run them through whats called a "formula" and come out with a generally good guestimation as to what cap and trade will cost us. Although I fully expect you to retort on how you are proud to be a "math maroon" and how I am somehow a bad person for trying to explain this to you. Too bad cap and trade has nothing to do with global warming as much as it does to increase government tax revenues.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Hmmmm. Cap and Trade, this is Al Gore turf and the turf of people who stand as noble defenders of the poor and downtrodden against the vile and evil of mankind. Really? You Serious?

Let's look closer shall we?

Al Gore and Generaton Investment Management, the world leader in making green not only profitable but sustainable and globally responsible or what has become known as sustainable capitalism, is leading the charge and at Al's side is one David Blood. Who is David Blood and how does he figure into all of this anyway?

Let's look at a larger picture and then come back to Mr. Blood and the picture should explain itself. Let's start with Matt Taibbi who wrote the "Great American Bubble Machine" for Rolling Stone magazine earlier this year. As you cruise through the 5 pages at the buried link, you might take a few minutes to watch the enclosed video. In the case of Goldman Sachs and cap & trade, they are in position to mop up handsomely and to do so as the willing bride of the democrat party and it's regulatory apparatus. I'm certain even the most devoted devotee of statist power will champion the current cause as being the rightousness of the little guy against the big and powerful.

Yet if one starts to word search, Goldman Sachs along with the likes of "Cap & Trade", "Global Warming", "CO2 Emmissions", etc. etc. a very nefarious picture begins to emerge. Oh, and it's not limited by any means to the current adminstraion or a single political party either as some might like to claim.

Taibbi's work was so hardhitting and dead on that even the bombastic and so easy to just ignore Bill O Reilly did a piece on it and Bill just proves that no one is ever 1000% completely wrong. Hats off to Bill on this one.

Now in fairness to Goldman Sachs, they did defend themselves via Reuters and Taibbi responded in kind. Also to say that Goldman Sachs hasn't pumped a lot of money into politics and not expecting an return on investment is like saying Haliburton and Blackwater went to Iraq out of a passion for patriotism!

But now let's return to Big Al and one Mr. Blood. Seems Mr. Blood was not alone at GIM in regards to Goldman Sachs folks. Seems one, Mr. Paulson had his fingers in the pie as well. And there are suggestions that GIM also holds a stake in ownership of the Chicago Carbon Exchange but I'm holding that with a lot of salt for the time being. May be true but want more sources to confirm.

Fact is, this issue of cap and trade is very hot, not hard to see flames when looking. This is nothing more that certain vested interests using gov't to create a monopoly marketplace and then to follow with the force of law to create a customer base that the regular folk and working Joe and Jane will have to work that much harder to pay for why a certain few profit big time.

Democrats, democrat donors, democrats supporters, democrat icons creating and maintaining capitialist monopolies and enjoying massives profits! OH DO TELL! SAY IT AIN'T SO! AND NOT PAYING THEIR FAIR SHARE!

Al once said and was correct, "He played on our fears!" Gee Al, now looking at the facts I wonder where he learned it from?

Show Em' what ya learned George!


Well-Known Member
It is up to you to disprove this known fact. Now there are two different rewards out here $100,000 for actual paperwork and $50,000 for if you can answer a couple of simple questions.

Care to go for the money.

BaBa....Care to be a little more vague. What fact and questions are you trying to express ?

Diesel ,
This is one of the problems with American citizens today -both left and right.
The lets wait and see what those that SERVE us will put into law. If you or spell check can afford to pay more for utilities ----whether it is one dollar or one thousand --more power to you.
It makes me laugh --the do as I say not as I do. When President Obama moved into the oval office he laughed that local Wash DC schools closed because of a few inches of snow. He told the gathered reporters that he was a tough Chicago guy where the schools rarely closed. When one of the reporters asked why the thermostat in the oval office was set at eighty ---Axelrod quickly responded "Hey don't you guys know --he needs the heat--he is from Hawaii.:happy-very:
Yesterday as the World leaders lamented global warming ----the lines and lines of huge limos with motorcades polluted :dissapointed: the NY air --Do as I say -not as I do.

