As it is, the poor pay 7.35% in payroll taxes, a 1.35% spread on 9% sales tax. If the flat 9% income tax is also involved, that would be a 10.35% increase in taxes for almost half of the country
Check out pages 44 and 48 on the above link, if interested...disturbing information and this is
pre-2007 data.
Inflation adjusted percentage increase in after-tax household income for the top 1% and the four quintiles, between 1979 and 2005 (gains by top 1% are reflected by bottom bar; bottom quintile by top bar).[23]
Also under the 9-9-9 plan, anyone withdrawing from a Roth IRA would be taxed twice on that money.
Not that Rich Lowrie and his real handlers. the Koch Bros. via Americans for Prosperity would allow this but if I were Cain, to deflate especially democrat objections, I'd kill the 9% income tax on all wage/salary related income under say $250k. The poor and especially the blue and white collar middle class would see an immediate windfall. People on the edge of economic troubles might be pushed back from the brink and folks out of work could take a lesser paying job and still for the most part maintain their previous lifestyle. Mortgage foreclosures might stabilize, some folks might even be able to now afford a house and buy one or buy up. Others may pay down debt freeing up more income to be spent for consumer goods which also help to increase jobs. None of this is guaranteed but they are possibilities none the less.
Cain should also lay out a very specific plan to cut gov't costs and what those targeted cuts would be. By moving towards a balanced budget and more important a decrease in borrowing money, our nation's economic strength would return and our dollar would begin to stabilize and might even grow stronger.
The 999 plan sounds good on it's face but it just lacks so much in specifics as to how it would work into a larger economic plan where gov't is clearly too large. Cain sez his plan is revenue neutral so IMO out of the box we have 2 problems.
1) Being revenue neutral, where is the pressure on Congress and gov't as a whole to reduce it's size and scope?
2) Even at revenue neutral, our present neutrality doesn't pay the bills so what are your specific areas of gov't that you will scale back to make "revenue neutral" pay the bills?
If revenue neutral means the Rich Lowrie/Koch Bros. plan will bring in enough revenue to balance the budget, imagine now the harm to the economy with tax dollars being extracted out of circulation in the private economy forcing us all to fight and chase an ever decreasing amount of dollars is supply. Now increase that amount of tax dollar extraction from the private economy and then how much worse does it get?
Cain, Perry, Romney and company really differ very little from Obama regardless of the screams from both sides of the booboisie but from my POV, regardless of either side, following their current modeling, things will get worse and the boots in the street will begin to grow and join ranks. In Kansas City Occupy at the food tent, the black flag and the Gadsen flag (Don't Tread On Me) are flying side by side signifying the growing bridge between folks on the right and folks on the left. Keep it up because the stupidity of the 2 party system will have you pulling your own empire down upon your own heads.
Another interesting sign is that on Saturday, Occupiers at one protest started dancing and cops started moving against them but the surrounding by-stander public observing started shouting and booing at the cops and the cops backed completely off and left. When larger public sympathy begins to grow towards the Occupy movement, it's game over for the empire!