LOL, I just re-read my post and noticed that it looks like a typical TOS post.That was funny Steve...almost as funny as the otherside's little hissy fit rant.
I don't think it's true, more, he's to "anal" to be a man whore.Again then....why is Tipper divorcing him ????
He's right up there with the 'cool' guys....tiger and Jesse!
You are kidding right? I never said I though Gore to be guilty. The only thing the article did for me was bring up Al Gore's name. My opinion of Al Gore and his activities with global warming/ climate change were not effected by this article on bit. I already knew that Gore and the vast majority of GW/CC "scientist" are full of nonsense and falsified studies.This entire quote is exactly what I was talking about in my post about this subject. The power of suggestion is so great, people will not "FACT CHECK" the information, add information that is NOT contained in the case, then render a suggestion for a outcome. The attempt was, is and will be to smear the former vice president and do somehow discredit him so people will not listen to his positions on global warming.
TRPLNKL, you said this: "If the allegations are true and he is charged and found guilty he should be punished the same as any other man that would act like this"
How ridiculous is this statement versus the facts at hand?
THIS CASE IS ALMOST 4 YEARS OLD, it was investigated and CLOSED. There is no PENDING investigation ongoing nor is there any need for any investigations as the STATUTE of LIMITATIONS has run out.
This woman was found to be a liar and lacked "credibility" by the portland police departments detectives in charge of the case.
The intention of FOX news worked in one regard, it made TRPLNL make this claim:
"To me, this is just another reason to laugh at the joke known as Al Gore"
Like I wrote, all anyone has to do is read the facts of this case , read this womans own words and you would find that the story she tells in totally unbelievable.
In her own words, she sez she "has no physical memory of the attack and she has to refer to a written accounting of the event (written by her attorney) to answer any questions about the attack"
All FOX and its surrogates are doing is "extrapolating" the most extreme paragraphs in order to embarrass mr gore even though the Police investigating at the time found them to be un realistic.
TRPLNKL, thanks for showing how mis-information can direct the mind to believe something that isnt true.
I guess despite this FACT.....the Portland Police decided to reopen the case just for fun.How ridiculous is this statement versus the facts at hand?
THIS CASE IS ALMOST 4 YEARS OLD, it was investigated and CLOSED. There is no PENDING investigation ongoing nor is there any need for any investigations as the STATUTE of LIMITATIONS has run out.
Poor Glenn really thought that Al would sell it to him, the enemy.Glenn Beck wanted to buy Current TV, bu was re-buffed because his ideas are not aligned with Current TV's.
So, Aljazeera's is??? Al Jazeera is very anti-American according to people who have infiltrated and actually worked there.
So is Joy Behar going to work in Burka-dress now ??