Old Man Jingles
Rat out of a cage
Typical Atheist LibTurd ... everybody else must be held accountable except themselves.The members of the Kenosha Guards militia should also be held accountable.
Typical Atheist LibTurd ... everybody else must be held accountable except themselves.The members of the Kenosha Guards militia should also be held accountable.
You're not worthy because you worship Satan and think Biden is not racist and clear-minded!The White House? I don't think I am worthy.
The White House? I don;t think I am worthy. Just a hard working American veteran who spent 22 years in service to my country.
Except the difference with you is you'll wait till your teen daughter delivers the baby and then you'll stick a fork in it and then justify it and say it's not murder , unless it's an illegal hypocrites!!!!!Until their teen daughter ends up pregnant. "What will the people at Church say?" Ship her out of town for the week to have an abortion and hold their head high. It happens all the time with the wealthy.
Well I don't get it , if you are a veteran of the military and a proud American . I cannot understand for the life of me why you would not vote for Trump . He is absolutely pro-military and have improved their health care and the equipment and weapons that they have and the technology . He is all about the military and is trying to end all the wars that have been going on for many years and you should respect and appreciate that !!!The White House? I don;t think I am worthy. Just a hard working American veteran who spent 22 years in service to my country.
Apparently from what I've been hearing there's a bunch of big-time heavy hitter lawyers that want to back this kid and be his lawyer , He will be just fine !!!He will answer for the gun charges but those homocide charges will go nowhere in trial if it even gets that far.
Every piece of evidence shows him retreating to avoid being attacked until finally cornered, with the first shot being fired by somebody else,
Self defense all the way.
Nothing here. I just wanted to write this a few times.Yourboy hero is going to prison and most likely going to die in prison soon after. At least you got your martyr. Lol
I checked for a page this morning, nothing was there. Now I find out there was one but it was taken down. I wanted to donate. I think this kid has bigger balls than any one of us. He did what a lot of us would like to do and what the police cannot do. The police can’t do their job anymore. The entire country is giving in to this bull. I could go on forever. Those idiots played and paid!!
Kadet bone spur is a coward who hid behind his daddy's money when it came time for him to serve. He is surrendering all of our paid with blood gains on the war on terrorism by conspiring with Putin. Then he tells the parents of our fallen soldiers that they got what they signed up for. Tells John McCaine that he was no hero because he let himself be captured while fly missions over North Vietnam. Didn't even have the guts to go to his funeral.Well I don't get it , if you are a veteran of the military and a proud American . I cannot understand for the life of me why you would not vote for Trump . He is absolutely pro-military and have improved their health care and the equipment and weapons that they have and the technology . He is all about the military and is trying to end all the wars that have been going on for many years and you should respect and appreciate that !!!
He is surrendering all of our paid with blood gains on the war on terrorism by conspiring with Putin.
And Joe Biden did the same.Kadet bone spur is a coward who hid behind his daddy's money when it came time for him to serve.
Yeah well he's serving now and he didn't have to . He could have lived at the rest of his life very wealthy and not get involved in this politics b**smile*t . I wouldn't have done it . I don't think some Americans appreciate it .and he's done things that past presidents have never done , including bringing home forgotten soldiers creating peace in the middle East Peace in North Korea bringing soldiers home that are tired of fighting and want to come home giving them much better health care . You are just a hater , a brainwashed CNN viewer and that would be your issue !!!Kadet bone spur is a coward who hid behind his daddy's money when it came time for him to serve. He is surrendering all of our paid with blood gains on the war on terrorism by conspiring with Putin. Then he tells the parents of our fallen soldiers that they got what they signed up for. Tells John McCaine that he was no hero because he let himself be captured while fly missions over North Vietnam. Didn't even have the guts to go to his funeral.
Trump was uninvited by the turncoat McCain family.Kadet bone spur ... Didn't even have the guts to go to McCain's funeral.
Syria. Turned his back to our Kurdish allies who suffered so much in fighting ISIS. Surrendered territory to the Russians Surrendered Iraq to Iran.What war on terrorism gains has Trump given up? Not arguing. I just need to be educated on this.
Trump is surrendering all of our paid with blood gains on the war on terrorism by conspiring with Putin.
I'm sorry you're kind of clueless Turkey did not want our help ,we have soldiers there and they said no thanks , we did not surrender to Iran we actually did the exact opposite Obama Biden surrendered to Iran we actually laid the hammer down on Iran . and all these actions are working out because all the middle East countries are starting to come together and they're recognizing that Iran is the evil country and they're joining forces and Iran will have to back off and put their weapons down !!! And that was the plan this whole time was a non-violent way to bring these people together and get rid of ISIS at the same time!!!Syria. Turned his back to our Kurdish allies who suffered so much in fighting ISIS. Surrendered territory to the Russians Surrendered Iraq to Iran.