Hey kids


Well-Known Member
But if you lose 30% of 100k then make back 30% your still down 10k or so

That's only if you purchased all of your shares at $100.

Let's round up UPS stock to $100 because math. So at $100k, you currently have 1000 shares. A 30% drop and bounce back shouldn't necessarily leave you at $91k because the investment strategy that got you to 1000 shares will also allow you to accumulate more shares at $70.

Not to mention that you most certainly purchased most of your shares well below $100 as it is. I mean, if you started 5 years ago, you bought UPS at $60.


Resident Suit
You're average person wasn't in the stock market 30 years ago. Now every Tom dick and Harry owns stocks and freaks out at every little thing.
They all buy names they recognize, don't look at the financials.
If you can't take the heat just buy a CD at your local bank.
You're better off putting it under your mattress. CD returns are crap.
The market will take a hit because of Greece but it is better to have a correction now so the market can recover. Greece economy isn't that big but the world views it as much more important than it really should be. It would only get worse if Europe kept pouring down than endless money pit. Greece has the ultimate socialist mentality that the world is supposed to pay their bills and has made no effort to control their spending.
Its viewed as a big deal more because of the Euro than anything. If they leave the Euro that affects all of the Euro countries. If they default and stay in the Euro it is still a big deal, just not catastrophic.