Ground Zero Mosque opens! Wheres the outrage from the right?


golden ticket member
Denying the existence of 1.5 billion human beings is not only stupid, it is pointless. They occupy this planet just as you and I do, and they arent going away.

Assuming that all 1.5 billion of those human beings share the exact same beliefs and values and ideals just because you have lumped them into the category of "Muslims" is not only stupid, but it is factually incorrect.

Extremists are extremists, be they Christian, Jewish, Muslim or any other faith.

One more thing---"honor killings" are certainly NOT unique to the Islamic faith. "Honor" has long been an actual legal defense used by Catholic men in Latin American countries to justify the killing of a wife that they suspected of cheating on them.
You don't get what I mean....last time explaining.....the Koran says for you to kill anyone who doesn't believe the way you do. You believe in the Koran. That makes you a person who wants to kill me. That makes you the enemy. I want nothing to do with you. The end!!

Other people might believe in honor killing, but the person who does the killing is punished, turned in, charged with murder, etc. With Muslims, the family and extended family helps the perp. get away and escape being caught. Big difference!!


Well-Known Member
Hamas, Hezbollah, Al Qaeda.

All three organizations, among an enormous plethora of similar organizations, whose core mission is to murder those who do not believe as they do. Every one of these organizations have Islam at their core. Not everyone of the 1.5 billion muslims in this world are violent, but most of them sure get quiet when their leaders call for the destruction of the west, or Israel, or non believers. This so called religion is not worthy of any respect until the majority of its members stand up and put an end to this nonsense taking place all over the globe.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
You don't get what I mean....last time explaining.....the Koran says for you to kill anyone who doesn't believe the way you do. You believe in the Koran. That makes you a person who wants to kill me. That makes you the enemy. I want nothing to do with you. The end!!

Other people might believe in honor killing, but the person who does the killing is punished, turned in, charged with murder, etc. With Muslims, the family and extended family helps the perp. get away and escape being caught. Big difference!!

The Koran is like the Bible in that many of its passages are wide open to subjective interpretation....particularly in light of the fact that the document itself is thousands of years old and has been translated throughout the centuries into a multitude of different languages.

Many Christians "believe" in the Bible, yet they do not take it literally word by word and they choose to simply overlook passages that they regard as outdated. Muslims are no different. 1.5 billion of them did not commit an act of violence or terrorism today.


Staff member
Hamas, Hezbollah, Al Qaeda.

All three organizations, among an enormous plethora of similar organizations, whose core mission is to murder those who do not believe as they do. Every one of these organizations have Islam at their core. Not everyone of the 1.5 billion muslims in this world are violent, but most of them sure get quiet when their leaders call for the destruction of the west, or Israel, or non believers. This so called religion is not worthy of any respect until the majority of its members stand up and put an end to this nonsense taking place all over the globe.

Yup, you sure don't hear a lot of Muslims condemning other Muslims who try to kill us.
They might not do it themselves, but deep down they agree with those that will.



golden ticket member
The Koran is like the Bible in that many of its passages are wide open to subjective interpretation....particularly in light of the fact that the document itself is thousands of years old and has been translated throughout the centuries into a multitude of different languages.

Many Christians "believe" in the Bible, yet they do not take it literally word by word and they choose to simply overlook passages that they regard as outdated. Muslims are no different. 1.5 billion of them did not commit an act of violence or terrorism today.

I try to burn the marshall Bill might cite me,

I try to burn the Koran.......I'm a beheading or stoning target.

Did you happen to see the guy on TV in the past few days who was like Michael Moore and going to do a film on Muslims.....he was very neutral at the start of the project and changed his mind totally. He said that the muslm religion is the most dangerous he's ever seen.

After a 4 hour visit at the BBQ yesterday, politics came up........when it came to terrorist/muslim talk, everybody (a dozen people) thought the same as me. One couple had even lived in Saudi for a year because of the husband's job........She doesn't trust them at all, anywhere!

I happen to think there are a lot of people out there with the same thinking, they just keep their mouths shut. I can't because so many times the muslims want something special or want us to bend over backwards and I'm not doing it.

Like the lady in the DMV who wanted her picture taken with the veil on.........You can't tiptoe around this...the answer is a loud NO!!! Or the person who didn't want to rise for the judge in a courtroom.........."Get off your ass or get out of the country!" We are not going to change our country's ways just to accomodate you..........if you don't like it....get out!
That's how I feel. That's how I think.....and I can't be a.c.l.u.-like about any of t!!


