Guys updating their online dating profile pictures after the new UPS driver contract was announced.


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Well-Known Member
The Teamsters' need to withdraw their handshake and restart negations. That crew will need to make alot more than 170k a year in wages and benefits to get any nibbles.:wink-very: Sorry brothers i couldn't resist.


Only way outs inna box
Why would they post a picture with your face attached to a truck number? Not sure if that’s a good idea
Well who ever suitor number two is, hes got some splaining tomorrow morning as to why he didn’t wear his seat belt all day and was driving with the bulk head door open.


Well-Known Member
Dudes used to want UPS uniforms so they could easily rob a bank, now they want the uniform to pick up chicks. They need to make our shorts even shorter now.
Dudes used to want UPS uniforms so they could easily rob a bank, now they want the uniform to pick up chicks.
I have a customer on my route it's been asking me forever a decade for UPS uniform

Number one I told him you can't handle the power that would be like Superman giving a 12-year-old kid cape
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