Government Shutdown / Congress and the Senate


Well-Known Troll
The House did pass a budget. Its the Democrats in Senate who rejected it and forced the shutdown. And Obama does nothing but go on a campaign tour and blame the Republicans instead of trying to work out a compromise.

When Obama REFUSES to negotiate with the Republicans, he's (as Harry Reid said "Strong, Strong, Strong"). Yet, when Republicans propose bills that the Dumbs don't like, they straight out dismiss it and then say how the republicans won't compromise.

Hypocrisy much?


Staff member
Why on earth should the Democrats compromise? It's the Republicans allowing themselves to be railroaded into ideological ridiculousness.


Staff member
Gee, why should 2 parties of Congress compromise? Maybe it would prevent this country from sliding into the crapper. Oh wait, it's already happened

Because for alot of Democrats, adopting a plan first proposed by the Heritage Foundation and implemented by Governor Romney is already a huge compromise.


Well-Known Member
A plan or law changed nineteen different times with thousands of exemptions-- done by the President alone- without Senate or House -- does not say very good things about Obamacare. It would be a fine example of Leadership to work with Congress - and negotiate changes to Obamacare--that even the Unions and Hoffa would agree with. But we do not have a President that Leads-- only one that lowers the office of the President down to the scum and slime of partisan politics- Making Telepromter speeches- calling Republicans names and always on the campaign trail.:sad-little:


Inordinately Right
A plan or law changed nineteen different times with thousands of exemptions-- done by the President alone- without Senate or House -- does not say very good things about Obamacare. It would be a fine example of Leadership to work with Congress - and negotiate changes to Obamacare--that even the Unions and Hoffa would agree with. But we do not have a President that Leads-- only one that lowers the office of the President down to the scum and slime of partisan politics- Making Telepromter speeches- calling Republicans names and always on the campaign trail.:sad-little:


Staff member
A plan or law changed nineteen different times with thousands of exemptions-- done by the President alone- without Senate or House -- does not say very good things about Obamacare. It would be a fine example of Leadership to work with Congress - and negotiate changes to Obamacare--that even the Unions and Hoffa would agree with. But we do not have a President that Leads-- only one that lowers the office of the President down to the scum and slime of partisan politics- Making Telepromter speeches- calling Republicans names and always on the campaign trail.:sad-little:

Laws change all the time. The Republicans aren't looking to change it, they are looking to scrap it. Look howany times WIC and Medicare /Medicaid have changed since their inception. Republicans will have their chance to change it down the line. They just won't get to block it or repeal it without winning a national election.


Well-Known Troll
Laws change all the time. The Republicans aren't looking to change it, they are looking to scrap it. Look howany times WIC and Medicare /Medicaid have changed since their inception. Republicans will have their chance to change it down the line. They just won't get to block it or repeal it without winning a national election.

Not all of them are, there is a small group pushing very hard for that option though. Boehner, however was calling for a one year delay in implementing parts of the "affordable" care act. If the healthcare law is so great, why are Unions, and congressional members being allowed to NOT have it? (Because it's GARBAGE, that's why)

Obama is being a bully, and I think that the GOP needs to start making that well known, and announce that they will not stand for it.

Countless Republican bills have been proposed to end the shutdown and they are denied, denied, denied. So, please tell me how THEY are causing the shutdown, and are known as the "Party of no", when it sure as hell seems like the Dems are the ones who continually say NO to whatever CR is presented to them.

Obama and his homies still refuse to negotiate ONLY after the government is reopened and the nearly $17 TRILLION debt limit is increased. Now, call me crazy, but it seems like the WH is holding the American government hostage, and will only release us AFTER all of HIS demands are met. What a crock.


Staff member
Ok. You are crazy. The only bills the Republicans dare to put up are ones they know won't pass the Senate.

If the ACA is "garbage", let it go and there will be an electoral backlash against it in '16. What's so hard about that?


golden ticket member
There have been people, philanthrophist or not, who have said, "I'll pay to keep you open during this shutdown."

