hall Video: Don’t Mess With Our Members’ Pensions


Well-Known Member
You said not every one knows we cant strike, why cant we strike? Im out of chicago and we have struck ups 3xs since 1995 and put them on notice 2xs this year already. Im not saying we should strike right now, but never say we cant, thats a big bargaining chip. Since the strike in 97 ups has profited over $27 billion, now i believe both sides want to come to an early agreement, it only benefits us and hurts the competion.

hall is a very competent man and will bring home a strong contract, 2002 was a pretty good contract and that was done without a strike, were in good hands!

We all understand that in your one local in Chicago and maybe a handful of others, that you have things real good.

That's great for you, in your fantasy world, but back here in reality there is a whole other picture.

The majority of the country is having pension cuts, health care cost increases, little to no representation, and all of this coming directly or indirectly from the teamsters union.

Now, I hope that you stay safe and secure in your little world for as long as you can, but the biggest majority of UPSers are not with you on that, and the majority will rule no matter what the minority says.

Now it might mean changes to the few that have it so good in order for the employees as a whole to get a fair retirement, and I am truly sorry for the few, but a handful of locals around the country can not expect the rest of us to continue eating the teamsters crap so that the few stay safe and sound in there ivory tower.

So, wake up, changes are coming. I know that you don't like it, but it is a fact. You are out numbered and fighting insurmountable odds, so it would be wise if you stop fighting a battle that you want win and start working with the majority to make this a winning situation for all concerned,


Go big orange
Insurmountable numbers??? Man, aren't we full of ourselves. Now that may be the case at that little center you work out of, but here in the real world, most haven't heard of APWA. Now you chose to pursue alternate representation. But don't shovel that nonsense that we are headed for blue skies if APWA does ever get control. They have not and cannot guarantee you anything. And if you think they will be able to convince enough UPSers to abandon the Teamsters, your dreaming. But posting factual and actual information hasn't stopped you or other APWAers from posting.


Well-Known Member
Insurmountable numbers??? Man, aren't we full of ourselves. Now that may be the case at that little center you work out of, but here in the real world, most haven't heard of APWA. Now you chose to pursue alternate representation. But don't shovel that nonsense that we are headed for blue skies if APWA does ever get control. They have not and cannot guarantee you anything. And if you think they will be able to convince enough UPSers to abandon the Teamsters, your dreaming. But posting factual and actual information hasn't stopped you or other APWAers from posting.

Krash old buddy,

I didn't mention the APWA one time in my post. Although I am an APWA supporter I was talking in relative terms. The fact of the matter is as I stated. The majority of the country has sustained large cuts to our retirement benifits, and only a few locals have remained untouched. Now, if they can remain untouched, more power to them, but the majority of the UPS hourlies are irate and fed-up with these cuts to the point that one way or another something is going to be done about it. With or without the support of the untouched few.
If you don't agree, Why do you think that the company has proposed to buy us out of the CS plan and the teamsters look like they are going to go for the proposal? It's not because a handful of locals are happy with what they have! No, it is because the majority of the employees are speeking out loudly against these cuts.


Browncafe Steward
We all understand that in your one local in Chicago and maybe a handful of others, that you have things real good.

That's great for you, in your fantasy world, but back here in reality there is a whole other picture.

The majority of the country is having pension cuts, health care cost increases, little to no representation, and all of this coming directly or indirectly from the teamsters union.

Now, I hope that you stay safe and secure in your little world for as long as you can, but the biggest majority of UPSers are not with you on that, and the majority will rule no matter what the minority says.

Now it might mean changes to the few that have it so good in order for the employees as a whole to get a fair retirement, and I am truly sorry for the few, but a handful of locals around the country can not expect the rest of us to continue eating the teamsters crap so that the few stay safe and sound in there ivory tower.

So, wake up, changes are coming. I know that you don't like it, but it is a fact. You are out numbered and fighting insurmountable odds, so it would be wise if you stop fighting a battle that you want win and start working with the majority to make this a winning situation for all concerned,
Fantasy world? Your promoting the apwa not me brother, i live in real time! We didnt always have it good here. We had to fight everyday, get along with others we never would have talked to, in order to get the right slate together to vote out the incumbent. Now that we have our guys in there its 100xs better. I hear your complaints but leaving the teamsters is not the answer! Standing up and look for the guys who have a following and might have the chance to run your local.

