From a certain POV, criticism of the current adminstration is alleged if not a hate crime, at least on racism which in turn is construed a hate crime if you will. Not sure if that is Island's perspective but as I've watched this discussion from afar after making the first post and then seeing your comment, that thought came to my mind.
Hate crimes? Way to easy to cross that fine line into thought crimes and then once you
cross that Rubicon, I'm not sure you go back without first venturing into a destructive authoriterian hell that everyone regrets, even the potential victims the law was intended to protect.
If someone hates me because of my race, religion or ethic ways, I'd rather them be free to voice those opinions in the open so I know where they stand, I know who to avoid and not do business with or better yet, I know if around them to not let my guard down.
Also most people like this are talkers and if allowed to exist in their little micro world believing themselve free to waller in their hate, they talk it up and that's about it. Especially if they know their victim intends to meet force with force should that line be crossed.
By passing laws that prohibit free speech no matter how noble the intent, it won't cleanse the ignorant thoughts and beliefs, it only hides them underground and other means are found to exercise them when need be, ways that a victim might have no clue or see until it's too late because said victim having again placed false trust that the brute violence of the state would protect them learns the hard way.