Global warming

Brown echo

If u are not alive than for sure truth is not real


Engorged Member
The Bible is a story book. Global warming is a futuristic farce. We need a time machine to predict it accurately.

Hmmm. The globe has warmed during the last 100 years at a rate that would take hundreds of thousands of years if this was a "climate cycle". That alone should trigger alarms. Glaciers are melting off all over the world, and many cities, including several in Florida, are already prepping for rising sea levels. Some already have to pump the seawater off the flooded streets and are raising foundations.

Yep, sounds like a Liberal farce. Damned science.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Hmmm. The globe has warmed during the last 100 years at a rate that would take hundreds of thousands of years if this was a "climate cycle". That alone should trigger alarms. Glaciers are melting off all over the world, and many cities, including several in Florida, are already prepping for rising sea levels. Some already have to pump the seawater off the flooded streets and are raising foundations.

Yep, sounds like a Liberal farce. Damned science.
And what if you’re as wrong about global warming as you were about Russian collusion?


Well-Known Member
Science is science. Political intrigue is not.

Only an idiot would compare the two.

You don't seem to understand, not everyone accepts your computer generated models as science.

I personally think, or believe it is actually just that, a fabrication for global political purposes. If that defines me as an idiot in you book, so be it. I'll wear the moniker proudly.

Science is definite and can be quantified with a known outcome. All the hoaxers can offer is a prediction based on the garbage fed into a computer that produces a desired set of outcomes, models. We've been fed these predictions for at least 50 years.


Well-Known Member
Hmmm. The globe has warmed during the last 100 years at a rate that would take hundreds of thousands of years if this was a "climate cycle". That alone should trigger alarms. Glaciers are melting off all over the world, and many cities, including several in Florida, are already prepping for rising sea levels. Some already have to pump the seawater off the flooded streets and are raising foundations.

Yep, sounds like a Liberal farce. Damned science.

or exactly 1.4 degrees to be exact . really impressive.

Temperature Change Over the Last 100 Years