Government run "anything"......


Well-Known Member
or the post office would go out of business and a much more economically effective business would take its place.
if for instance private industry was offering a post office type service they would not have a facility in every zip code.
those buildings cost a lot of money not to mention the redundancy of staff.
If an entity in whatever form wanted to take over the USPS they would in all likelihood have to assume the USPS pension obligations which is one of many reasons why you haven't heard much about somebody taking it over lately.


Well-Known Member
That thing looks like Freddy Kruger’s parakeet. Deserves to go the way of the dodo.

Very real news.
Also on the list of dumb animals we protect are bears and wolves. We are trying to bring back bears and :censored2:ing wolves. Hey dipsticks, there’s a reason we killed those things to begin with.
You're a city boy, huh?


Well-Known Member
If an entity in whatever form wanted to take over the USPS they would in all likelihood have to assume the USPS pension obligations which is one of many reasons why you haven't heard much about somebody taking it over lately.

I'm not suggesting a takeover of the USPS I am instead suggesting a free market solution to running and delivering mail


Well-Known Member
I'm not suggesting a takeover of the USPS I am instead suggesting a free market solution to running and delivering mail

I should also point out that the free market solution may be forming anyway as we speak. many people now communicate in other ways then snail mail. I also find myself walking from the mailbox to the recycle bin to dispose of what I do receive


Well-Known Member
I'm not suggesting a takeover of the USPS I am instead suggesting a free market solution to running and delivering mail
The odds of someone gaining the rights to handle first class mail are near zero. Once again it comes down to pension obligations.


Well-Known Member
The odds of someone gaining the rights to handle first class mail are near zero. Once again it comes down to pension obligations.


Rutherford B Hays

gun accipere, et abire cannoli
I should also point out that the free market solution may be forming anyway as we speak. many people now communicate in other ways then snail mail. I also find myself walking from the mailbox to the recycle bin to dispose of what I do receive
AOC thanks you for contributing to the New Green Deal.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Here's today's lesson on things run by the government. First and foremost, government should run things for the common good and that are necessary. The military, prisons, mental health care facilities, and public transportation are just a few where profit shouldn't be in the picture.
The best governed society would be the one who knows what things are for the common good. The debate won't end.
Profit should not be considered, but why should everything the government has its hand in be considered ok to have a loss?
The USPS loses tons of money every year because it is a subsidized service. If you paid the real cost of mailing something, you'd all scream because a letter would be $1.50.
The USPS loses tons of money every year because it is a poorly ran business. There is zero competitive pressure and you get rewarded for your loss. How sweet it is.


Well-Known Member
Let's put it another way. Do really think Fat Freddy is going to haul your first class letter from Boise to Boston for $ .55 ? Put a 7 to the left of that decimal point and he might think about it.

you keep trying to take it another way then address the fundamental issue. the post office is a typical government run entity. it is bloated with excess cost as i highlighted by my example. if there was a free market solution and the post office had to actually compete they would be run much more efficently. as it is now there is no incentive for them to do anything different.


USA is now a failed democracy and pretty soon a failed state.

because the govt can only pass legislation which benefits the rich :censored2:s who fund the campaigns, nothing works including infrastructure.

the ruts in the highways destroyed my parents carriage cameo fifth wheel.

this isnt efficient, but maybe its good for capitalism as these problems means more people buying car parts.