You can live in fairyland and believe the apwa will take charge in your local but between 705 and 710 in chicago it will never happen!

Ps i never give up fighting the battles i believe in and the teamsters are 1 that i believe in, must be the steward in me!


Well-Known Member
Fantasy world? Your promoting the apwa not me brother, i live in real time! We didnt always have it good here. We had to fight everyday, get along with others we never would have talked to, in order to get the right slate together to vote out the incumbent. Now that we have our guys in there its 100xs better. I hear your complaints but leaving the teamsters is not the answer! Standing up and look for the guys who have a following and might have the chance to run your local.

You can live in fairyland and believe the apwa will take charge in your local but between 705 and 710 in chicago it will never happen!

Ps i never give up fighting the battles i believe in and the teamsters are 1 that i believe in, must be the steward in me!

I rest my case. Local 705 and 710, the little wonderland!!! Open your eyes buddy, there is a whole big world out there beyond those two locals, and the majority of that world doesn't have it as good as you and are going to do something about it, with or without your two locals, so brace yourself the frieght train is a coming!!!


Well-Known Member
Easy does it on insulting people with stutters, pal!!!!! I have one and I communicate just fine. Don't underestimate stutterers, either. The perception of us is we are unintelligent and unable to communicate but its actually the opposite--we are just as intelligent and as capable of communicating. It took cajones for Hall to get up in front of a crowd like he did. I sure wouldn't! -Rocky
Have you ever heard of the song, "Why cant we be friends" by the group WAR. I believe it came out in the 70 s. It has a verse in there that I like, it says "sometimes I dont, speak, right, but yet I know what I m talking about". Go download it off limewire, I think you'll enjoy it.


Well-Known Member
I think the point 705 is making, is that the rank and file there got their ducks in a row, and took back their local, through organization, and mobilizing the members for a common cause.

No matter who our CBA is if we don't look in our own mirrors and figure out what we can do to collectively make improvements, then we're a large part of the blame where representation is concerned, because ultimatley it is you and I the members that either either get ourselves united, or let them divide and conquer us.

If you get people to really enforce the contract, then we can get alot done together, and if the ba sits on grievances call the local Pres and organize a sit down with him, and write your questions/concerns down, and be proffessional about it, but stern too, and don't back down. If you get no justice, start sending copies all over the place. Parcel Division/ etc...NLRB.

No matter who the represents us, if we don't light the fire, often they want dance;)


Well-Known Member
I think the point 705 is making, is that the rank and file there got their ducks in a row, and took back their local, through organization, and mobilizing the members for a common cause.

No matter who our CBA is if we don't look in our own mirrors and figure out what we can do to collectively make improvements, then we're a large part of the blame where representation is concerned, because ultimatley it is you and I the members that either either get ourselves united, or let them divide and conquer us.

If you get people to really enforce the contract, then we can get alot done together, and if the ba sits on grievances call the local Pres and organize a sit down with him, and write your questions/concerns down, and be proffessional about it, but stern too, and don't back down. If you get no justice, start sending copies all over the place. Parcel Division/ etc...NLRB.

No matter who the represents us, if we don't light the fire, often they want dance;)
Right on, I did my 3 year tour of duty(shop stewart) and had enough. In our center it was like pulling teeth to get any of the members actively participating. Nobody wanted to come out of their comfort zone to help another teamster that was beeing harrased(or whatever the case), but then when it came to them,being picked on by mgt. The whole world had to stop. It was a enviroment of self centered ness. I would tell them If only you realized how much power you could have if all of us were on the same page and fighting together.


Well-Known Member
Brother sometimes the brethren need to see unity in action, as seeing is believing. That means learning the contract, and sitting down with the folks and going over it, and organizing yourselves on how to deal with issues. A good example that to me anyway was from the somewhat old movie "The Right Stuff" about Chuck Yeager, and the first Apollo Astronauts etc...If you've seen it, then I am talking about when they built the "capsule" and had no input from the pilots that were to play it etc...and early on they had quite a bit of squabbling between them because they were vastly different, as some were straight edge, no drinking, carousing etc...and some were on the wild side, anyway, when it came down to the "capsule" they finally got united, and decided they should have some say, like having explosive bolts on the hatch, and other such.

