Half Empty? NFL


Well-Known Member
Nope. Young, Back, White, Latino ,Asian, etc. Basically most Americans under 40.

Anyone into sports and sneakers and ad campaigns...

I think it’s fly that CK is on their ad roster, but they’re not selling anything I’m buying.

(They don’t make their crap Chinese shoes in 13 EEEE - if they did, I still wouldn’t buy them)

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Anyone into sports and sneakers and ad campaigns...

I think it’s fly that CK is on their ad roster, but they’re not selling anything I’m buying.

(They don’t make their crap Chinese shoes in 13 EEEE - if they did, I still wouldn’t buy them)
12 EEEE here.
I buy my shoes from Orthofeet.com.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
This is 2018. Ttku. A majority of Americans under 40 are more progressive and this ad targets that demo.
Marketing 101
Under 40 is not a Marketing Segment.
  • Baby Boomers (Roughly 50 to 70 years old)
  • Generation X (Roughly 3550 years old)
  • Millennials, or Generation Y (1834 years old)
  • Generation Z, or iGeneration (Teens & younger)
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Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
@MAKAVELI & @DriveInDriveOut The fire is burning nicely.

In another world and another time....

... there was this white guy who was a quarterback for the NFL who took a knee when the Anthem was played and all his white brothers hooked their arms together in protest. He didn't like the way white people were being treated in this country...and all the black people cried out in horror at the disrespect that was shown to Old Glory.
Give me a break.

Of coarse its Racism. If you like the Trumpster you're a racist .
If you don't agree with or like the black guy, you're a racist. What else could it possibly be?


Well-Known Member
@MAKAVELI & @DriveInDriveOut The fire is burning nicely.

In another world and another time....

... there was this white guy who was a quarterback for the NFL who took a knee when the Anthem was played and all his white brothers hooked their arms together in protest. He didn't like the way white people were being treated in this country...and all the black people cried out in horror at the disrespect that was shown to Old Glory.
Give me a break.

Of coarse its Racism. If you like the Trumpster you're a racist .
If you don't agree with or like the black guy, you're a racist. What else could it possibly be?
Yes you are in another world. Let us know when you are in ours.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
I will burn my Nike sneakers, shorts , and shirts this evening in the annual Labor Day fire.
Nike just "did it" for sure. They will be down I predict 40% in sales this time next year.
Please post video. I love idiots burning products they already bought to teach those evil corporations a lesson. They already have your money. Lol.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
You are trying to separate one race when Nike does not. They have a niche for picking athletes that transcends race and appeal to everyone in their market. And i'm not talking about 90s strategy.
I just watched a commercial for Pepto Bismol with 3 black men dancing around in pink outfits, singing about upset stomachs and diarrhea. Must have targeted your demographic.