Details you want. Here they are:"Sex on UPS time - yes"
Come on, Channahon, we need details on that one!
Was it in the back of the package car?
Were cameras involved? (do you still have the pics?)
Are you sure it didn't happen on lunch hour?
Did someone wash out the car after?
3 Drivers - 1 loop
Mid 80's
1.Female blonde package car driver, very good at her job, one of 3 in the center in her 20's.
2.Male driver, married, about 35, likes the blonde driver. Very good driver as well.
3.Third driver didn't have change for a COD and a customer called the center to ask why the driver couldn't make change, but can sit in a Church parking lot with another package car.
Did some quick research and the driver who couldn't make the change for the COD was already in the building.
Myself and Center Manager took a ride to the Church parking lot, had a master key, pulled up, checked both cab areas of the package cars. No drivers in either car.
Used the master key, unlocked the back of the females package car and guess what? Doing the horizontal bop right there amongst the pick ups.
Now the females hair was a bit tossled, you know back then we had to wear ponytails.
Needless to say , neither one could hardly speak due to their suprise.
Both drivers lost their jobs, and were overallowed for the day. Imagine that!!!