Half Empty? NFL


Well-Known Member
It's OK newfie, you can bring up Obama, or Hillary, or Mickey Mouse, but President Trump is a draft-dodger.

He dodged the draft.

Multiple times.

Cadet Bone-Spurs!

Kind of ironic that he has such a hard-on for the military, since he's a draft-dodger.

Let's recap:

Donald Trump dodged the draft.

DJT pretended he had bone-spurs and continued to play tennis.

He called STD's 'his personal Vietnam'.

What a :censored2: draft-dodging loser President we have.

Typical CNN / MSNB dribble while ignoring his strong support of the military as a president. which is what I would expect from him as president.

in fact one could make the argument that Donald attending a military school gives him much more military experience then either Obama or Hillary.

I think one just made that argument.

you being a Hillary /Obama lackey/bootlicker I think its important I remind you of the constant double standards you display here.
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Well-Known Member
Newfie spent an entire afternoon attacking me personally for not serving in the military. He doesn’t believe anyone that didn’t serve can question the patriotism of anyone. I’m sure he extends that logic to Trump. I can’t wait for his poorly thought out justification for his obvious hypocrisy.

god you're such a weepy woman. you had the audacity to speak for true patriots. the true patriot is the one that signs up and puts their but on the line.
the true patriot is the one signs on the line, takes the oath and says I am here for you my country and I will risk everything I have for you my country.
the true patriot is that one that shows that unconditional love to their country.

thanks for finally admitting that you are a keyboard patriot.
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Well-Known Member
Maybe trump will be given an honorary military uniform and get to have a little Egyptian-style strongman thing going on? Could then have as many military parades as he wanted and openly talk to Shawn and daddy Vladimir any time of day. Not just before bedtime.

stop that !!!! for a moment there I had a flashback to Obama sending the IRS after conservatives and spying on the press.


Well-Known Member
Sounds ridiculous based on historical standards. But Trump would likely try to do anything to preserve his power and ego. The only question is who and how many people would be willing to try with and support him.

after Hillary getting away with blatant violations of our national security any effort to derail trump will be strongly objected to.
hold your liars and thieves accountable first . lead by example.


Well-Known Member
Do you think Ronny Jackson was a good choice to fix things? He’s currently under investigation by the pentagon.

not true , Ronnie is not currently under investigation for anything by anyone.

one democratic senator threw out wild accusations some of which have been debunked.

anyone who is selected for any position goes through a :censored2: storm of attacks by liberals and media who are one and the same.

Ronnie Jackson chose to not put his family through such attacks. his family was more important to him then his personal ambition