Global warming


Well-Known Member
Classic deflection. Since there are no reliable records pre-1880, just toss the science.

I can hardly wait until Christian creationists discover human children kept dinosaurs as pets.

whaaaat? You're really claiming that nothing that happened prior to 1880 is relevant? No wonder you are so gullible.


Well-Known Member
Well as I said many times you are more than welcome to post links to scientists supporting your position that have not government connections if funding sources trump science for you.

No one said that except you.

whaaaat? You're really claiming that nothing that happened prior to 1880 is relevant? No wonder you are so gullible.

Once again, no one said that except you. You twist others statements in nearly every response you make. I suppose if you can't argue a point, you just make up something that fits your narrative. Reality is obviously different for you than it is for normal people.


Engorged Member
They were post 1880.

When I think of you, I envision a lead block. Soft (as in soft-headed), but impenetrable by the rays of logic and common sense. Gee, what was happening wholesale post-1880? Why, that would be massive industrialization, with an exponential rise in the use of fossil fuels.


Well-Known Member
When I think of you, I envision a lead block. Soft (as in soft-headed), but impenetrable by the rays of logic and common sense. Gee, what was happening wholesale post-1880? Why, that would be massive industrialization, with an exponential rise in the use of fossil fuels.

Which is the only reason that you wish to exclude all data prior even though, as I am sure that you do not realize, it's the same science that is used for some the post 1880 numbers.


Well-Known Member
No one said that except you.

Once again, no one said that except you. You twist others statements in nearly every response you make. I suppose if you can't argue a point, you just make up something that fits your narrative. Reality is obviously different for you than it is for normal people.

Why are you posting for someone else?

Reality is reality. Science is science. I understand it doesn't fit the narrative that you try to spin which is why you cry about irrelevant things while refusing to hold yourself to the standards that you hold others.


Well-Known Member
Why are you posting for someone else?

Why do you twist posters words to fit your narrative?

Reality is reality. Science is science. I understand it doesn't fit the narrative that you try to spin which is why you cry about irrelevant things while refusing to hold yourself to the standards that you hold others.
There you go again.

Which of Judith Curry's claims would you like me to rebut? There is an entire litany of falsehoods and misconceptions that she has published, and I'm not about to spend the next year rebutting all of them, so pick one.


Well-Known Member
So, you do not wish to address the Global Warming topic at all, but instead make a thinly veiled ad hominem?

I've addressed the Global Warming topic to death. It's not my fault that you can't come to terms with it. You refuse to acknowledge the science behind it and resort to name calling. That is not my fault either. I can do that with you as well if you like. I've linked to somewhere in the neighborhood of thirty published papers in the thread by multiple sources all claiming different things. All you can talk about is the funding and the one you attack the most has been funded millions of dollars from government sources. That is funny no matter how you look at it. You cry and whine and moan but in the end it is very apparent that you cannot back up your position that it is a settled science.

Funding sources and grants that you question.

  • Impact of Marine and Dust Aerosols on Atlantic Tropical Cyclone Development. NSF, $349,901, 4/1/11-3/31/14 (co-PI).

  • Impact of Aerosols on the Arctic Hydrological Cycle. NASA, 06/01/07-05/31/10, $480,000 (co-PI).

  • Spatio-temporal Variability of Aerosol Load in the Tropics: Interaction with Precipitation and the Radiation Budget. NOAA, 5/01/08-4/30/11, $366,000 (co-PI)

  • Towards the Understanding and Parameterization of High Latitude Cloud and Radiation Processes. DOE ARM, 12/01/02-11/30/08, $720,000 (PI)

  • Global analysis of ocean surface fluxes of heat and freshwater: satellite products, NWP analyses, and CMIP simulations. NASA, 10/1/05-9/30/10, $1.4M (PI).

  • Parameterization of cloud particle activation and diffusional growth. NASA, 11/05-10/08, $450,000.

  • UAV Systems Analysis for Earth Observations: Education and Outreach. NASA, 3/05-3/08,

    $350,000 (PI)

  • Arctic Regional Climate Model Intercomparison Project: Evaluation and Interpretation Using Data

    Products from FIRE.ACE. NASA, 12/03-12/07, $525,000. (PI)

  • Applications of Aerosondes to long-term measurements of the atmosphere and sea ice surface in the

    Beaufort/Chukchi sector of the Arctic Ocean, NSF, 9/1/99-8/31/06, $3,997,402. (PI)

  • Climate variability of the Alaskan North Slope Coastal Region: Observations, simulations, and

    integrated assessment, NSF/NOAA, 1/1/01-1/1/05, $2,404,308 (Co-PI)


Well-Known Member
I never brought up funding until you whined about it.

You need to work on your pivot.

Those are Judith Curry's curriculum research grants. What point are you trying to make? That she takes money from both the government and 'Big Oil'? Or that the only study she has done in 5 years is on aerosols (man made?) that may have an effect on oil drilling operations in hurricane prone areas?