Here it comes


Well-Known Member
It’s pretty basic economics. If the wage an employer offers is enough to attract and retain enough staff to operate it’s enough. Why would an employer offer more?
I mean crappy as in “not a lot of money” ,not “the worker is entitled to more.” At the end of the day, it’s the individual’s responsibility to find themselves a job to meet their own needs, yes.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
You can work for what's offered you or you can starve. It's the American Dream.
Low wage jobs are necessary. How else would a person gain work experience? People need to take opportunity as it’s presented. I have employees that are just decent at their lower wage jobs and I have ones that demonstrate drive and competence that I promote. Freedom to better your lot in life is the American Dream.


Well-Known Member
Could you elaborate? That sounds like a pretty standard route to me in a suburban area. What did the route look like before?
They didn’t have nearly as much 2/3 day freight and they had about 20 pickups as well.


Well-Known Member
They didn’t have nearly as much 2/3 day freight and they had about 20 pickups as well.

That might be strange to you, but the station I worked most of my career at back in PA there are only a few routes that don’t have pick ups attached.

15 and 70 with 15-20 pups is a normal day for a lot of routes in that building, it had 3 pup routes and maybe 10 routes out of 30 that I would consider pure delivery “day” routes


Just telling it like it is
Low wage jobs are necessary. How else would a person gain work experience? People need to take opportunity as it’s presented. I have employees that are just decent at their lower wage jobs and I have ones that demonstrate drive and competence that I promote. Freedom to better your lot in life is the American Dream.
So that’s your spin on being tighter than the bark on a tree?


Well-Known Member
You say the pay is bad, but people are lining up in droves. They disagree with you. Take it up with them, not me.
...and then they quit...and then you hire new...and then they quit...Some companies pay a fare wage and don’t have to constantly hire newbies..that’s an option


Well-Known Member
Express, All hands on deck here, rentals lined up out the door, pickup routes sit and wait for trucks at night. We're good for a while, glad I'm on a rural 300mile route.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
...and then they quit...and then you hire new...and then they quit...Some companies pay a fare wage and don’t have to constantly hire newbies..that’s an option

You don't get it. There's no reason to pay more when the expense of recruiting, hiring, and training the replacements is low enough. Those who don't like it move on to better things.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
The total training costs aren’t that low. It’s still better to retain experienced staff.

The Ground guys here (at least IWBF, can't remember about sam) have said that it's not a big deal, and Express isn't having an issue with turnover as of late.