Hate Should Not Be A Crime!


Staff member
Bamboozled and hijacked by the voters. Bring forth the Palin presidential bid and watch it happen again.


Well-Known Member
As I have noticed from previous posts --I inadvertently moved the focus of this thread --sorry to all.
But I must comment on our word association game ---cannot relate to most of your responses but can firmly agree on YOUR statement of politics as usual.
During his run for the Presidency --Obama --YES WE CAN -real Change from politicians that "Bamboozle" us. Well what do we have --real change ?? No I agree with you "politics as usual" Same old -same old !!:dissapointed:

Looks like you had to really create something for the republicans.

The democratic list was much easier. Lot of felony activity there.

You two don't want to go there. Starting with Bush, Chaney, Rove, Rumsfeld,(all under investigation at one point or another), convicted felons Liddy, Ollie North....What's not startling is Fox News employs half those guys, and offers free hot air time to Cheney and his manchurian daughter.

Any court/judge that makes decisions based on their personal beliefs or opinions are whackos. Usually its the liberal robes that are guilty of that but republican/conservative judges have been known to make that mistake.

No, logic, as well as The Constitution, would not suggest that The Second Amendment would allow citizens to have chemical, biological, or nuclear weapons! Only an idiot with no logic what so ever would make such an accusation. And I know that I didn't. That leaves you.

Back in the day, when our forefathers were authoring the Constitution(including the 2nd Amend) they're weapontry consisted of what ? Black Powder muzzle loaded muskets, flintlock pistols, swords, bayonets, and a few cannons ? How does today's weapontry differ from yesteryear. Pretty safe to assume if one side had today's weapons the Amer Rev War would have been over rather quickly and decisively unless the inferior side develope Guerilla warfare. But thats another can of worms.

Back in the day, do you think our forefathers had the visions of laser guided fully automatic handheld machine guns, amor piercing bullets, Lars rockets, and SAMS in the hands of it's mentally challenged untested citizens. Maybe back then, visions of hi-tech weapons were predicted and ownership could be argued with organized citizen milita's or security forces at best, but one is certainly not an idiot realizing todays weapons are so far advanced and available legally or illegally to just about any wild eyed motivated citizen, with the potential to inflict destruction of biblical proportions in an era such as the 1700's equal to that of a Chemical or biological weapon. So interpeting this amendment to custom fit your "Big Gun" self righteous egotistical, for lack of a better word, small penis, is a long stretch, at best, as logic. Nuff said on this subject, Jones is right ! We are wavering in a wayward direction on this thread.


Hate crimes? Way to easy to cross that fine line into thought crimes and then once you cross that Rubicon, I'm not sure you go back without first venturing into a destructive authoriterian hell that everyone regrets, even the potential victims the law was intended to protect.

Thx Kmac. Back to Hate Crimes.
I know where your coming from with your views, but my POV is that everyone is over thinking this and speculating the advancement of the worst possible scenario.
Like it's been stated before, Hate Crimes statues are already written into many state law books. This new add on legislation is simply trying to avert "gay bashing" as a sport....Would the Libertarian creators of "South Park" want any unjustufied harm come to "Big Gay Al ?"....:wink2:


You two don't want to go there. Starting with Bush, Chaney, Rove, Rumsfeld,(all under investigation at one point or another), convicted felons Liddy, Ollie North....What's not startling is Fox News employs half those guys, and offers free hot air time to Cheney and his manchurian daughter.

I don't thionk you want to go there. Clinton got impeached if my memory serves me correctly. End of discussion.