Well-Known Member
No it hasn't. Ttku.The rioting and burning has only come from the left. Ttku
No it hasn't. Ttku.The rioting and burning has only come from the left. Ttku
They belong to Boogalou and the alt right. Ttku..Who hate Trump and the police. Their clearly antifa
Interesting what you call "hate". Reviewing history isn't "hateful". Notice how(when criticized)(the left)(you) always skip over the murder of hundreds of millions.....this is the "hate" we are fighting. Yeah, you can't make that up or cover it up. But you are trying hard. Now, about that history....Notice how you didn't refute ANYTHING I said. You can't. It's pure fact(history)(recorded). Let's ask this: Do you think the average American thinks and talks like say Ilhan Omar? Hate filled Anti-American speech? Clearly communist. Really? A truly hateful person. The face of your party. You. If you are a Democrat, this is you. let's talk about hate.
Boogalu is a concept not a group
Case in point is @Old Man JinglesLibertarians are so weird.
Wouldn't work seems to take an attack from the outside to get us all on the same team.
Yeah that's right. And Tupac is alive.No it hasn't. Ttku.
How Hatred Came To Dominate American Politics - Five Thirty Eight
To anyone following American politics, it’s not exactly news that Democrats and Republicans don’t like each other. Take what happened in the presidential debate last week. President Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden did little to conceal their disdain of one another. And although the debate marked a low point in our national discourse, it was a crystallization of a long-developing trend: loathing the opposing party.
This is hardly a new trend; in fact, it’s increasingly common among American voters. However, this level of hatred — which political scientists call “negative partisanship” — has reached levels that are not just bad for democracy, but are potentially destructive. And extreme partisan animosity is a prelude to democratic collapse.
It wasn’t always this bad, though. Forty years ago, when asked to rate how “favorable and warm” their opinion of each party was, the average Democrat and Republican said they felt OK-ish about the opposite party. But for four decades now, partisans have increasingly turned against each other in an escalating cycle of dislike and distrust — views of the other party are currently at an all-time low.
That guy is annoying.![]()
Killer Mike's new Black-owned bank receives 'tens of thousands' of account requests in less than 24 hours
A new majority Black and Latinx-owned and operated digital bank hopes to make supporting Black-owned banks and businesses a little easier for
I'm sorry , who running around the streets burning buildings and breaking windows right now ????Lol a hate filled rant about how the other side is hateful. You can’t make this up.
No one. There’s a handful of anarchists and a right wing propaganda machine amplifying the limited images of unrest to scare their stupid viewers.I'm sorry , who running around the streets burning buildings and breaking windows right now ????
let the hate flow through you, young child.
Nice spin job , I'm sure CNN would agree !!! But the people in the inter cities would not!!!No one. There’s a handful of anarchists and a right wing propaganda machine amplifying the limited images of unrest to scare their stupid viewers.
So is Antifa. What's your point?
No it hasn't. Ttku.
clearly antifa and far left ttkuThey belong to Boogalou and the alt right. Ttku..
No one. There’s a handful of anarchists and a right wing propaganda machine amplifying the limited images of unrest to scare their stupid viewers.
Ive been trying to find the commercial i saw for "the biden plan" online. Cant find it, maybe it was removed? Anyway, basically it said the biden plan is to get everyone on the government teet, one way or another. The final line of the commercial was "the rich pay more". Sickening.So funny it's tragic. Now, refute anything I said. Back it up with facts. History shows I am exactly correct. Address it. You never do. Just a little Communist sympathizer. Now, when you are standing around in a bread line and contemplating eating your dog.....think back to the good ole days. Let that communistic ideology flow through you....blind fool.