Half Empty? NFL

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Actually it doesn't.
"Upon review of the evidence available to the Panel, Officer Woodyard’s decision to turn what may have been a consensual encounter with Mr. McClain into an investigatory stop -- in fewer than ten seconds -- did not appear to be supported by any officer’s reasonable suspicion that Mr. McClain was engaged in criminal activity. This decision had ramifications for the rest of the encounter," the report stated.

Elijah McClain was a 23-year-old Black man who, at about 140 pounds, was slight of build. He was a musician and a massage therapist. He lived an unassuming, relatively conventional life on the Autism Spectrum. On August 25, 2019, he was walking home from a convenience store, bringing his brother an iced tea, and, because of anemia, wearing an open-faced ski mask to keep his face warm.
McClain has been described by family, friends and business clients as "gentle" and "child-like"
Yeah, let's not take his mom's word for it. We need outside experts. Is Tupac available to testify??

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus


Too bad his parents didn’t teach him about repercussions.


Well-Known Member

View attachment 357157

Too bad his parents didn’t teach him about repercussions.
Too bad you support violence against freedom of speech. Smdh ....