Hey! Don't I get a receipt?!


nowhere special
I can't tell you how many times I've asked someone what their last name was, and they fire through it like it's an Olympic sprint. Slow down, say that again? They spew it out again, and then I just type in whatever I think I heard. I like the idiots that say "My name is Frank, with an friend" Like how else would you spell Frank you stupid butt crumb! Oh, or the people with simple last names like "Washington", and then they proceed to start spelling it out for you like you don't know how to spell WASHINGTON! Christ, why did I have to work in an industry surrounded by morons!

Just call him Francis


Pineapple King
Just tell them the receipt is inside the box and whenever possible I just read the last name on the box and put that in the DIAD. Less contact the better.


Well-Known Member
We had a guy get fired a few years back for typing in a description of the customer, instead of their name. i.e. big boobs, fat ass, and my personal favorite, friend@#ktard, after some guy pissed him off.


Well-Known Member
I don't know for sure what button it is, I think it's the signature hit it twice it will beep. Then have them speak their name in it, then hit it again it will beep. Tell them it's in the website. I had people say no it's not I checked. That's when you tell them only the shipper can pull it up on their billing system. Never heard from them again.

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Well-Known Member
I can't believe people ask for a receipt. They're the ones who have the package for heaven's sake. I should be the one asking for a receipt! Some people are just total morons/richardheads/stupid/nothing better to do in life/jerkoffs that it amazes me sometimes. I just say "No you don't" and that usually ends it. I never had it go as far as the original poster wrote.

If it did I would get completely blunt spoken and say something like "You have the package, what else do you want"?

or "who the hell do you have to prove that you received the package to? You have the package. end of transaction"

Or "well, sir, out of the 195 deliveries I did today, you are the only one who asked for a receipt. I find your behavior highly suspicious and will have to report this delivery to the police. The only people that need to prove receipt of parcels are one's who are receiving shipments of drugs and need to prove to the drug ring that they got the contraband." That should end any conversation.


Well-Known Member
Then you get the ones who give you a return package and say "do I have to sign something?" No, you don't. You gave me something, I didn't give you anything, why would YOU have to sign ANYTHING?


Pineapple King
Then you get the ones who give you a return package and say "do I have to sign something?" No, you don't. You gave me something, I didn't give you anything, why would YOU have to sign ANYTHING?
Or, can I have a receipt for the ARS I just gave you? No. I don't have one to give you. Well how do I know you're not going to steal it?


Retired 23 years
I had an actual "Smith" one time get bent out of shape because I called him Mr. Smith. He proceeded to correct me and tell me that he pronounced it the old way -- "Smyth". Wooptie frickin doo.


Well-Known Member
I know this has been posted a billion and one times before this but it happened to me just last night, on a day that I was 50 stops over my max so it bothered me more than normal. I delivered the package and rang the bell (big mistake), get in the truck, belt in and started it up. I'm clearing my blind spot and just about to pull away when this guy comes running out of his house in 10 degree weather waving his arms to stop me. I shut the diesel engine so I can hear him yell from across a busy street "Do I have to sign anything?" I stared at him for three seconds with a disgusted look and finally said "Umm, ahhh, NO"

Why do people do this? Really, why? Why would you come running out of your warm house to ask a driver this when the package has already been left at your door? Instead of doing scientific research on animal behavior somebody should do a study on the idiocy of UPS customers.

I just want to understand what goes through their mind. Are they starved for friendship and want to start a conversation with me? Its the only thing I can think of.


Well-Known Member
Or, can I have a receipt for the ARS I just gave you? No. I don't have one to give you. Well how do I know you're not going to steal it?
I delivered a COD to an old couple and the old man told me to step in for just a second because he had a question about the money order and it was on the table. It was a trap, lol! When I stepped in I could see that he had a contract, a pen and two glasses of water arranged on the table. He warned me that he had got a postal money order and that I could be federally prosecuted if I stole the money! He told me to sit down and he would read the contract to me!

I told him he'd have to pick his package up from the center because I was only collecting the check and not signing anything. He was pretty upset things weren't going as planned and begged me to at least read the contract. He asked me what he was supposed to get for a receipt and I told him the package was his receipt.

It was 1000 degrees in their house and I thought I might pass out before I convinced him to just take the box. He was nearly in tears asking me why he should give a money order to a stranger and I said it was no different than giving his money to the cashier at the grocery store - if she stole it, her employer would fire her but he got the groceries - same with the package. Success! That clicked with him and he gave me the money order in exchange for the package. If he hadn't been pushing 90 years old I would never have wasted that much time.


I so wanna do this, but since they warned is in driving school about it, Smith it is.


Well-Known Member
I know this has been posted a billion and one times before this but it happened to me just last night, on a day that I was 50 stops over my max so it bothered me more than normal. I delivered the package and rang the bell (big mistake), get in the truck, belt in and started it up. I'm clearing my blind spot and just about to pull away when this guy comes running out of his house in 10 degree weather waving his arms to stop me. I shut the diesel engine so I can hear him yell from across a busy street "Do I have to sign anything?" I stared at him for three seconds with a disgusted look and finally said "Umm, ahhh, NO"

Why do people do this? Really, why? Why would you come running out of your warm house to ask a driver this when the package has already been left at your door? Instead of doing scientific research on animal behavior somebody should do a study on the idiocy of UPS customers.

I just want to understand what goes through their mind. Are they starved for friendship and want to start a conversation with me? Its the only thing I can think of.

I get the people yelling and waving their arms at me asking for their package. Then I have to tell them their standing on top of it as it was DR'ed in their front door.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
I know this has been posted a billion and one times before this but it happened to me just last night, on a day that I was 50 stops over my max so it bothered me more than normal. I delivered the package and rang the bell (big mistake), get in the truck, belt in and started it up. I'm clearing my blind spot and just about to pull away when this guy comes running out of his house in 10 degree weather waving his arms to stop me. I shut the diesel engine so I can hear him yell from across a busy street "Do I have to sign anything?" I stared at him for three seconds with a disgusted look and finally said "Umm, ahhh, NO"

Why do people do this? Really, why? Why would you come running out of your warm house to ask a driver this when the package has already been left at your door? Instead of doing scientific research on animal behavior somebody should do a study on the idiocy of UPS customers.

I just want to understand what goes through their mind. Are they starved for friendship and want to start a conversation with me? Its the only thing I can think of.
Why would u stop the truck? I just look the other way and act like I don't see them.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Had a customer one time (during peak, of course) tell me to "come on inside, have a seat and get a cup of coffee" while he got on the phone with the shipper to "verify the amount" on a COD.

He was less than thrilled when I explained to him that I wouldnt be sitting down or enjoying any of his coffee that day.


Well-Known Member
seeing these responses makes me want to ask my driver this. yes he knows i work at UPS but i wonder what
kind of reaction he would have.


Well-Known Member
We just had a seasonal driver talking this morning about how sick she is of hearing office workers ask if its cold enough outside.

I told her once you do this job long enough you learn how annoying and dumb the general public is.

Lol my husband always gets the "Stay dry out there!" comment when it's pouring outside and he walks in already drenched.