Health Summit


Staff member
I don't think they do support many of the bills ideas in the context the democrats have them. They certainly do not support "a lot" of the ideas as the summit showed. Americans don't want a bill with a 1000 new short sighted provisions in them. they want to go slowly , review each provision with full transparency and then make the changes in small easy to understand groupings.
Its a reasonable request that Obama actually promised on the campaign trail.

So when you ask this question ask why Obama is not delivering full transparency as promised.
On Chris Matthews on Sunday they made an interesting point. It is not necessarily the bill that Americans don't like, but the messy process. If the Dem's pass it and it's popular, people will forget all about how it was passed (reconciliation). Much like Medicaid and Medicare, once the genie is out of the bottle, American's won't want it back in. It's a gamble, but what isn't these days?


On Chris Matthews on Sunday they made an interesting point. It is not necessarily the bill that Americans don't like, but the messy process. If the Dem's pass it and it's popular, people will forget all about how it was passed (reconciliation). Much like Medicaid and Medicare, once the genie is out of the bottle, American's won't want it back in. It's a gamble, but what isn't these days?

Chris will make such points because it supports the party line. I think americans do not like the way government operates. They want full careful diclosure.

Chris's point does reflect a flaw with this administration. They arrogantly think they know what the people want even though the people tell them they don't want it.

Chris's point is right in one sense. Once the Health Care boondoggle is created it will be very difficult to undo.


golden ticket member
"Apart from smoking and drinking he's in good health...for now!:dissapointed: "

His cholesterol is 209, so he has to watch what he eats too. Lay off the burgers & fries!!


golden ticket member
Kent Conrad, a Democrat, says reconciliation cannot be used for this big health, I would think he's a Dem. that won't vote yes for health bill.

Pelosi is telling her Dems. to vote for this bill even if it means you will lose your job. She's nuts!!


While we're on the subject of health...

So they want to tax soda's, tell us what to eat, his wife is in charge of child obesity and the President smokes and drinks like a sailor...:happy-very: No wonder he wants to ram healthcare through...he's gonna need it!!

If you go through a medical screening and say you drink seven days a week then you would be assessed to have poor health habits.
Yet studies I've seen show that one beer or glass of wine a day actually has a positive impact on your health.

The doctors also recommended "moderation of alcohol intake". Huh?

Doctors tell Barack Obama to quit smoking

Apart from smoking and drinking he's in good health...for now!:dissapointed:


golden ticket member
Today, everyone seems to be asking their commentators......will IT pass ??
Bill Crystal said No
Brit Hume said No
Juan Williams said No (I think)


golden ticket member
Nancy wants all this health crap settled by the end of the month. That's because if the congress goes home for Easter, they'll get clobbered by their constituents and will feel guilty and won't vote yes on the health bill. Rush Rush !! Hurry Hurry !!