I wouldn't put too much stock in light-hearted moments. Anyway, there are too many posters here mis-representing this Adm and mis-informing the general public, and jumping to wild inprobable conclusions early in this term. I'm not a big fan of speculation and conjecture. How convienient it is for the Right Wing GOP hijackers to selectively forget their role in throwing this Adm into a meatgrinder from day one. Now they have the galls to intefere with repairations with a mutiny-like intention to see this Adm fails just as bad as it's predecessor for political gain. It's pretty much sickening IMO...:peaceful:

If they are so dangerous why does the government not just outright ban them? BTW, incase you didn't realize, those products are used by people who make under $250k/yr. The President has broken his campaign promise.

In case you haven't noticed Jefro, we poor slobs put our pants on one leg at a time, just like the wealthy slobs. The fact that private companies do not hold themselves accountable, and the fact that these deadly sins eventually come back and cost the taxpayers billions. The conclusion your cowaring over is CHIOCE ! It's a volunteer tax, not a mandate. You play you pay.

Atleast you admit the healthcare bill is almost certainly going to be a failure in the congress. For the sake of our nation and future healthcare system we can only hope this monstrous failure of a healthcare plan will end up in the same trash heap Hillarycare ended up in 1993.

I'm referencing the Baucus Bill will fail because it focuses on Co-ops, not public opt's and will still enrich the Ins co's. Rep's are a shoe in to vote no on any Healthcare proposels unless it enriches their Corperate sponsors and lobbiest leaches. Certainly not for the sake of the nation.

Its called mathematics. I know you don't appear to be well educated, but some people can take numbers, run them through whats called a "formula" and come out with a generally good guestimation as to what cap and trade will cost us. Although I fully expect you to retort on how you are proud to be a "math maroon" and how I am somehow a bad person for trying to explain this to you. Too bad cap and trade has nothing to do with global warming as much as it does to increase government tax revenues.

Your parents should be refunded your college tuition money, because if my kid came home with an education like yours, I'd slap the snot out of him and get him a job driving a truck at UPS. Oh what a minute, you do drive a truck at UPS with all that untapped education of yours. :slap:How silly of me.

Your brilliant Conservative mathamatical formula's conveniently omits the X factor that can't be predicted, so it is not fully captured by the models of future costs.
What you didn't go into were the possibilities that could change the game for cap-and-trade and sell your guestimations as truth to power.
A new report from the Union of Concerned Scientists shows the kind of arguments they need to emphasize. It's full of concrete examples of costs Americans may have to pay for if nothing is done about climate change.
Keep pretending to be a climate scientist and an a closet economist, you know it's Halloween soon, I'll get you a Lab Coat, a pocket protector, and a calculator, so when you pass judgment on the accuracy of these predictions, I'll take you more seriously. But it is hard for me to believe that anyone can guess with much reliability what the world will look like ten, fifty, one hundred years down the road. Not just in terms of temperature predictions, but in terms of the level of technology development that will mitigate these potential costs.


Well-Known Member
BaBa....Care to be a little more vague. What fact and questions are you trying to express ?

I wouldn't put too much stock in light-hearted moments. Anyway, there are too many posters here mis-representing this Adm and mis-informing the general public, and jumping to wild inprobable conclusions early in this term. I'm not a big fan of speculation and conjecture. How convienient it is for the Right Wing GOP hijackers to selectively forget their role in throwing this Adm into a meatgrinder from day one. Now they have the galls to intefere with repairations with a mutiny-like intention to see this Adm fails just as bad as it's predecessor for political gain. It's pretty much sickening IMO...:peaceful:
:sad-little: As you are forced to keep your thermostat down, drive a mini car and have to accept that an additional portion of the money you work so hard for will go to government waste ---I am not surprised that you believe his opposite actions for what he wants us to do is light hearted !!!


Van Jones is gone. ACORN is finished. The public option is on the way out. I kinda like being in a minority party, lost in the woods without a leader.


Well-Known Member
In case you haven't noticed Jefro, we poor slobs put our pants on one leg at a time, just like the wealthy slobs. The fact that private companies do not hold themselves accountable, and the fact that these deadly sins eventually come back and cost the taxpayers billions. The conclusion your cowaring over is CHIOCE ! It's a volunteer tax, not a mandate. You play you pay.

