I can recall voting on contracts with specifics stating what the benefits are. Pension increases, pay raises etc. But back around 2001 or so UPS rolled out a so called NEW type of insurance plan for us to choose from. That's when I started mail order drugs. Told"FREE" home delivery..$5.00 name brand at cvs etc and generics "FREE" at those outlets. Our retirement pkg at the time did not include dental and eye care. BUT...BIG BUT........If YOU switch to the NEW Healthcare plan when YOU retire you will have the same exact benefits as drivers at a cost of $50.00 per month till age 65. The only catch was YOU have to be on this plan 4 years prior to your retirement for this benefit pkg to go with you into retirement. Now $150.00 per month (only me no family) $200 deductible, 20% co pays on drugs (that used to be free) and 20% co pays on doctor visits (used to be 10% of approved negotiated rate) I don't know about you but I played by the rules, got on the NEW plan for 4 years and now look where the NEW plan has gone...It stinks for me and everyone else in the same boat I am in. I was on the East Coast when this went down years ago. So can ya blame me and the others who got the shaft by playing by the rules and switching to the New plan? I was always on the the traditional plan up till that time, and I was happy to have dental and eye care if I took the New plan, The traditional plan had no dental or eye care so it was a no brainer on my part or others who made the switch. To bad other Locals from what I see on these forums got some bum deals
Were you "told" that your insurance would be $50/mo until you turned 65 or was it wrtten down in the SPD.
I remember H&H "telling" us that Teamcare mirrored the UPS plan. The SPD said something different.
I believe that the SPD said that you could keep the insurance until age 65 and at the current time it was $50/mo.
I do not believe that there were any guarantees that it would stay $50/mo until you turned 65.
It always amazes me that people take someone else's word for things instead of doing some research and seeing it for themselves in writing.
For the most part, when I reply to someone's question, I give an answer and quote the pertinent contractual language so that the person can see for themselves instead of taking someone's word for it.