As they said "No Bucks, No Buck Rogers"! At that point they really stuck together to make improvements on the space craft. Our strength is in each other, and if we stick together we can BE a union, rather than just BEING in a union.

That doesn't mean to thumb your noses at management every chance you get, but to respectivley and collectivley stand up for the principles of the contract, and doing a fair days work for a fair days pay, and remember your customers are your best friends out there, and even though some can be aggravating, but by giving them the service you would want, we are effectively securing our futures, and you never know when you may need a good word or three from them.:thumbup1:

Have a good Memorial Day weekend all! Be safe, and enjoy your families!


Well-Known Member
I understand the whole unity and staying together concept, but that is what it is a CONCEPT, and for the most part the people in the CS area (which covers around 25 states), are so fed up with the present system and representation that the majority just want out, with a new CBA and fresh start at all cost.
I to was a teamster shop steward for 5 years, and I experienced the lack of interest by members, the apathy, the lack of involvement, but these were symptoms of failing representation. The not seeing BA's unless they wanted money or votes, the sweeping grievances under the rug, the telling you to sit down, your out of order at the meetings if you said something that they didn't want to hear, and in our local, you can't vote them out because the local president is also the IBT VP, and it wouldn't look good for him to be thrown out of his local, so they count the votes and stack them against you. So, in this situation they leave you with only one option.
Get rid of the teamsters all together!


Well-Known Member
Ah Cipriani eh?!

It wouldn't be easy, but anyone can be voted out bro. As far as counting the votes, if they count them themselves you can protest it with the NLRB. I know your frustration bro, I really do, as Cipriani plays alot of politics with our Local too, and was pissed because our local guys didn't win the delegate votes to the convention, because we had people who beat them out.

My point is if the APWA doens't win we have to mobilize our members and vote out those who are not doing their jobs. It is always tough, but if the people really want change they have to get together in mass, and make their stand. I would much rather go down fighting than sitting on the sideline whinning, because that doesn't get things done, and this applies to the APWA as well.

Back to the vote counting, you can protest to the IBT too, and call for a meeting with them over it, but you will need to be very organized, as always. If the APWA wins the Teamsters are to blame for sure, because if you take care of your own, they will take care of you.


Well-Known Member
Ah Cipriani eh?!

It wouldn't be easy, but anyone can be voted out bro. As far as counting the votes, if they count them themselves you can protest it with the NLRB. I know your frustration bro, I really do, as Cipriani plays alot of politics with our Local too, and was pissed because our local guys didn't win the delegate votes to the convention, because we had people who beat them out.

My point is if the APWA doens't win we have to mobilize our members and vote out those who are not doing their jobs. It is always tough, but if the people really want change they have to get together in mass, and make their stand. I would much rather go down fighting than sitting on the sideline whinning, because that doesn't get things done, and this applies to the APWA as well.

Back to the vote counting, you can protest to the IBT too, and call for a meeting with them over it, but you will need to be very organized, as always. If the APWA wins the Teamsters are to blame for sure, because if you take care of your own, they will take care of you.

I hear what your saying but, protesting the the IBT want help, seeing as though Mr. Cipriani is the VP of the IBT. Do you think that he would rule against himself on anything. As far as voting him out, it has been tried the last two elections and oddly enough he won by a land slide and yet you can't find a single person who voted for him. How many times and how many years do we wait before moving on to the next option. Time is of essence, the long it goes the worse it gets.


Well-Known Member
I didn't say not to move on to the next option, I am saying cover all options, because there is a possibility that the APWA wont win. I know what you're say believe me. I used to meet with some people in your local yrs ago, and here we are with the same ol'e same ol'e, but maybe because we haven't gotten our acts together enough, either way when all this is over, we need to get the ball rolling, and if nothing else it will make people look at the issues and why things have come to this, and hopefully look to stop it by direct involvement, and that would mean setting up networks like is happening here.


