Got my first mailer


I'm a star
One problem I see, aside from the difference in pay, is the part where the RPCD are guaranteed 40 hpw only if work is available (paragraph 1), but the 22.4 are guaranteed 40 without regard to work availability (paragraph 5). It does say in paragraph 4 that no RPCD will be displaced from classification or laid off if a 22.4 is working in the building. This seems to be a potential contradiction or paradox in the language.


Working on a new degree, Masters in BS Detecting!
I like the part the part that says

Most of the work the combination drivers will perform is currently being done by part-time employees getting part-time benefits at a reduced wage rate.

That means 22.4 will work inside more than they drive. I trust the mailer.

Define "most." Air drivers were part time. That is exactly how the company will work around this!

Please notice, "All combo drivers shall work a (5) consecutive day schedule...." WTF, where's the rest of that statement?

"As long as work is available" This right here folks will allow the company to absolutely #$%^ us! Right now, on Mondays, we run barely 1/2 the number of routes as we do Tues-Friday. Full on Saturday and Sunday delivery done by second-tier rate drivers and that Monday will get cut in half again! The company will cry no work available and flip us all the bird!


Well-Known Member
So let me get this straight. UPS is going to hire a "second tier (class) worker" to deliver packages on weekends....and other days. But because they are working Saturdays and Sundays....they only get a LOWER pay!

Okay...I admit....I won't weekends for lower pay. But, who are these drivers who will....and why?
Just give me a profile of this person.

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
So let me get this straight. UPS is going to hire a "second tier (class) worker" to deliver packages on weekends....and other days. But because they are working Saturdays and Sundays....they only get a LOWER pay!

Okay...I admit....I won't weekends for lower pay. But, who are these drivers who will....and why?
Just give me a profile of this person.
Maybe offer them a $500/wk bonus ?


I'm a star
Define "most." Air drivers were part time. That is exactly how the company will work around this!

Please notice, "All combo drivers shall work a (5) consecutive day schedule...." WTF, where's the rest of that statement?

"As long as work is available" This right here folks will allow the company to absolutely #$%^ us! Right now, on Mondays, we run barely 1/2 the number of routes as we do Tues-Friday. Full on Saturday and Sunday delivery done by second-tier rate drivers and that Monday will get cut in half again! The company will cry no work available and flip us all the bird!

@MenInBrown posted the actual language as well, it has the rest of the information and it's as bad as it sounds from the mailer.

In order to be ok with this, I want to see full ground wages for ground work, and 22.4's will still only have to go through full time progression once for when they transfer to RPCD. If that means they have to pay two different rates for the same person for the same day, then that's how it's gotta be.


Well-Known Member
Can you imagine a Fire Department offering lower pay to fire fighters on the weekend? Or how about police officers?

Hey you guys are putting out fires on gotta take a pay cut! Yeah….sounds about right.....he said sarcastically! WTF!


Fight the power.
Can you imagine a Fire Department offering lower pay to fire fighters on the weekend? Or how about police officers?

Hey you guys are putting out fires on gotta take a pay cut! Yeah….sounds about right.....he said sarcastically! WTF!
It’s happening sweetheart.

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
Can you imagine a Fire Department offering lower pay to fire fighters on the weekend? Or how about police officers?

Hey you guys are putting out fires on gotta take a pay cut! Yeah….sounds about right.....he said sarcastically! WTF!
Or Walmart or Burger King? Which is what UPS wants to turn Union jobs into. It all started with the two tier PT wage system in 1982. A $1hr increase in starting PT wage in 36 years.


Well-Known Member
I hope no one bids on these new article 22.4 jobs that there gonna force on us. So their basically gonna take away RPCD and implement this?


Inordinately Right
Post a picture
This is what they mailed out to us in the southern over the last few days. No new information....




I'm a star
Why are we getting this information, and not the whole contract? They are trying really hard to sell us on this, telling us it's what we want. Still not buying it, go back to the negotiation table and fix it, save us the trouble, and yourselves the further embarassment, of voting it down.


Inordinately Right
Why are we getting this information, and not the whole contract? They are trying really hard to sell us on this, telling us it's what we want. Still not buying it, go back to the negotiation table and fix it, save us the trouble, and yourselves the further embarassment, of voting it down.
I think they're hoping strong locals will negotiate supplemental language that keeps this crap in check so their members will accept it, and weak areas like us in the RTW South will vote Yes to the garbage that's left over.

Divide and conquer.


Well-Known Member
So let me get this straight. UPS is going to hire a "second tier (class) worker" to deliver packages on weekends....and other days. But because they are working Saturdays and Sundays....they only get a LOWER pay!

You make a good point. In other jobs, people that work undesirable hours and weekends make MORE money by way of differential pay. I think the negotiators got it backwards.


Here it is in a nutshell. Second class drivers will work Saturday and Sunday. But here’s the kicker. Mon and Tuesday, RPCDs will be running half the routes. If you are in the bottom half, you will be laid off on Mondays and tuesdays. If you work, you get twice as much area to run. Since UPS has no idea how to lower the stop count when your miles go up, you will have your 12 hour days every Monday and Tuesday.


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
Here it is in a nutshell. Second class drivers will work Saturday and Sunday. But here’s the kicker. Mon and Tuesday, RPCDs will be running half the routes. If you are in the bottom half, you will be laid off on Mondays and tuesdays. If you work, you get twice as much area to run. Since UPS has no idea how to lower the stop count when your miles go up, you will have your 12 hour days every Monday and Tuesday.

Good point..They have the right to still lay off the lower seniority RPCD's on Mondays and Tuesdays as long as they do not work the 22.4's ("as long as work is available"), and load up your stop count at peak levels.