Laws change all the time. The Republicans aren't looking to change it, they are looking to scrap it. Look howany times WIC and Medicare /Medicaid have changed since their inception. Republicans will have their chance to change it down the line. They just won't get to block it or repeal it without winning a national election.
Not all of them are, there is a small group pushing very hard for that option though. Boehner, however was calling for a one year delay in implementing parts of the "affordable" care act. If the healthcare law is so great, why are Unions, and congressional members being allowed to NOT have it? (Because it's GARBAGE, that's why)
Obama is being a bully, and I think that the GOP needs to start making that well known, and announce that they will not stand for it.
Countless Republican bills have been proposed to end the shutdown and they are denied, denied, denied. So, please tell me how THEY are causing the shutdown, and are known as the "Party of no", when it sure as hell seems like the Dems are the ones who continually say NO to whatever CR is presented to them.
Obama and his homies still refuse to negotiate ONLY after the government is reopened and the nearly $17 TRILLION debt limit is increased. Now, call me crazy, but it seems like the WH is holding the American government hostage, and will only release us AFTER all of HIS demands are met. What a crock.