Ah, another genius who thinks that these young kids these days are ruining everything - with no knowledge of how old I am, what the previous generations did to screw things up for the kids these days, or history for that matter...
"Our sires' age was worse than our grandsires'. We, their sons, are more
worthless than they; so in our turn we shall give the world a progeny yet more
corrupt." - Horace 20BC
Edited to add: What is funny - and dare I say truly sad about UPS - is that I was one of the only people there who did anything in the short time that I was there! Between the crappy company and the union you guys have, UPS isn't just a hub for packages, it is a revolving door for the dregs of society! And with how desperate they are, there is no way that I or anybody else would EVER be banned from that horrible company! They literally hire EVERYONE!!!