All iof a sudden Ford is soo good, eh ? Fix or repair daily !
Even in German they have a Ford joke : Ford Fahren, Fort Schmeissen !
Showing your true colors again i see...bashing a American success story that survived without govt assistance. Like GM cars have always been great...your hittin that "Likor" really hard tonight.
Personally, (so it is personal then) I like GM products. I have a Grand Prix in my garage. Nothing wrong with GM products, in my opinion.
Sure...LMAO!!!! That is why there is no more Pontiac...LMAO!!!!! Nothing wrong there.![]()
Where is the Ford Tempo or the Mercury ?
Turnaround intact: GM posts Q2 profit of $891mil
by John Neff (RSS feed) on Jul 31st 2007 at 12:08PM
WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Treasury Department said Monday it will lose $1.6 billion on a loan made to Chrysler in early 2009. Taxpayer losses from bailing out Chrysler and General Motors are expected to rise as high as $34 billion, congressional auditors have said.
CEO Ed Whitacre has predicted a full-year profit as U.S. auto sales continue their slow recovery. That could lead to a public sale of GM's stock and full repayment of the $50 billion in U.S. government aid that stopped GM from going under last year. The U.S. government now owns 61 percent of the company.
The automaker has repaid a total of $6.7 million to the government from TARP funds. The Obama administration hopes to get back the remaining $43 billion by selling its stake.
For taxpayers to break even by selling the government's remaining investment, the total dollar value of GM's outstanding shares, or market capitalization, would have to reach about $70 billion after an IPO. That's nearly double the size of Ford Motor Co.'s current market cap.
Not just the Messiah...the whole crappy govt...yes Obama is a idiot but so are most the politicians running this country.How you can turn positive news into negative news, doesn't surprise me.
Ummmmmmm....ur a Liberal Canadian so your brain is wired different so you dont understand...or you tanked on "Likor" again.
Just last month, I posted GM would turn a profit soon. Ofcourse you didn't believe that, either did any other of your tea-party bc'lers on here.
So if they turned a profit then maybe they could pay back my tax money to me and my fellow American tax payers...INSTEAD OF TAKING MONEY FROM TAX MONEY TO PAY BACK MY TAX MONEY!!!! Here again from the CBO: Taxpayer losses from bailing out Chrysler and General Motors are expected to rise as high as $34 billion, congressional auditors have said. I dont expect you to understand this though cause your a LIBERAL CANADIAN who sucks of your own tax many of our American freeloaders.
You probably don't even know GM has the largest marketshare in China.
Wow!!! Thats when are they going to pay me back? Do i get a free Ponti-crap? Oh wait they about a Sa-turd-n....Oh wait they failed...How about a Old-folks-mobile...Oh wait they failed...maybe a Hummer...Oh wait they failed too.
And is making huge profits there.
Thats great for China...what a great American company. LMAO!!!!
But, for all I care, I hope people like you keep resisting GM, so it can move out of the USA, just make the north american models in Canada and overseas.
Im resisting buying a Chebby??? I cant buy a Ford who did not get my tax dollars who are buliding great Ameican cars. Do i have to buy a GM...would that make me more of an American? Please explain oh great Canadian "Likor" man...LMAO!!!!
Just like DHL moved out.
DHL could not handle the heat so they got out of the kitchen. What is your point...we should have used DHL instead of UPS or FDX? So if someones product sucks or they mismanage the company we should bail them out or buy their crappy products anyway? Again does the "Likor" flow freely in your veins tonight?
Then blame it on the president, while Americans didn't want those GM jobs, and boycotted the company.
How you can turn positive news into negative news, doesn't surprise me.
Just last month, I posted GM would turn a profit soon. Ofcourse you didn't believe that, either did any other of your tea-party bc'lers on here.
You probably don't even know GM has the largest marketshare in China.
And is making huge profits there.
But, for all I care, I hope people like you keep resisting GM, so it can move out of the USA, just make the north american models in Canada and overseas.
Just like DHL moved out.
Then blame it on the president, while Americans didn't want those GM jobs, and boycotted the company.
(it's commen sense, if you don't sell a product in a country, you close that division).
I hope your new leader Sarah Palin, (the one that costed the republican party it's re-election loss), will do good for you.
A day late and a dollar short. GM took over a year longer than their privately owned competition to turn a profit. Considering how badly their pensions are underfunded this will not be the last time GM will need a government bailout. In the long run it would have been cheaper to let them fail.
So, letting them fail would have helped the pension fund ? Those retirees won't be the excemption to get thier pensions cut. Just look at UPS.
The over generosity of american companies and the government in the past is comming to an end. You know the old saying : Payback is a b.i.t.c.h.
Something the younger and most of the current generation will need to go thru.
Example Greece... was nice to retire at age 55.
What does all this mean beside Brett, Baba and Lucy inheriting indigestion? It means the bankruptcy did what was intended. It shrunk GM to a manageable size and made it an automaker more likely to survive in a market crowded with keen Asian, European and domestic competitors. GM needed to shed brands, models, dealerships, white- and blue-collar employees, production capacity and debt to be viable and help save U.S.-based manufacturing. GM expects to remain profitable, although it's too early to predict an overall profit for 2010. If GM can pull that off, an IPO that "buys out" a portion of the government's "investment" (large enough to reduce our ownership to a minority position,) should happen by early next year.....