High Dosage Marijuana Causing Psychosis




BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Far from the harmless drug proponents of marijuana purport it to be.

...heavy cannabis use may have lasting impacts on cognitive processing, even after someone stops using the drug.


Well-Known Member
The war on drugs is a failure. at least at getting rid of drugs, but it’s a huge success of making money for the government.
Yeah it gives federal agencies jobs, i just can’t imagine it makes more money than legalizing and taxing and letting the states collect the money though, but it must be the case. We’ve spent a trillion dollars tax money on the war on drugs so far
Serious question do you think the high potency marijuana they sell now like wax is potentially harmful?
potentially, sure, for multiple reasons.

Inhaling anything besides oxygen isnt considered to be healthy. The argument for higher potency weed compared to the 70s stuff though is you have to smoke a lot less to get your desired results, so you’re inhaling a lot less smoke. Even more so with the wax.

The wax stuff always freaked me out a little because it just seems like a lot of steps to process, and i didn’t and don’t fully understand the process, and wasn’t sure if I trusted if some random stoners lab set up is clean and there’s no leftover garbage in it

It’s the same reason I don’t touch the weed vapes anymore. You remember the reports of everyone dying from vapes? It was from one guy making them cutting it with vitamin E (of course this led to politicians wanting to ban vapes- thc or nicotine- despite not knowing what the :censored2: they’re talking about.- Rashida talib for example) she pushed to ban vapes and then the Trump administration ended up banning flavored vapes (to save the children) and Biden bans menthol cigarettes (to save the black children)

LET ADULTS MAKE THEIR OWN CHOICES. We have laws in place that cigarettes are not allowed for children. I’ve never smoked a nicotine vape in my life, but if some grown man wants to smoke a cotton candy vape he should be allowed to.

What’s next, banning flavored alcohol?

But this problem would be fixed if it was legalized and regulated. The same reason when we banned alcohol people started dying from tainted alcohol, doesn’t happen anymore now that it’s legal

Im not worried about mental risks with thc, like psychosis or any of that crap. I think it’s a chicken egg scenario, people who are prone to that stuff is going to happen regardless and this may trigger it


Well-Known Member
It’s the same reason I don’t touch the weed vapes anymore. You remember the reports of everyone dying from vapes? It was from one guy making them cutting it with vitamin E (of course this led to politicians wanting to ban vapes- thc or nicotine- despite not knowing what the :censored2: they’re talking about.- Rashida talib for example) she pushed to ban vapes and then the Trump administration ended up banning flavored vapes (to save the children) and Biden bans menthol cigarettes (to save the black children)

“My home state of Michigan became the first to ban flavored e-cigarettes,” Tlaib said Tuesday. “This came after news of e-cigarette smokers showing up at emergency rooms with shortness of breath chest pain, coughing, vomiting.”

This ended up being from tainted unregulated thc vapes, nothing to do with it whatsoever.

I’m sure vaping in general is not healthy, I don’t do it, but making things illegal for adults is not the answer

How ironic, they see a bunch of health problems, make a law banning vapes, then the problem ends up being from ILLEGAL UNREGULATED vapes

People get drugs in prisons. Making drugs illegal does not work. Making drugs illegal is a waste of taxpayer money and infringes on our rights and gives the government too much power


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
The little weed that people smoked that grew in their backyard or in a pot under a light in their basement isn’t the same stuff they smoke now. Some of them don’t even actually smoke weed at all smoke wax highly concentrated and made in laboratory.

The idea isn’t anymore just to get a little slap happy and have fun. It’s actually to blast yourself into a complete and utter state of zombie ism.


nowhere special
The little weed that people smoked that grew in their backyard or in a pot under a light in their basement isn’t the same stuff they smoke now. Some of them don’t even actually smoke weed at all smoke wax highly concentrated and made in laboratory.
When I was a kid the stuff available was only a fraction as strong. Now it is more pharmaceutical grade.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
You’re not gonna get much traction posting these stories with most here. Although going through some things with our family, I would say more and more you will start to see these things be true for younger people, especially as the potency of this drug takes its toll on the youth.
Legalizing it was a mistake


Retired 23 years
Legalizing it was a mistake
I guess we (Minnesota) will find out. It was legalized for the most part during the last election and now the state is trying to decide how or who gets to run the growing operations and the distribution systems. As of now nobody seems to be able to agree on anything. Meanwhile the Native American have already started big growing operations on the reservations.