2 loaders started throwing boxes at each other, one fired and one was kept. Daily red-faced nose to nose screaming matches, really gets old hearing it (seems gay AF to be nose to nose). Lots of death threats from Xmas help to supes, one because he was only building half tall walls. One over theft of iphones or some
. I have been ghetto tough guy talked to by new hires, but when I said go, they just have let it go and babble on with themselves with their playground
Punching a box is not even on the radar, we got one guy who punches almost every box. Sort isle kicks boxes out of jams every few minutes. I have seen people hang on bars and swing both legs to smash jams free on the belts. Never seen anyone attack a door, but I can imagine it must be funny to see. Everyone rides the belts, sometimes laying down, sometimes in super hero poses, picker gets his fitbit steps by walking on them as a treadmill.