Health insurance


Active Member
Does anyone know how to send anything to benefits administration, or has anyone had the benefits department visit their location.
I recently looked up the health benefits for Amazon employees and unlike ours,it actually covers stuff.

They have co-pays!!!.Remember those???.
Just want to know why we can't get better and more choices then the crap we get now.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Does anyone know how to send anything to benefits administration, or has anyone had the benefits department visit their location.
I recently looked up the health benefits for Amazon employees and unlike ours,it actually covers stuff.

They have co-pays!!!.Remember those???.
Just want to know why we can't get better and more choices then the crap we get now.
Because the more we pay, the more FedEx can pay the people at the top and the shareholders.


Well-Known Member
Amazon is the 5th or 6th most valuable company in America. Right in there with Apple. Fedex is close to 50. Need to compare Apples to Apples.


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know how to send anything to benefits administration, or has anyone had the benefits department visit their location.
I recently looked up the health benefits for Amazon employees and unlike ours,it actually covers stuff.

They have co-pays!!!.Remember those???.
Just want to know why we can't get better and more choices then the crap we get now.
Because unlike the guys over at UPS you don't have any say in the matter.


Well-Known Member
The value of a company has nothing to do with the overall value of the company?

I think what he meant was that a company's market cap doesn't magically determine the health insurance they give their grunts. Walmart is also more valuable than Fedex but I think our benefits are quite a bit better. Things that would better correlate with how good benefits are would be how much the company competes on prices, how labor intensive what is sells is (how much of the cost are wages) and maybe some other factors.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
I think what he meant was that a company's market cap doesn't magically determine the health insurance they give their grunts. Walmart is also more valuable than Fedex but I think our benefits are quite a bit better. Things that would better correlate with how good benefits are would be how much the company competes on prices, how labor intensive what is sells is (how much of the cost are wages) and maybe some other factors.
Rationality and reasonableness, meet Old Fart.


Well-Known Member
I think what he meant was that a company's market cap doesn't magically determine the health insurance they give their grunts. Walmart is also more valuable than Fedex but I think our benefits are quite a bit better. Things that would better correlate with how good benefits are would be how much the company competes on prices, how labor intensive what is sells is (how much of the cost are wages) and maybe some other factors.
Walmart is a company that employees low skilled employees. Working as a cashier or in lay-a-way is not a career path most people want on a long term basis. While Walmart is the world's largest employer, their employees are not usually long term and should not expect benefits that are equal to companies that employee more skilled and educated workers. Google, Amazon, Apple all have better benefits than Fedex but they are companies that have far more value and most likely have larger profits. While Fedex may not have the best insurance in the country, what I have seen from looking at the insurance offered my kids by their Fortune 500 employers and what my wife was offered before she retired, it was inline in price and coverage.


You're looking at this from a cashier/stocker perspective only.. store view only. If Wal-Mart only employed "low skilled" employees, they would cease operations in a heartbeat. Preventable has the better perspective.

Wal-Mart, fast food, some grocery stores, anything that relies on selling more items at a lower profit margin will pay less and offer less benefits. They also expect more efficiency out of their employees and are higher stress environments. Working fast food is easier when there are 20 people packed and each worker only doing a couple things.. but when it trims down to 5-8 people running the whole show, it takes real skill from every person to be winners. And for what? $8 an hour.

Glassdoor reviews on Wal-Mart's benefits even have managers+ reviews that the health coverage is costly and not very effective. Compare that to Amazon. My one exception for fast food might be Chick-Fil-A where they have higher profit margins, simpler menu (much more efficient), overly staffed, fast service, etc. I've not looked at their benefits extensively, not great for part time workers. They offer 401k, health, PTO, etc. And they're worth like.. 6-7 billion. Your theory is trash.

And you can claim "highly skilled" all you want, but it doesn't mean your skills are transferable. You can also continue to believe that FedEx is prestigious but that's debatable. Just because someone gets a job that you would snub your nose at, does NOT mean they're uneducated.

