Has TDU head David Levin ever been a rank-and-file Teamster?


Well-Known Member
The initiations are usually held here. The secret handshake follows the gluttonfest


Keep going, then. Anytime I ask anyone who is vehemently against TDU why they are, I can’t get a real answer out of them. Just a lot of cursing and head shaking.

I have dealt with some people from TDU and I have met David Levin, and shook his hand. I see them making an effort to educate members in our local of their rights and making a strong effort to organize UPSers.

But I always like to hear both sides, because sometimes things aren’t really as they seem. So if you have more arguments against TDU, I am open to hear them.
I won't pretend to know the whole history of TDU, let alone vouch for all of it. I have heard a few legitimate complaints. Many of their free online resources are powerful tools for Teamsters, e.g., the OJS checklist.

I think plenty of animosity toward TDU is due to disagreements re: the aims/goals of the union. Generally TDU promotes militancy and rank and file driven unions. Obviously there are many Teamster officers and more than a few rank and file members who are opposed to such things.


Well-Known Member
He was never a member of the rank and file. He is an activist who was brought on by Ken P. He also has other business interests affiliated with the democratic socialist party. I believe he is a paid consultant for the socialist party.

Hofficer Hater

Well-Known Member
He was never a member of the rank and file. He is an activist who was brought on by Ken P. He also has other business interests affiliated with the democratic socialist party. I believe he is a paid consultant for the socialist party.
The Democrats Socialist of America are not the Socialist Party. They are two different parties.


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
He was never a member of the rank and file. He is an activist who was brought on by Ken P. He also has other business interests affiliated with the democratic socialist party. I believe he is a paid consultant for the socialist party.

Interpretation: “A Damn Commie ”..
