Government Shutdown / Congress and the Senate


golden ticket member
Throw in the trillions of dollars that have been wasted since BO took over with NOTHING to show for it, the criminal dereliction of duty to protect our personnel in Benghazi, the thousands of Mexicans killed by guns deliberately sent across the border under "Fast and Furious" and his failure to enforce laws that he doesn't like, and perhaps, then, you'll see what a snake "Barry" truly is.
Have a nice day !

US government shutdown: Barack Obama is presiding over the end of America's superpower status – Telegraph Blogs



golden ticket member

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Throw in the trillions of dollars that have been wasted since BO took over with NOTHING to show for it, the criminal dereliction of duty to protect our personnel in Benghazi, the thousands of Mexicans killed by guns deliberately sent across the border under "Fast and Furious" and his failure to enforce laws that he doesn't like, and perhaps, then, you'll see what a snake "Barry" truly is.
Have a nice day !

US government shutdown: Barack Obama is presiding over the end of America's superpower status – Telegraph Blogs

The TRILLIONS of dollars?? Nothing to show for it?

How about the stock market going from 6800 to over 15K? How about the banking industry saved? How about wall street kept in check? What about the housing recovery? What about the recovery of our auto industry? What about the repairs to our nations roads and bridges? What about the 7.5 million new jobs created versus the over 750 thousand jobs lost every month by GW BUSH in his last two years? What about the ending of the Iraq war, saving a trillion dollars? What about the ending of the afghanistan war, again saving a trillion dollars a year?

You dont know jack about this country, and you fill your head with the nonsense of the flame throwers at FOX news. The next thing youll tell us is that Elizabeth Hasslebeck is a journalist..!




Inordinately Right
You can read what's on the letter in his hand right MoreLuck?
Yup.... social security is a real drain on this country. Sadly, neither political party will dare touch that welfare program. Military, Social Security, Medicare....... until they start talking about major cuts to those programs, they are wasting everyone's time with this shutdown BS.


Well-Known Troll
YOU boneheads have to face reality. YOU lost not only the election, but you LOST on the ACA as well. The supreme court made it the law of the land and you knuckleheads want to drag out the old talking points and argue a lost cause.

If anyone is driven by selfishness and emotion, its YOU people in the tea party.

The Tea Party has been a complete failure as a political party. The Tea Party is killing the republican party and the chances of EVER winning another presidential election.

This morning, THOUSANDS of people are signing up for healthcare and you guys just cant handle that. Over time, MILLIONS of people will sign up for healthcare.

YOU LOST this fight. Time to give it up and move on to helping the country recover from the BUSH years. Instead, you want to fight a bad fight while the world laughs at all of YOU.

Leaders from around the world have called the republicans IDIOTS for "political posturing" with actions that have a negative effect on the world markets.

YOU are the laughing stock of the world today, and I hope you are proud.

Better stock up on ammo. It will make you feel better.




You're still here calling is names?

Get a hobby.

[sidebar] My sister-in-law has 2 mentally challenged brothers. He works PT at an amusement park and HAD healthcare. Due to Obama's GREAT healthcare, nearly his entire yearly salary is roughly what he owes after 1 or 2 visits/routine tests. She was pissing and moaning on facebook about it. Now, for the Humor, both her and my older (possibly) mentally retarded brother voted for him. My brother isn't ACTUALLY retarded, but I have a hard time understanding any other reason why anybody would vote Dumbocratic [End sidebar]

Good going, Liberals!


Inordinately Right
What's with the complaints about "name-calling" all of the sudden. If I chimed in to point out every time someone was "calling names", right and left, I'd have as many posts as MoreLuck does with her cartoons about Obummer...or is it Omoron now I lose track.

Why is the government shutdown? The budget? Oh they must be conflicted on whether to cut military, social security, or medicare right?


golden ticket member
What's with the complaints about "name-calling" all of the sudden. If I chimed in to point out every time someone was "calling names", right and left, I'd have as many posts as MoreLuck does with her cartoons about Obummer...or is it Omoron now I lose track.

Why is the government shutdown? The budget? Oh they must be conflicted on whether to cut military, social security, or medicare right?
It's attention !!

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
YOU boneheads have to face reality. YOU lost not only the election, but you LOST on the ACA as well. The supreme court made it the law of the land and you knuckleheads want to drag out the old talking points and argue a lost cause.

If anyone is driven by selfishness and emotion, its YOU people in the tea party.

The Tea Party has been a complete failure as a political party. The Tea Party is killing the republican party and the chances of EVER winning another presidential election.

This morning, THOUSANDS of people are signing up for healthcare and you guys just cant handle that. Over time, MILLIONS of people will sign up for healthcare.

YOU LOST this fight. Time to give it up and move on to helping the country recover from the BUSH years. Instead, you want to fight a bad fight while the world laughs at all of YOU.

Leaders from around the world have called the republicans IDIOTS for "political posturing" with actions that have a negative effect on the world markets.

YOU are the laughing stock of the world today, and I hope you are proud.

Better stock up on ammo. It will make you feel better.



Anyone else wondering what TOS's obsession with telling us to stock up on ammo is all about? LOL!


Strength through joy
I think TOS has cornered the market on ammo .
coming soon to only BC members , The Other Side's ammo dump .
Where prices are unlimited because I have it & you suckers want it .


golden ticket member
It’s almost like the Obama regime is closing the memorial out of spite.
Via Website for National WWII Memorial:
The National World War II Memorial was funded almost entirely by private contributions, as specified in Public Law 103-32.

The campaign received more than $197 million in cash and pledges. Support came from hundreds of thousands of individual Americans, hundreds of corporations and foundations, veterans groups, dozens of civic, fraternal and professional organizations, states and one territory, and students in 1,200 schools across the country.

Donated and pledged funds were used to cover the total project costs of approximately $182 million. These costs include site selection and design, construction and sculpture, a National Park Service maintenance fee required by the Commemorative Works Act, groundbreaking and dedication ceremonies, fund raising, and the 11-year administrative costs of the project from its inception in 1993 through completion in 2004.

Remaining funds are held on deposit with the U.S. Treasury in a National WWII Memorial Trust Fund. The funds will be used by the American Battle Monuments Commission solely to benefit the World War II Memorial.


golden ticket member
Hard hitting news from CNN......more of a "fluff" piece.......

CNN) -- This is not a great week to be a government employee, but one movie theater chain is trying to ease the pain. AMC has announced that its theaters are offering free small popcorns to those employed by the government, regardless of whether a movie ticket is also purchased.
Instead, the individual needs to simply present a valid government or military-issued ID at a concession stand. If they're particularly hungry, they can apply the discount offer to a larger size.

"There are hundreds of thousands of federal workers whose lives are being impacted," AMC's executive vice president of operations, John McDonald, said in a statement.

"While we can't do anything to resolve gridlock in Washington, D.C., we can provide a few hours of entertainment and free popcorn while they wait to get back to work."

The government shutdown went into effect on October 1 and has furloughed around 800,000 federal employees. One major aspect to this shutdown that remains unanswered is how long those workers will have to wait until they see their next paycheck.

AMC says in its statement that the gratis snackage "is good until common sense is restored in Washington, D.C., or, more likely, until the shutdown ends or we run out of free popcorn."


Strength through joy
I guess today would be a good time to dump all those left over paint & other nasty things down the drain .
The used motor oils I'll spill into one of those closed parking lots .