Gun Control Texas Style

No excuses. Simply this: if Norway adds up all the gun violence in the united states over the last year and then weighs it against this instance, do you think they will desire" gun control Texas style"?

Don`t know. But if a few more Norwegians in the area had guns I bet there would be a few more people alive on that island.


Well-Known Member
I would at least like to know that I had a sporting chance if a gun is pointed at me. Maybe I still dont make it, but maybe I pop a cap in the creep. All those who felt so safe were at the mercy of a true killer
If that tired logic were true, the US would have zero gun deaths by perps.

Ridiculous, unsubstantiated and unreasonable claim.

We can all dream of a time when there will be no more murders, with or without guns. A time and place when we all walk around barefoot with flowers in our hair and everyone loves everyone else, but dreaming is all we will get.

Not too long ago there was a statistical graph published on a state( I forget which one) that had instituted the concealed carry law. After two years, that state's gun violence numbers had declined in every category. If I remember correctly even the accidental numbers decreased.
If that tired logic were true, the US would have zero gun deaths by perps.

Did I say zero? I said less. Pull that around here and there will be someone along in less than 90 minutes to put the shooter down. Law officer or citizen someone would have done it.
Yes it is ridiculous, but by design. As ridiculous as deterrent effect of hyper-arming to reduce fatalities.

Not sure what you mean by hyper-arming. I consider it a fact that if all LAW ABIDING well trained adult citizens had guns the numbers of violent gun CRIME would be reduced to a minimal amount. Absolutely nothing would bring the amount to zero.


Staff member
Not sure what you mean by hyper-arming. I consider it a fact that if all LAW ABIDING well trained adult citizens had guns the numbers of violent gun CRIME would be reduced to a minimal amount. Absolutely nothing would bring the amount to zero.
How long does it take for a "LAW ABIDING" citizen to become a mass murderer? In Norway, less than 90 minutes.
How long does it take for a "LAW ABIDING" citizen to become a mass murderer? In Norway, less than 90 minutes.

you believe that the mass murder in Norway came about in just 90 minutes...really? I'm thinking it took years for the guy to get to that 90 minutes. You're also ignoring the obvious, the killer knew there would be no opposition for a calculated period of time, no one to stop him. He went to a place where there was no one to stop him from the carnage. BTW, he wasn't a law abiding citizen.


Well-Known Member
you believe that the mass murder in Norway came about in just 90 minutes...really? I'm thinking it took years for the guy to get to that 90 minutes. You're also ignoring the obvious, the killer knew there would be no opposition for a calculated period of time, no one to stop him. He went to a place where there was no one to stop him from the carnage. BTW, he wasn't a law abiding citizen.

Those are good points. When I read that in "Norway it only takes 90 minutes...etc...." I paused to consider then that it only took a split second for an honest hardworking architect to fly a jet airplane into a building to become a mass murdering global terrorist but then that's here in America. Oh wait, he didn't use a gun in that whole process so does it still apply at all to the example?

Killing someone to me is like digging a hole. If you have a hole to be dug, the best tool is a good shovel. But if no shovel is available and the hole must be dug, a number of other tools can be used in substitute that are not as efficient but with a little more time still gets the job done anyway.

As I see it, the root cause of killing is not the tool chosen but a purely mental problem or as some would say, a problem of the heart. I still like the ideal of beating swords into plowshares (IMO one of the most beautiful ideals in all of the Bible) but the idea that only doing so on the part of the non-state segment of society thus leaving the state only to pick and choose who it would arm for it's own self interest would be akin to a slave putting on his own chains and then making sure the field master always had his whip at the ready.

Speaking of, if the Africans in Africa had at least equal weapons eg firearms, what are the chances America would even have a slave history at all? Plains Indians?

Firearms in mass are not a product of free men in a free market, it's a bi-product of the state and nationstate system. Ponder that a moment.


Well-Known Member
Well, well. Just read this since we are on the subject. I'm sure some will make the "knife to gunfight" comment so have at it!
Shall we take one specific incident, or view over time, say maybe the last 20 years?

I support your right to do without and I`m not worried how you feel about my right to do with. I`ll just rest comfortably knowing that if trouble comes to my home I won`t have to debate them to death.


Staff member
I support your right to do without and I`m not worried how you feel about my right to do with. I`ll just rest comfortably knowing that if trouble comes to my home I won`t have to debate them to death.
I rest very comfortably knowing that if trouble comes to my home I won't have to debate them, nor will I have to scramble around looking for my weapon.