Good Quotes


golden ticket member


nowhere special
Thought for Today: "You got to look on the bright side, even if there ain't one." - Dashiell Hammett, American author (born 1894, died this date in 1961).


golden ticket member
from Stephen King....

"When I was a kid, I believed everything I was told, everything I read, and every dispatch sent out by my own overheated imagination. This made for more than a few sleepless nights, but it also filled the world....with colors and textures I would not have traded for a lifetime of restful nights."

"I do feel a little bit like Walt Disney's evil twin. After all, I'm the guy who invented the clown that eats children....But, Disney had his Stephen King side - he was the guy who gave us the forest fire in Bambi. And there's the evil queen in Snow White."

"I choose to believe in God because it makes things better. You have a meditation point, a source of strength. I don't ask myself, "Well, does God exist, or does God not exist?"
I choose to believe that God exists."


golden ticket member
"Rock bottom became the solid foundation upon which I rebuilt my life. ~J.K. Rowling~

"I don't want to be a super model; I want to be a role mode." ~Queen Latifah~

"The world is not given by our fathers, but borrowed from our children." ~Wendell Berry~


golden ticket member
from Stephen King:

Of all places in the United States, God touches Maine first with sunlight every day. Some people think it's so we'll get up early. I think it's because He likes us best."

I take a book almost everywhere. Books are the perfect entertainment: no commercials, no batteries, hours of enjoyment for each dollar spent. What I wonder is why everybody doesn't carry a book around for those inevitable dead spots in life.


golden ticket member
For one day, I would like to trade places with........

My husband, to see just how it is to live with me. I know I would learn a lot of ways to improve (Linda Lindy)
An eagle, so I could have a bird's eye view of the world. (Ray Brooks)
The Rev. Billy Graham so I can feel his faith. (Dana Good)
Bill Gates, to make a difference in education in Meridian, Idaho. (Mare Edwards)
Hugh Hefner. I love women, and pajamas are comfortable and fun. (Danny Wood)