lol, I must have been tired. I apologize. I gave you some reps. peace out. lolDude,were not on the same page.. "friend" word (figuratively) was a quote originated from the last sentence of Moreluck's fictional letter;
[Quote-Moreluck's fictional letter;
"So that's it. God bless what's left of America. Some of you know what I mean. The rest of you, * off.]
That quote goes back to the original letter that started this thread...I acknowledge your concern but would like my credibility restore.
I was'nt happy with that post niether.
Hey Tie, would you change if they through in Janet Reno(?he/she?)? or whatever the hell it was.lolRoflmao.
Ann coulter or Rosie .
Yep , I'll definitely be a conservative with those choices.![]()
quote; "An excellent piece by a person who does not write for a living. Sent with the author's permission."
Normally, I start these things out by saying "My Fellow Americans." Not doing it this time. you're really not fellow Americans any longer."
Tell that to the dead soldiers family who are Democrats.
Haha yea a democratic soldier...thats a good one!Thats probably like what? one out of every three hundred guys we have over there right now?
Tyipically,Democratic Party remains strong among blue collar working class whites/union whites, African Americans, Hispanics, while GOP support has swelled among hard line christians, nonunion whites, white collar, well-educated high income professionals, small-business men, managers and corporate executives.
Having established that;
George W. Bush and his cronies insist that there are no similarities between their current war in Iraq and America's long and disastrous intervention in Vietnam. While these two wars are actually similar in several respects, there is one crucial difference. Unlike Vietnam, the US armed forces deployed to Iraq are almost entirely drawn from America's working class and its underemployed. For example, only four members of Congress had a child serving in the US military in 2004.
A survey of the American military's endlessly compiled and analyzed demographics paints a picture of a fighting force that is anything but a cross section of America. With minorities overrepresented and the wealthy and the underclass essentially absent, with political conservatism ascendant in the officer corps and Northeasterners fading from the ranks, America's 1.4 million-strong military seems to resemble the makeup of a two-year commuter or trade school outside Birmingham or Biloxi.
It's just not fair that the people that we ask to fight our wars are people who join the military because of economic conditions, because they have fewer options," said Representative Charles B. Rangel, a Democrat from Manhattan and a Korean War veteran who is calling for restoring the draft.
The most important factor pushing working class families to the center of the Iraq war debate has been the abolition of the draft and the shift to an "all volunteer" military.
When he orchestrated the end of conscription in 1973, Nixon likely intended to insulate middle and upper class children from death and injury in future wars. (2) If those called to fight are far removed from those wielding political power, then elected officials can passively support unpopular military interventions without fearing much constituent pressure. Further, the death or wounding of a "volunteer" can be rationalized merely the risk he or she assumed in exchange for receiving the benefits of the enlistment contract.
Stop Smoking and listening to conservative talk shows Towely (both kills brain cells) and read;
Why make statements that are full of
Mr. Hankey
WOW! You honestly think that the G.I.s deployed during the Vietnam War, during which most were drafted, were not from the working class?! LOL! Now that has to be one of the funniest things I've heard in a long time.
Not what I said and you know it.But you agree,the Military deployed GI's mostly from democratics(working class) families.Exactly the point I was making to Towely's Conservative rhetoric;
Towely said:Haha yea a democratic soldier...thats a good one!Thats probably like what? one out of every three hundred guys we have over there right now
Maybe this will clear up your confusion Big A;
Due to the draft the Vietnam-era military consisted of a more representative cross section of society than the one we have today.Todays Military,has become almost entirely working class and poor, the present military has changed in in other ways as well. For one thing, it's much smaller, having shrunk from 2.1 million active duty GIs at the end of the first Gulf War in 1991 to just 1.4 million today. This downsizing has meant that Reserve and National Guard troops have had to be activated to shoulder much of the combat burden in Iraq. About 35% of the U.S. troops currently serving in Iraq are reservists. Another big change from the past is that female soldiers now make up 15% of the total force and serve in most military jobs--except for some involving combat.
The most important factor pushing working class families to the center of the Iraq war debate has been the abolition of the draft and the shift to an "all volunteer" military.
Their you go with your make believe Conservative mumble jumble statements when anybody disagrees with you.Big Arrow said:If the military is mostly made up of the working class and minorities then so what?And tyipically which party represents the working class and minorities? Democrats,but you label us all liberals anyway.
I'm sick of Liberals crying about the fact that there isn't "enough" of the Congressmens' kids in uniform.Sick of the truth? So am I!
Maybe that's because most of them raised their kids to do well in school and set goals for themselves so that when they finish high school their only options wouldn't be working on an assembly line or joining the military.You mean shielding and hiding their kids from the Military.If the draft is reinstated,NOBODY should be exempt college kids ,and even congressman's kids.
Liberals tend to confuse working hard, earning things, and bettering one's self to succeed in whatever they do with being "fortunate." And that is why they call anyone that is in the working class, or even lower, as being "unfortunate." Personal responsibility must have died among Liberals years ago.
Personal responsibility,tell that to Bush and Chaney
brazenbrownI do think Mr. Hankey makes a good spokesperson for the democratic party!!
Most people will vote for Mr. Hankey than ANY Republican Candidate in 2008.
Afterall, they're so full of it!!
What a bunch of turds!!
From all the crap the Reps/Cons feed us, Washington is turning into a septic tank.Time to clean it up
Geez, next we'll try to band talk shows that give a different viewpoint...Where's the ACLU now!!
