Time for the Government to Start Playing Fair

brown bomber

brown bomber
There is no argument here. The collapse was not caused by the Government wanting to help low income people get into affordable housing. It was caused by greedy banks like Goldman Sachs creating securities to sell, and because of that nobody cared who got a loan because they would bundle them up and sell them as securities.You could be working at Sam's club and qualify for a 150,000 loan. This created house prices to go up unrealistically and then the bubble burst.


Well-Known Member
Brown Bomber, let me give you a quick BC tutorial. When you want to reply to a post without quoting another post, simply hit reply and start typing. When you want to reply to a post and do want to quote another post, simply hit reply with quote. This will open up an open box with the quoted material included--simply type below that, preview your post, and post it. Dave.


Well-Known Member
Union and Lue,

One blames gov't and the other blames business and the truth is you are both right. Not that you will agree with all points but consider Remembering Corporate Liberalism. Auburn University Professor Roderick Long made IMO some good points and later in a Cato Unbound piece Corporations verses the Market; or, Whip Conflation Now along similar lines.

And when you thought big business is opposed to big gov't and big gov't welfare, well maybe Gerard Swope, former head of GE and the Swope Plan might make you both reconsider what you've believed about capitalism and the state. If you read down through about page 54, some of this might jump off the page in the recent healthcare deal but more important, all these ideas are going to need gov't to rubber stamp these cartelizations in order to get a compliant public to go along. Medicare came ino being via the Social Security Act of 1965' and thus the Swope legacy again.

And are we naive to think that big business isn't licking it's profit chops from Obama's sans Romney's healthcare plan not only from the direct business interest but then as it's able to shave off employer healthcare plans and free up those monies to it's profit side while the employee has to pay out of pocket and then big bidness plays the innocent and points us to gov't as the big bad wolf. You don't think that campaign and lobby money is for something good for us do you?


Well-Known Member
Seems like everybody needs a whipping boy, like a Barney Frank....We are such nieve arm-chair quarterbacks, if only we knew half the :censored2: that goes on in Wash from K Street to Wall Street....

Minting Bank Lobbyists on Capitol Hill - NYTimes.com

Good find! The documentary "The Corporation" IMO does a good job of pointing out this overwhelming influence and what was more interesting was right after the 14th amendment was passed, some 400 cases appeared in our courts under that amendment and of those nearly 400 cases, about 19 were cases involving former slaves for whom we were told the 14th amendment was for. All the other cases were on behalf of corporations who under the new citizenship language were now considered persons and the new judical law from these cases helped to propel business and specifically corporations into advantages they had never had before and would not have had without the 14th amendment. If one considers the history, one has to ask if the 14th amendment was really about corporations under the guise of helping freed slaves!