Government Shutdown / Congress and the Senate


golden ticket member
backpay for furloughed workers ??

Then they should be working now !!!

Run it like a corporation is run.
Are they going to backpay all these workers that are staying home now and watching TV ??


golden ticket member
You mean by externalizing costs onto someone else and then getting a bailout? What do you think the unborn will be paying?

Meaning, you don't pay people unless they work!!!!

From: CNN Breaking News

The House on Saturday unanimously passed a bill that provides back pay for furloughed federal workers during the government shutdown.

There won't be any unborn.....we solved that problem (purplesky-style) in another forum.
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Least Best Moderator
Staff member
The longer the federal government stays shut down, the better. Most of its functions can be carried out on the state and local levels.


Inordinately Right
The longer the federal government stays shut down, the better. Most of its functions can be carried out on the state and local levels.
The total economic impact is likely to be at least 10 times greater than the simple calculation of wages lost by federal workers, said Brian Kessler, economist with Moody's Analytics. His firm estimates that a three to four week shutdown will cost the economy about $55 billion.
Shutdown: A Multi-Billion Dollar Hit to Economy


Inordinately Right

“During this shutdown, people will have to deal with some of their favorite parks and museums being closed,” Obama told reporters. “Just keep in mind, they will always be there. The Grand Canyon and the Smithsonian are not going anywhere.” Obama continued, “The International Museum of Muslim Cultures is sacred. That is why I have taken it upon myself to use my own personal funds to re-open this historic piece of American culture.”

- See more at: Obama Uses Own Money To Open Muslim Museum Amid Government Shutdown - National Report | National Report
Ya, um, the national report is a satire website.
Fox News Falls For Fake Story Claiming Obama is Funding Muslim Museum

You guys are hilarious.


Strength through joy



Inordinately Right
​Only because the people who run the Federal government choose to make it so.
...the DNC says it raised a record-breaking $2 million from Friday to Monday. Much of the money came from first-time donors. “It was the biggest fundraising day since before the 2012 election

...the RNC has raised over $1 million since Monday morning and has seen a great response on the government shutdown and on Obamacare.

According to Stephen Smith, a political scientist at Washington University, the donation windfall didn’t just happen. Both parties deliberately prepared to take advantage of this situation with mailings, e-mails and websites ready to capture the donations.
Republicans and Democrats Profit Financially from Government Shutdown - Yahoo Finance


I started this.
Staff member
This is not on the government shutdown topic. I'm posting this here in reference to previous posts about Muslims. It's just food for thought for those of you that attribute the actions of a few extreme, violent, fundamentalist Muslim terrorists to the entire population of Muslims or to the religion of Islam.

Muslims formed a human chain outside a Pakistan church during mass to act as a shield for those attending Sunday mass inside. - International Herald Tribune

Standing in the small courtyard of St Anthony’s Church, as Mufti Mohammad Farooq delivered a sermon quoting a few verses of the Holy Quran that preached tolerance and respect for other beliefs, Father Nasir Gulfam stepped right next to him after having conducted a two hour long Sunday service inside the church. The two men stood should to shoulder, hand in hand as part of the human chain that was formed outside the church not just as a show of solidarity but also to send out a message, ‘One Nation, One Blood’.



Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
Interesting....Just read through this thread... Name calling, us verses them, lots of bickering, Obama this, Republicans that, my oh my...

A true microcosm of the topic indeed!:surprised: