Global warming


Engorged Member
I don't recall where anyone said that it was. El Nino is causing our brown Christmas.

It was below freezing here today, which proves global warming isn't real. This is the essence of the plausible doubt philosophy of the Right, which takes isolated events and applies them as fact, ignoring the overall trend data and the fact that the rise in temperatures since the onset of the Industrial Revolution are indisputable, except, of course, by the usual suspects.


golden ticket member
How do you explain the ice amounts that are more than they were suppose to be.....The climate is just not cooperating with the global warming nuts!!


golden ticket member
What on this planet are you talking about?


acquired 1981 - 2013


Well-Known Member
It was below freezing here today, which proves global warming isn't real. This is the essence of the plausible doubt philosophy of the Right, which takes isolated events and applies them as fact, ignoring the overall trend data and the fact that the rise in temperatures since the onset of the Industrial Revolution are indisputable, except, of course, by the usual suspects.

I just enjoyed a mild balmy peak. if this is global warming I love it.


Well-Known Member
I think climate change is more on the lines of the old Buddhist principal of CAUSE AND EFFECT.

I think it would be better if they described it that way. Most people can accept that we need to keep our environment clean.

But creating an alleged climate crisis when the scientific evidence does not support it is losing support for this clean up effort.