Guess what the pres. said?? He would pay with his own money to keep open the Museum of Muslim Culture !!!! HUH????


golden ticket member
Law? I don’t need no stinkin’ laws! I am Obama, King Of All There Is!

Via Breitbart:

On Friday, Rep. Lee Terry (R-NE) told Breitbart News that President Obama was illegally furloughing approximately two thousand federal civilian defense contractors at Offutt Air Force Base, in direct contravention of the Pay Our Military Act, passed last week through Congress and signed by Obama himself. Those four thousand employees represent approximately two thirds of the civilian personnel at Offutt Air Force Base.

The Pay Our Military Act explicitly promises “such sums as are necessary to provide pay and allowances to the civilian personnel of the Department of Defense (and the Department of Homeland Security in the case of the Coast Guard) whom the Secretary concerned determines are providing support to members of the Armed Forces.

” According to Terry, Congress intent was to keep support personnel on the job, especially given that US Strategic Command is operated out of Offutt Air Force Base.
STRATCOM “integrates and coordinates the necessary command and control capability to provide support with the most accurate and timely information for the President, the Secretary of Defense, other National Leadership and regional combatant commanders.”


Strength through joy
Feds Try to Close the OCEAN Because of Shutdown

Just before the weekend, the National Park Service informed charter boat captains in Florida that the Florida Bay was "closed" due to the shutdown. Until government funding is restored, the fishing boats are prohibited from taking anglers into 1,100 square-miles of open ocean. Fishing is also prohibited at Biscayne National Park during the shutdown.[/h] The Park Service will also have rangers on duty to police the ban. Of access to an ocean. The government will probably use more personnel and spend more resources to attempt to close the ocean, than it would in its normal course of business.

Also closed is the Cape Cod National Seashore .

Who does he think he is King Canute ?


Amatuer Malthusian
I had approximately 100 miles added to my California road trip because the national park at Mt Lassen was closed and we could not merely pass through it.


Well-Known Troll
Ok. You are crazy. The only bills the Republicans dare to put up are ones they know won't pass the Senate.

If the ACA is "garbage", let it go and there will be an electoral backlash against it in '16. What's so hard about that?

Why won't they pass the senate? Because the Dems REFUSE TO compromise! What's so hard about THAT?


Staff member
Absolutely no reason they should. The law has passed legislatively, judicially, and is being implemented by the executive. This is how American democracy works.


Well-Known Member
Laws change all the time. The Republicans aren't looking to change it, they are looking to scrap it. Look howany times WIC and Medicare /Medicaid have changed since their inception. Republicans will have their chance to change it down the line. They just won't get to block it or repeal it without winning a national election.


Laws are changed thru a correct process in Congress.

In America yr BO --meaning before Obama ---The United States was not ruled by a KING --who changes a law after it was formulated by Congress and singed by the President.

19 changes and thousands of exemptions for political favor --You really believe this is how a Country should be run ???---Maybe in a Banana Republic.

If the law is not good for ALL --it should be good for NONE !!!


Staff member

Laws are changed thru a correct process in Congress.

In America yr BO --meaning before Obama ---The United States was not ruled by a KING --who changes a law after it was formulated by Congress and singed by the President.

19 changes and thousands of exemptions for political favor --You really believe this is how a Country should be run ???---Maybe in a Banana Republic.

If the law is not good for ALL --it should be good for NONE !!!

Nothing new. Administrations have left agencies understaffed and toothless to circumvent where wanted. FEMA under Bush, Dream Act under Obama.


Well-Known Troll
Absolutely no reason they should. The law has passed legislatively, judicially, and is being implemented by the executive. This is how American democracy works.

They delayed certain parts for a year because obama wanted it done, but when the Republicans push for delays of other parts, we're unreasonable? Make sense.

The Pres is an :censored2:, and if he doesn't want to compromise, then friend him. Time for 2 new parties, because both of the current ones are stubborn.

Clinton at least came a bit to the center to work with Republicans, realizing that he couldn't just do whatever the hell he wanted. Obama still hasn't come to that realization. He's just being a stubborn ass.