Staff member
Hamas, Hezbollah, Al Qaeda.

All three organizations, among an enormous plethora of similar organizations, whose core mission is to murder those who do not believe as they do. Every one of these organizations have Islam at their core. Not everyone of the 1.5 billion muslims in this world are violent, but most of them sure get quiet when their leaders call for the destruction of the west, or Israel, or non believers. This so called religion is not worthy of any respect until the majority of its members stand up and put an end to this nonsense taking place all over the globe.
I can only assume then that you are constantly polling these 1.5 billion individuals so that you will know when they are woryhy of respect.


Well-Known Member

You mean the rebels backed by the US is killing people? Funny how Sleazel Zippers finds it convenient to leave out those facts. How did Andrew Fell miss this and this and how could Zipper boy miss the fact that the US is back in league with it's old 1980's ally again?

Now why would Mr. Truth and Justice make such a dramatic oversight in bringing the news? Or is that question irresponsible too?

2 minutes Moreluck, it too me all of 2 minutes and I didn't post all the links either. I'm betting an expanded word search on google could bring tons more. That said, either Andrew Fell is just stupid or he's just gaming his readers for an ulterior purpose.

What triggered the crisis in Syria?
It was not the result of internal political cleavages, but rather the consequence of a deliberate plan by the US-NATO alliance to trigger social chaos, to discredit the Syrian government of Bashar Al Assad and ultimately destabilize Syria as a Nation State.
Since the middle of March 2011, Islamist armed groups covertly supported by Western and Israeli intelligence have conducted terrorist attacks on government buildings and acts of arson.
Amply documented, trained gunmen and snipers have targeted the police, the armed forces as well as unarmed civilians.
The objective of this armed insurrection is to trigger the response of the police and armed forces, including the deployment of tanks and armored vehicles with a view to eventually justifying a "humanitarian" military intervention, under NATO's "responsibility to protect" mandate.

The Al Qaeda Insurgency in Syria

The sad comedy here More is that you are doing the propaganda work for President Obama and the democrat warhawks and you've allowed you own overdriven fear to be used that way. Scream and vote against Obama all you want because in the end you are the heart and soul of his agenda pushing in doing so.

How do you like the fact that your own tax dollars may very well be in the pockets of the villains in the video you posted?


golden ticket member
I have made my point clear many many times.....I don't like sending money to any foreign countries....friendly or not !!!


Well-Known Member
I can only assume then that you are constantly polling these 1.5 billion individuals so that you will know when they are woryhy of respect.

Don't need too. I use the thought process known as logical deduction to come to these conclusions. When I watched news feeds all around the world come in with muslims dancing in the streets when they learned Al Quaeda killed 3000 Americans in the world trade center and pentagon attacks I knew what kind of culture Islam really is. When you follow the continuous attacks on our country, all by muslims, from the hostage situation in Iran, to the Marine barracks bombings in Beirut, to the first world trade center bombings, the U.S. embassing bombings in Africa, the attack on the USS Cole, 9/11/2001, and many many more all carried about by Muslims in the name of Islam you know what this so called religion really represents. It certainly isn't peace or love, but the exact opposite.


Don't need too. I use the thought process known as logical deduction to come to these conclusions. When I watched news feeds all around the world come in with muslims dancing in the streets when they learned Al Quaeda killed 3000 Americans in the world trade center and pentagon attacks I knew what kind of culture Islam really is. When you follow the continuous attacks on our country, all by muslims, from the hostage situation in Iran, to the Marine barracks bombings in Beirut, to the first world trade center bombings, the U.S. embassing bombings in Africa, the attack on the USS Cole, 9/11/2001, and many many more all carried about by Muslims in the name of Islam you know what this so called religion really represents. It certainly isn't peace or love, but the exact opposite.
Ripping and reading pages from those warmonger fools Beck and Limbaugh, still? The last I checked, people such as Timothy McVeigh and the University Bomber were not radical Islamists.


Well-Known Member
Ripping and reading pages from those warmonger fools Beck and Limbaugh, still? The last I checked, people such as Timothy McVeigh and the University Bomber were not radical Islamists.

What I described is known as a trend that formed over 3 decades covering numerous attacks all from the same group of people. What you described is an anomoly or a fluke that involved one or two unbalanced individuals who chose to do something wrong not out of religious convictions, but out of pure malice. You should pull out the nearest dictionary and learn the difference.