Heads are exploding over transgender star Dylan Mulvaney being the face of the brand


Inordinately Right
How many times have we seen the Left immediately say that the shooter is a Right Wing extremist before anything is known about him and then it is downplayed when it's learned that he's a Leftist? My conclusion is there are nutjobs of all stripes out there doing horrible things.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Is this supposed to normalize something?

But where was your outrage for the last 70 years? Now all of a sudden the world is ending because trans people exist?

Were there active and widespread efforts to push trans ideology on kids 70 years ago? Were parents deciding that if their 5 year old boy picked up a doll or liked the color pink that he was a girl? Were puberty blockers being administered? Mastectomies?


Well-Known Member

But where was your outrage for the last 70 years? Now all of a sudden the world is ending because trans people exist?
Now all of a sudden they are being pushed on everyone as must be accepted and proper pronouns must be used and boys calling themselves girls are dominating sports and it must be allowed. Seems the only avenue for protest is to boycott companies participating in this. Must be frustrating to know you can't make someone buy products and collectively that has the power to change behavior even more than advertising.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American

But where was your outrage for the last 70 years? Now all of a sudden the world is ending because trans people exist?
The outrage you imply is missing isn't because trans people exist. The outrage is towards the in-your-face mentality and exhibitionism that you and your cohorts exhibit. I am as disgusted by equivalent displays of crotch-grabbing, and ass-baring, and exposing oneself, as I am the trans drag agenda.

But when you start targeting children, you deserve the head-bashing you are threatened by.

Non liberal

Well-Known Member

But where was your outrage for the last 70 years? Now all of a sudden the world is ending because trans people exist?
That’s not why and you know it! Not one thing was done by conservatives to harm trans folk…until they got the disgusting idea to start teaching our kids about it, period! Think about it. Where and when did this whole trans uproar start? It started in when democrats started to see trump around gay people and putting them in his administration. It threatened their voter block so they caused the uproar in the media somehow and it just snowballed. Nobody cares about trans people! Go be what u want, just stay away from our kids, and newsflash! Nobody has to like you. That’s real life. Get over it!

Next Day Error

X - Other
The outrage you imply is missing isn't because trans people exist. The outrage is towards the in-your-face mentality and exhibitionism that you and your cohorts exhibit. I am as disgusted by equivalent displays of crotch-grabbing, and ass-baring, and exposing oneself, as I am the trans drag agenda.

But when you start targeting children, you deserve the head-bashing you are threatened by.
Trans people and their allies are trying to normalize and humanize trans people. They're people. They're not out to get children. They're out to be accepted and not have to live their lives in excessive amounts of fear because of violence directed at them from people who misunderstand and hate them for being who they are.



Strength through joy
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