Incase you haven't noticed we used to live in a free country. Free to drink sugary drinks, free to eat salty snacks, free to enjoy a high calorie content fast food burgers. All of these will be taxed as a feel good measure to the government's intrusion into our lives based on its interest in our health care. All this really comes down to are people like yourself willing to trade a little freedom, for little to no security, and we all know what Ben Franklin had to say on that subject.

Your parents should be refunded your college tuition money, because if my kid came home with an education like yours, I'd slap the snot out of him and get him a job driving a truck at UPS. Oh what a minute, you do drive a truck at UPS with all that untapped education of yours. :slap:How silly of me.
I suppose a true education to you is to learn to be whining liberal like yourself, but if that were true I would be no smarter than you.

Your brilliant Conservative mathamatical formula's conveniently omits the X factor that can't be predicted, so it is not fully captured by the models of future costs.
What you didn't go into were the possibilities that could change the game for cap-and-trade and sell your guestimations as truth to power.

Thats funny, mathematical formulas are neither conservative nor liberal, they are the truth. Even Obama has admitted that under cap and trade electricity rates would skyrocket. Why can't you admit this simple fact?

A new report from the Union of Concerned Scientists shows the kind of arguments they need to emphasize. It's full of concrete examples of costs Americans may have to pay for if nothing is done about climate change.

The climate has always changed. It has changed for eons before we existed, and will continue to change during and after our existence. To think we have the power to change it to our liking, or that we have influence on it due to our current lifestyles is both naive and shortsighted. Its a false science hijacked by those who wish to control our lives. Before I was even born everyone was frightened about an upcoming ice age, and when I was in school it was all about global warming, and even today top level global warming proponents are changing their tune and saying the earth is cooling(Click me) Nobody really knows whats going on regarding future climate changes, but that doesn't seem to stop liberals like yourself cheering on the liberals in Congress to raise taxes in order to control even more of our lives than they do already.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
As far as 'sin taxes', if you insist on using tobacco, you should pay extra for the health care that you will need in the future that is provided by the government. Even if you health care is not provided by the government, as I'm sure you have refused your medicare benefits, you raise the costs of everyone else in your private pool by your reckless behavior. This is America, so you are allowed to be reckless, but don't ask me to subsidize your reckless lifestyle.
This sounds wonderful. So that means we are finally going to make all welfare recipients take drug tests to receive their entitlements? This means I will no longer, with my tax dollars, have to support someone elses reckless behavior?
Yes this is America, and if one chooses to be reckless, it is their right, still. Tobacco is still legal.
Cocaine, marijuana, heroin, meth are not, I think those people should be punished first and only.
How about sin tax on the bottled water people who fill landfills with their plastic .
And how about we determine at the counter if someone is too fat for a Whopper?
How about we remove candy and pop from the list of eligible items on the food stamp caravan, since we pay for the teeth and the future obesity of these people?
How about we curtail all sporting events using Gasoline, such as Nascar, tractor pulls, Saturday night at the dirt track, Snowmobile racing, after all no one needs these things, its just entertainment. It is just what people do with their leisure time.
How about the President go about the job of providing for defense, and leave the rest alone, its been just fine.


Well-Known Member
Government = Free markets
Government = Competitive
Government = Lower prices

Are all oxymorons... We are probably sitting on the biggest bubble of all time. The stock market, housing, durable goods are all being inflated by government interference. By basicly a zero fed interest rate, tax credits, and programs like CFC.

This government interference almost always does more harm than good. They never get the exit strategy right. The exiting of this interference will give markets a long hangover at the very least.


Well-Known Member
[/B]Incase you haven't noticed we used to live in a free country. Free to drink sugary drinks, free to eat salty snacks, free to enjoy a high calorie content fast food burgers. All of these will be taxed as a feel good measure to the government's intrusion into our lives based on its interest in our health care. All this really comes down to are people like yourself willing to trade a little freedom, for little to no security, and we all know what Ben Franklin had to say on that subject.

Willing to trade a little freedom? Oh you mean fear mongering people like yourself supporting the Patriot Act, FISA. and wireless wiretapping. Gov't intrution? Is anybody stopping you from your coke, salty french fries, and dbl quarter pounder w/ cheese ? Cause there not stopping people in communist China neither. You know, because of whiny anti-gov't/anti-establishment saps like yourself, many our children have become fat and lazy, heading on a H'way to Hell towards chronic diseases, instead of educating and introducing phyiscal fitness in our youth's everyday lives...But like your side says, that resembles Hitler's youth camps. You and Michele Bachman are two peas in a pod.

