Heard this the other Day


Long Time Member
I cant believe you guys think concessions are a possibility (i know your kidding but still). Concessions are made when company is not making money-- which is no the case!
It is forwarding looking not back or current
I think a possibility is they might try to "buy out" our heapthcare UPS is not in the Health business depending on how obamacare goes... Alot of people would probably vote for the buyout if it was 5$ an hour then you buy on the exchange. What is the "Exchange"? Is it a Health Care Call/Put system? Good idea and good gaming. Really, may be a great idea...bet on your health need possibilities (odds can be set)

Im not supporting/arguing about obamacare but its the biggest change since last contract and i think healthcare benefits will be the big thing next negotiation

Nice comments some; just got me thinking....Really thanks!!!


Well-Known Member
If healthcare is such a large part of everything why doesn't ups make 2 part time jobs into one.part timers have very good care and it seems as good as full time in most cases.what is the downside of doing this.you probably would save money on wages in the long run....


If healthcare is such a large part of everything why doesn't ups make 2 part time jobs into one.part timers have very good care and it seems as good as full time in most cases.what is the downside of doing this.you probably would save money on wages in the long run....

What about all of those PT union dues? You think the union will back UPS going all full-time, reducing tens if not hundreds of thousands of jobs?


Well-Known Member
If healthcare is such a large part of everything why doesn't ups make 2 part time jobs into one.part timers have very good care and it seems as good as full time in most cases.what is the downside of doing this.you probably would save money on wages in the long run....

That wouldn't work in a lot of buildings. In the building I used to work at, we had 2 full-timers, both 22.3, and they worked local sort/twi, then car wash. I don't think too many people would want to work twilight/preload so unless UPS changes how they move packages around, I don't know how that could work, in the smaller buildings.

Omega man

Well-Known Member
I do think that the company will propose a two-tiered wage with a grandfathering clause for current employees. $22/hr max sounds too low--I would think it would be closer to $25.

What do you base your opinion on? Why do you believe that there will be a two-tier wage scale at UPS? You are quick to sell out our junior Teamster members. Why do you even think that there would be concessions? UPS is making nearly a billion dollars a quarter. They are going to have to share some of the rewards of their prosperity with us next contract. We must also demand protections from unfair production harassment and better 9 5 language.


Well-Known Member
What do you base your opinion on? Why do you believe that there will be a two-tier wage scale at UPS? You are quick to sell out our junior Teamster members. Why do you even think that there would be concessions? UPS is making nearly a billion dollars a quarter. They are going to have to share some of the rewards of their prosperity with us next contract. We must also demand protections from unfair production harassment and better 9 5 language.

Care to make a wager?