You might be surprised alot of Dems/Libs are against banning any talk radio,even the mind control,brain washing,tell you how to think programs conservatives listen to.
WOW! You honestly think that the G.I.s deployed during the Vietnam War, during which most were drafted, were not from the working class?! LOL! Now that has to be one of the funniest things I've heard in a long time.
Not what I said and you know it.But you agree,the Military deployed GI's mostly from democratics(working class) families.Exactly the point I was making to Towely's Conservative rhetoric;
Towely said:Haha yea a democratic soldier...thats a good one!Thats probably like what? one out of every three hundred guys we have over there right now
Maybe this will clear up your confusion Big A;
Due to the draft the Vietnam-era military consisted of a more representative cross section of society than the one we have today.Todays Military,has become almost entirely working class and poor, the present military has changed in in other ways as well. For one thing, it's much smaller, having shrunk from 2.1 million active duty GIs at the end of the first Gulf War in 1991 to just 1.4 million today. This downsizing has meant that Reserve and National Guard troops have had to be activated to shoulder much of the combat burden in Iraq. About 35% of the U.S. troops currently serving in Iraq are reservists. Another big change from the past is that female soldiers now make up 15% of the total force and serve in most military jobs--except for some involving combat.
The most important factor pushing working class families to the center of the Iraq war debate has been the abolition of the draft and the shift to an "all volunteer" military.
Their you go with your make believe Conservative mumble jumble statements when anybody disagrees with you.
Personal responsibility,tell that to Bush and Chaney
brazenbrownI do think Mr. Hankey makes a good spokesperson for the democratic party!!
Most people will vote for Mr. Hankey than ANY Republican Candidate in 2008.
Afterall, they're so full of it!!
What a bunch of turds!!
From all the crap the Reps/Cons feed us, Washington is turning into a septic tank.Time to clean it up
Geez, next we'll try to band talk shows that give a different viewpoint...Where's the ACLU now!!
You might be surprised alot of Dems/Libs are against banning any talk radio,even the mind control,brain washing,tell you how to think programs conservatives listen to.
WOW! You honestly think that the G.I.s deployed during the Vietnam War, during which most were drafted, were not from the working class?! LOL! Now that has to be one of the funniest things I've heard in a long time.
Not what I said and you know it.But you agree,the Military deployed GI's mostly from democratics(working class) families.Exactly the point I was making to Towely's Conservative rhetoric;
Towely said:Haha yea a democratic soldier...thats a good one!Thats probably like what? one out of every three hundred guys we have over there right now
Maybe this will clear up your confusion Big A;
Due to the draft the Vietnam-era military consisted of a more representative cross section of society than the one we have today.Todays Military,has become almost entirely working class and poor, the present military has changed in in other ways as well. For one thing, it's much smaller, having shrunk from 2.1 million active duty GIs at the end of the first Gulf War in 1991 to just 1.4 million today. This downsizing has meant that Reserve and National Guard troops have had to be activated to shoulder much of the combat burden in Iraq. About 35% of the U.S. troops currently serving in Iraq are reservists. Another big change from the past is that female soldiers now make up 15% of the total force and serve in most military jobs--except for some involving combat.
The most important factor pushing working class families to the center of the Iraq war debate has been the abolition of the draft and the shift to an "all volunteer" military.
Their you go with your make believe Conservative mumble jumble statements when anybody disagrees with you.
Personal responsibility,tell that to Bush and Chaney
brazenbrownI do think Mr. Hankey makes a good spokesperson for the democratic party!!
Most people will vote for Mr. Hankey than ANY Republican Candidate in 2008.
Afterall, they're so full of it!!
What a bunch of turds!!
From all the crap the Reps/Cons feed us, Washington is turning into a septic tank.Time to clean it up
Geez, next we'll try to band talk shows that give a different viewpoint...Where's the ACLU now!!
You might be surprised alot of Dems/Libs are against banning any talk radio,even the mind control,brain washing,tell you how to think programs conservatives listen to.
And what exactly was your point of pointing out the tax brackets of the G.I.s in todays military? Are the rest of the people in this country supposed to feel guilty? The draft during the Vietnam war did ensure that there was a wide variety of people serving but the fact remains that most draftees were between 18-21 and were out of high school and not in college and working menial jobs. That definately put them in the "working class" or "poor." category. And you mentioned that our military was scaled down after the Gulf War. And then that there are more reservists deployed now. Well, the two go hand in hand because of your boy Bill Clinton. Yep. You can think him for a reduction in force size as well as the indoctrination of the ever popular "Don't ask...Don't tell" Policy. And no one said the Libs were trying to ban talk radio. But it is obvious they are trying to ban Conservative Talk Radio. Why? Because nobody wanted to listen to their whacko programming so the only way to "level the playing field" is to try and get conservatives off the airwaves.
Do you always answer the difficult questions so defensively? Do you disguise your weakness by posting disparaging remarks as questions? I guess so.![]()
Most people will vote for Mr. Hankey than ANY Republican Candidate in 2008.
From all the crap the Reps/Cons feed us, Washington is turning into a septic tank.Time to clean it up
You might be surprised alot of Dems/Libs are against banning any talk radio,even the mind control,brain washing,tell you how to think programs conservatives listen to.
A good example of your mind on drugs!
Did you realize that the ratings for the newly elected democratic majority congress are the lowest ever, yes even lower that Bush's munipulated media ratings! You're right time to clean it up starting with the likes of Reid, Kennedy and Pelosi!!
You mean the non-agenda, think for yourself, thank God there's hope when the whole rest of the media is selling itself out group!!![]()