You always find a way to look down on other employers and workers. Taking a job that you find miserable might not be the best decision for someone but maybe they have bills to pay and it's the only place hiring. They may also not be at their best (because of stress or life events) and may miss better opportunities. You are ridiculous and aren't even worth the time of day for real conversation. I come back to your foundation every time oldfart, you're privileged, opinionated, and a judgmental as5hole.

interesting read, fedex + "skilled" = debatable; according to your opinion of other places of employment. Why What We Do is Skilled Labor


Well-Known Member
You're looking at this from a cashier/stocker perspective only.. store view only. If Wal-Mart only employed "low skilled" employees, they would cease operations in a heartbeat. Preventable has the better perspective.

Wal-Mart, fast food, some grocery stores, anything that relies on selling more items at a lower profit margin will pay less and offer less benefits. They also expect more efficiency out of their employees and are higher stress environments. Working fast food is easier when there are 20 people packed and each worker only doing a couple things.. but when it trims down to 5-8 people running the whole show, it takes real skill from every person to be winners. And for what? $8 an hour.

Glassdoor reviews on Wal-Mart's benefits even have managers+ reviews that the health coverage is costly and not very effective. Compare that to Amazon. My one exception for fast food might be Chick-Fil-A where they have higher profit margins, simpler menu (much more efficient), overly staffed, fast service, etc. I've not looked at their benefits extensively, not great for part time workers. They offer 401k, health, PTO, etc. And they're worth like.. 6-7 billion. Your theory is trash.

And you can claim "highly skilled" all you want, but it doesn't mean your skills are transferable. You can also continue to believe that FedEx is prestigious but that's debatable. Just because someone gets a job that you would snub your nose at, does NOT mean they're uneducated.

You always find a way to look down on other employers and workers. Taking a job that you find miserable might not be the best decision for someone but maybe they have bills to pay and it's the only place hiring. They may also not be at their best (because of stress or life events) and may miss better opportunities. You are ridiculous and aren't even worth the time of day for real conversation. I come back to your foundation every time oldfart, you're privileged, opinionated, and a judgmental as5hole.

interesting read, fedex + "skilled" = debatable; according to your opinion of other places of employment. Why What We Do is Skilled Labor
Privileged? Skills not transferable? Been tractor qualified for almost 30 years. Could jump back in one at any time. Not sure how I am privileged. Just because I enjoy my job and don't whine and complain about something that happened 10 years ago like tex. I am not gonna apologize because I topped out in 18 months. Anyone here could have gotten a job in the mid 70's like I did. If you were not born then, not my problem. I am not giving back my seniority or my vacation or my RTD pay.


You gonna deflect or keep comparing apples to Amazon and Wal-Mart health coverage related to their "value"?

Haha..and is that your only transferable skill? You can drive a truck... is that what you hold over your fellow couriers?
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Well-Known Member
You gonna deflect or keep comparing apples to Amazon and Wal-Mart health coverage related to their "value"?

Haha..and is that your only transferable skill? You can drive a truck... is that what you hold over your fellow couriers?
You quit your job and I quit mine. I can drive a tractor and drag a 53 ft trailer all day in the city. We will see who has a decent paying job first. You can flip square ones at Wendys


That's not the point here. There are dozens of members that were active on this Fedex forum and have all left, retired, etc.

Better pay isn't everything. More like, become respectable and decent to others and live in their shoes. I need to watch that recent Adam Sandler movie...

Edit>> and again, still not addressing the topic at hand. Just more "I'm better" rhetoric
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Well-Known Member
That's not the point here. There are dozens of members that were active on this Fedex forum and have all left, retired, etc.

Better pay isn't everything. More like, become respectable and decent to others and live in their shoes. I need to watch that recent Adam Sandler movie...

Edit>> and again, still not addressing the topic at hand. Just more "I'm better" rhetoric
If better pay isnt everything, why do so many people cry and whine about their pay?