[/B]I suppose a true education to you is to learn to be whining liberal like yourself, but if that were true I would be no smarter than you.

A true education are those able to decipher trumped up, paranoid delusions oozing out of the 24 hr right wing news cycle.....First lesson, learn the true definitions of words like Socialist, Communist, Marxist, Fascist....Then apply them to our Constitution and define our Gov't as a whole entity, of one of those terms above. An educated Republican, most likely left the party, and should have been throwning Tea Parties years ago during the Bush Adm....

[/B]Thats funny, mathematical formulas are neither conservative nor liberal, they are the truth. Even Obama has admitted that under cap and trade electricity rates would skyrocket. Why can't you admit this simple fact?

Mathematical formulas tell the story by who plugs the numbers in and X factors. Perfect example.....The 9/12 tea party...You, Glen Beck, and Michele Mailkin seem to be the ones plugging in your mathematical formula's to come up with 2 million and concluding that as

Back to Cap and Trade.....Take it from a real expert, not some late afternoon Fox news cry-baby entertainer.

[/B]The climate has always changed. It has changed for eons before we existed, and will continue to change during and after our existence. To think we have the power to change it to our liking, or that we have influence on it due to our current lifestyles is both naive and shortsighted. Its a false science hijacked by those who wish to control our lives. Before I was even born everyone was frightened about an upcoming ice age, and when I was in school it was all about global warming, and even today top level global warming proponents are changing their tune and saying the earth is cooling(Click me) Nobody really knows whats going on regarding future climate changes, but that doesn't seem to stop liberals like yourself cheering on the liberals in Congress to raise taxes in order to control even more of our lives than they do already.

It says alot, when people like you, who claim mathematical formula's are the truth, which is applied into scientific analysis, don't believe in this stuff, and throw the majority of scientific consensus out the window as soon as it leads to policy conclusions you don’t like?

This sounds wonderful. So that means we are finally going to make all welfare recipients take drug tests to receive their entitlements? This means I will no longer, with my tax dollars, have to support someone elses reckless behavior?
Yes this is America, and if one chooses to be reckless, it is their right, still. Tobacco is still legal.
Cocaine, marijuana, heroin, meth are not, I think those people should be punished first and only.
How about sin tax on the bottled water people who fill landfills with their plastic .
And how about we determine at the counter if someone is too fat for a Whopper?
How about we remove candy and pop from the list of eligible items on the food stamp caravan, since we pay for the teeth and the future obesity of these people?
How about we curtail all sporting events using Gasoline, such as Nascar, tractor pulls, Saturday night at the dirt track, Snowmobile racing, after all no one needs these things, its just entertainment. It is just what people do with their leisure time.
How about the President go about the job of providing for defense, and leave the rest alone, its been just fine.

Tooner, While we are at it.....Lets drug test all well-to-do suburban kids. I'm tiring of my tax dollars paying police overtime on the war on drugs. Only to have these kids on the streets the next day. Lets just drug test one class of people, it's the American way, isn't it ?

I have no problem if one chooses to be reckless, like the X-games, because the end result usally results in the daredevil being effected. But your example of recklessness with tobacco, effects innocent people in a confined area. The EPA has classified secondhand smoke as a Group A carcinogen. Alcohol is legal, but using it recklessly effects millions of innocent people from phyical death and injury to emotional scars and broken families. Yet there's no talk of banning alcohol, just free marketeers complaining it's regulated to much. So instead of demonizing the big bad Gov't is raising your Whopper from $2 dollars to $2.25 and your bottled water 10 cents, bring your lunch from home and refill your water bottles with filtered tap water...:wink2:
BTW....Sporting and Racing events are already curtailed by the price of tickets vs the profitability determined to be made...

LOL...None of our Military Ind Complex war mongering supporters are touching this one Wkmac. And Acorn's subsudized funds are a drop in the bucket compared to AmorGroup and LM/NG. If your going to punish Acorn for a few bad apples, lets be consistent and revoke funding for these Org's. Or is this one big fat political witchhunt......Good point as always wkmac