Yeah, worst economy since 1929 as been turned around and he is a failure. What a dumb thing to say. You and morelies just hate the Dems so bad it wouldn't matter if George Washington was president, you would say he is worthless. Have you ever admitted that something Obama is doing was good? I doubt it and it just shows how cynical and full of hate you are.
I would agree he has turned it around as long as he keeps pumping hundreds of billions of dollars of stimulus money into it.
You really sound like a whiney little girl with the hate line. I've commented on the fact that Obama has now put himself into negotiations of some type at least 10 times and each time he has come back empty handed. When the president puts his stature into negotiations he is supposed to be successful.
I hate to burst your overinflated bubble but I did not hate Obama into failure Obama failed on his own.