I havnet had a complaint for years now. I really think someone was messing with me. As for buidling manager at the time, I believe she was pissed of at what was going on at the time and taking it out on some random person.
These places of work can be hell at times. Theres so much going on and things are done and said to people that really ruin the fun or enjoyment the job brings. It's like they draw a name out of the hat and press foreword on the harassment, no matter if they are right or wrong.
There are many people I have come across that smell bad during the job, and it doesnt bother me. I know, the heat and humidity can wear off anyones spary on or underarm stick in no time. Theres people who take a shower just before work here, and two hours later smell of sweat and frustration. I know, I load drivers cars for a living. I can smell a drivers day as I enter the car. The sweat, the hardship and over all frustration hits home on those few selected days.
As for the union pile of crap being pushed on me. Ok guys, we get it, you're awesome. I would like to point out that you union guys push more PT, and thusly the future of UPS, out the door with these garbage dues you push on people. Its not about people, its all about money, and that to me smells worse then anything I've come across.