Well-Known Member
Privileged? Skills not transferable? Been tractor qualified for almost 30 years. Could jump back in one at any time. Not sure how I am privileged. Just because I enjoy my job and don't whine and complain about something that happened 10 years ago like tex. I am not gonna apologize because I topped out in 18 months. Anyone here could have gotten a job in the mid 70's like I did. If you were not born then, not my problem. I am not giving back my seniority or my vacation or my RTD pay.
Look with all due respect, you keep taking your Reagan era " Morning in America" mindset from the 1980's combine it with a generous helping of "I got mine the rest of you can go to hell" attitude then try to impart it to a new generation , a much more cynical and disbelieving generation. A generation that is keenly aware of the fact that if you lack the raw intelligence to comprehend and apply the technologies of the 21st century life for you is going to be nasty and wage progression will be very very difficult. Now boomers like you and me have a lot of productive contribution left in us but the cold fact of the matter is our time has come and gone. At one time you may have been a key contributor at your station but sooner or later you're going to have to let go, leaving that station for a final time and come to terms with the fact that the place can and does run without you and rather well at that.


Well-Known Member
Look with all due respect, you keep taking your Reagan era " Morning in America" mindset from the 1980's combine it with a generous helping of "I got mine the rest of you can go to hell" attitude then try to impart it to a new generation , a much more cynical and disbelieving generation. A generation that is keenly aware of the fact that if you lack the raw intelligence to comprehend and apply the technologies of the 21st century life for you is going to be nasty and wage progression will be very very difficult. Now boomers like you and me have a lot of productive contribution left in us but the cold fact of the matter is our time has come and gone. At one time you may have been a key contributor at your station but sooner or later you're going to have to let go, leaving that station for a final time and come to terms with the fact that the place can and does run without you and rather well at that.
The company ran just fine before me, will run just fine after me. Doesn't matter to me if they miss me or not. You left and NOBODY cared and it upset you. When I leave, if I don't get a card, doesn't matter to me. I will be drawing a very nice mailbox income and to me, that is all that matters.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
And you can claim "highly skilled" all you want, but it doesn't mean your skills are transferable.

Sure they are. Why wouldn't they be? I've seen plenty who have done just that. A courier of the "How the hell can delivering packages be a transferable skill" mindset probably isn't smart enough to do it.

You can also continue to believe that FedEx is prestigious but that's debatable.

I don't think anything about FedEx is prestigious. However, others do and having FedEx on your resumè isn't the worst thing in the world.


Well-Known Member
The company ran just fine before me, will run just fine after me. Doesn't matter to me if they miss me or not. You left and NOBODY cared and it upset you. When I leave, if I don't get a card, doesn't matter to me. I will be drawing a very nice mailbox income and to me, that is all that matters.
Indeed your mailbox income is all that matters to you and that's the entire point. You are the ONLY person to whom it matters and what does it take to pound that reality into your thick skull along with the fact that you will no longer be the center of attention? If nobody cared when I left then how come there's a standing invitation to return to handle overflow? I don't need to do so because there are always new and more interesting ways to remain productive and more importantly relevant Furthermore, my retirement income is direct deposited. You ought to try it. This way you will no longer have to stand out by your mailbox in the pouring down rain waiting for the mailman.


Well-Known Member
Sure they are. Why wouldn't they be? I've seen plenty who have done just that. A courier of the "How the hell can delivering packages be a transferable skill" mindset probably isn't smart enough to do it.

I don't think anything about FedEx is prestigious. However, others do and having FedEx on your resumè isn't the worst thing in the world.
In my state there was a Xpress courier who decided to run for county prothonotary and clerk of courts simply because his party had no candidate on the primary ballot. To his complete surprise he won. Now after three and a half years of complete ineptitude and mismanagement the county judges have given him 5 days to catch up on a huge backlog of unprocessed court orders and decrees going back many months or be held in contempt of court and possibly be hauled off to jail to keep company with inmates who were order to be released weeks earlier but are still there because this outstanding public servant never got around to processing and filing the judge's order for them to be released. If ever there really was an "absolutely positively has to be done overnight" believe me this is it.