Well-Known Member
Brother sometimes the brethren need to see unity in action, as seeing is believing. That means learning the contract, and sitting down with the folks and going over it, and organizing yourselves on how to deal with issues. A good example that to me anyway was from the somewhat old movie "The Right Stuff" about Chuck Yeager, and the first Apollo Astronauts etc...If you've seen it, then I am talking about when they built the "capsule" and had no input from the pilots that were to play it etc...and early on they had quite a bit of squabbling between them because they were vastly different, as some were straight edge, no drinking, carousing etc...and some were on the wild side, anyway, when it came down to the "capsule" they finally got united, and decided they should have some say, like having explosive bolts on the hatch, and other such.

As they said "No Bucks, No Buck Rogers"! At that point they really stuck together to make improvements on the space craft. Our strength is in each other, and if we stick together we can BE a union, rather than just BEING in a union.

That doesn't mean to thumb your noses at management every chance you get, but to respectivley and collectivley stand up for the principles of the contract, and doing a fair days work for a fair days pay, and remember your customers are your best friends out there, and even though some can be aggravating, but by giving them the service you would want, we are effectively securing our futures, and you never know when you may need a good word or three from them.:thumbup1:

Have a good Memorial Day weekend all! Be safe, and enjoy your families!
You can lead a horse to water, but you cant make them drink.


Why should not UPS members have the right to vacate Central States Plan because of the incompated Trustee Board at Central States. I have not regotten what Central States did to the Pension funds in the 50' and 60's.
Concerned UPS Member, who has never trusted Central States Trustee Board because of what my Uncle and Father pension was cheated-out of higher monthly payments.


Well-Known Member
Why should not UPS members have the right to vacate Central States Plan because of the incompated Trustee Board at Central States. I have not regotten what Central States did to the Pension funds in the 50' and 60's.
Concerned UPS Member, who has never trusted Central States Trustee Board because of what my Uncle and Father pension was cheated-out of higher monthly payments.

We all by and large feel that way, even if I don't know what "incompated" or "regotten" means? Just picking on you there.

Yes we have discussed Allen Dorfman and the others that used CS as a slush fund.
Change has to happen because the current pension is unacceptable.

I know what you mean area 43, but if no one fills the trough with water, they can't drink;)


Browncafe Steward
Cole you hit it on the head on the points i have been attempting to get across. You must come together in order to make change, we did and did lose some soldiers on the way to doing it! You must do your job by the book so you cant get into trouble, now alot of those guys ae back working with other companies within our local and look forward to collecting a pension from the same fund they were under with ups. If we switch to a single-employer waht happens if we get canned 3 years short of pension you cant go to say a yellow or abf to get your time in.

Also the united states gov. has a big hand in the fall of cs pension, their hands have been in it since what 1989(18years) but some how everyone still blames todays teamsters for the demise.

As for what brother cole said the apwa isnt a guarantee and we should start looking for another slate to unseat the current elected officials and let the members decide, which we have been doing since the early 90s, so if we dont vote we cant complain.


Well-Known Member
Cole you hit it on the head on the points i have been attempting to get across. You must come together in order to make change, we did and did lose some soldiers on the way to doing it! You must do your job by the book so you cant get into trouble, now alot of those guys ae back working with other companies within our local and look forward to collecting a pension from the same fund they were under with ups. If we switch to a single-employer waht happens if we get canned 3 years short of pension you cant go to say a yellow or abf to get your time in.

Also the united states gov. has a big hand in the fall of cs pension, their hands have been in it since what 1989(18years) but some how everyone still blames todays teamsters for the demise.

As for what brother cole said the apwa isnt a guarantee and we should start looking for another slate to unseat the current elected officials and let the members decide, which we have been doing since the early 90s, so if we dont vote we cant complain.

You broke me down! lead us and we will follow.
Show us the way!


Browncafe Steward
You broke me down! lead us and we will follow.
Show us the way!
If your serious start attending your monthly meetings, get involved in your barn, become a union steward if you can, grow a following at your barn by being a stand up individual now. thats laying the ground work for the next election so the guys/gals around you know your a credible person. The rest will fall into place in the near future, remember the next election is just over 4 years away, campaigning will begin in 2 to 3 years for it. We together can accomplish more for the common goal instead of ripping each other apart with differences of opinions!