Global warming

El Correcto

god is dead
If more students knew about the Minimum High School diploma option, there would be fewer dropouts | Opinion | Dallas News

Here’s an article about what I did. I went to an alternative school for kids with jobs and pregnant teen moms. At risk teens who were bound to drop out. I was 1 grade behind and about to flunk another. I never went to highschool, I would show up late to my first class and then to my second class. Two tardies and they would suspend me. I got sent to court of truancy and plead not guilty never paid a fine or appear in court again. After that I bothered to show up and just get suspended repeatedly so it was the schools fault I wasn’t there.

I loathed highschool, my electives were smoking weed, selling weed and playing video games.


Inordinately Right
I really did graduate a couple months early. I don’t remember how early. I believe it was in March.
You said you were taken to court for truancy and forced to go to an alternative schooling program where they just gave you a packet of work to do.

You've made your opinion here clear that you do not place value on education. This seems to be a growing trend with Republicans. Your denial about climate change is a symptom of that.

Carry on.

El Correcto

god is dead
You said you were taken to court for truancy and forced to go to an alternative schooling program where they just gave you a packet of work to do.

You've made your opinion here clear that you do not place value on education. This seems to be a growing trend with Republicans. Your denial about climate change is a symptom of that.

Carry on.
What denial the climate changes all the time.
Global cooling - Wikipedia

I mean cmon, I might not be educated but I’m intelligent. I earned a PhD in detecting bull:censored2: and calling people on their wolf tickets.

El Correcto

god is dead
I love how the answer to the scientists findings that they fund is to always expand their power for top down government reform.

Massive expansion.

El Correcto

god is dead
You should probably read that.
I’m not saying the planet isn’t warming. I’m saying there is a lot of hyperbole and not a good return on our billions worth of investment into the problem. Why aren’t we funding more people trying to pull carbon dioxide from the air? Why do we have to pump billions into these privately run green energy companies? Why are the scientists always suggesting top down government reform instead of coming up with a real do able solution that won’t tank the global economy? Why is it considered a good idea to do more damage to the global economy now than to let climate change do less damage while we figure out something more attainable?

These aren’t denials, these are arguments against the government and scientists proposed solutions and a cynical view of where money is coming from for this research, who stand to gain from current proposals at the costs of others.


Engorged Member
You said you were taken to court for truancy and forced to go to an alternative schooling program where they just gave you a packet of work to do.

You've made your opinion here clear that you do not place value on education. This seems to be a growing trend with Republicans. Your denial about climate change is a symptom of that.

Carry on.
Exactly. The GOP wants them uneducated. Easier to sell the narrative, which is a lie. Wrong is a great example.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
I’m not saying the planet isn’t warming. I’m saying there is a lot of hyperbole and not a good return on our billions worth of investment into the problem. Why aren’t we funding more people trying to pull carbon dioxide from the air? Why do we have to pump billions into these privately run green energy companies? Why are the scientists always suggesting top down government reform instead of coming up with a real do able solution that won’t tank the global economy? Why is it considered a good idea to do more damage to the global economy now than to let climate change do less damage while we figure out something more attainable?

These aren’t denials, these are arguments against the government and scientists proposed solutions and a cynical view of where money is coming from for this research, who stand to gain from current proposals at the costs of others.
Ya, cheap energy that doesn’t require the acquisition of fuel will totally tank the global economy!

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Global warming has very little to no fact. It’s a PSEUDOSCIENCE.
Global warming seems to be factual ... the question is what are the effects of global warming and how much, if any, is directly attributable to humans.

The 'Global Warming' is a different subject.
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Well-Known Member
Global warming seems to be factual ... the question is what are the effects of global warming and how much, if any, is directly attributable to humans.

The Global Warming is a different subject.
Yes, it is factual that the earth warms up and cools down. Lucky our co2 ppm is going in the direction of sustaining life.