Hilary Clinton


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Let's face it, Hillary is going to be too old to pull off the rainbow of colored pantsuits in her armoire.
Her calves are too fat for a skirt or dress. The first female pres. should look good in a pencil skirt and white blouse.

Please post full length pictures of yourself before you criticize another middle aged woman's figure. Aren't you both about the same age?


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Oh, here's a cat picture for you:



golden ticket member
President Chelsea Clinton? I just threw up in my mouth a little
Via Politico:
The big question right now may be whether Hillary Clinton will run in 2016, but Bill Clinton says their daughter Chelsea would make a better president “over the long run.”

“The day after tomorrow, my wife because she’s had more experience. Over the long run, Chelsea, she knows more than we do about everything,” Clinton said Wednesday on CNN’s “Piers Morgan Live” when Morgan asked who of the two would make a better president.

Clinton said Chelsea knows more than the former president and his wife.

“And there was a time in her childhood when I thought maybe she thought she did when she didn’t, now it’s highly embarrassing because she in fact does. So, I feel like I’m going to school everyday when we have a conversation,” Clinton said.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Hillary will not be President, so don't fret. Chelsea? Maybe, too early to tell.

I like your favorite Native American, Sen. Warren.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
You mean Fauxcahontis?
Surprisingly, I don't think we are ready for any woman president....yet !!
Is there something inferior with a female? What in the world would prevent a woman from being the President Of The United States?

Pray tell, what precludes a woman from being the POTUS? Dumb Americans?, bigots? sexists? idiots?


golden ticket member
We're too trusting........too much empathy....too much sympathy......and then there's that hormonal thing.
Let the men sort everything out.......we'll run the world after you guys destroy most of it !!


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
We're too trusting........too much empathy....too much sympathy......and then there's that hormonal thing.
Let the men sort everything out.......we'll run the world after you guys destroy most of it !!

You've said some nutty stuff, but that ranks right up there.

You're 'too hormonal' to make a good decision?

---Please step away from the keyboard.


Well-Known Member


golden ticket member
Via The Guardian:
The Oscar-winning film director Charles Ferguson has cancelled his CNN documentary on Hillary Clinton after what he described as a private campaign against the film by prominent Democrats.

Ferguson said he had decided to pull the plug after being met with a wall of silence from more than a hundred people who refused to be interviewed for the documentary.

He claimed that aides to the former secretary of state put pressure on CNN behind the scenes, and made clear that Clinton would only co-operate “over my dead body”. He also blamed a public campaign by Republicans, who claimed the film would be biased in favour of Clinton.

“Neither political party wanted the film made,” said Ferguson in an article for the Huffington Post. “After painful reflection, I decided that I couldn’t make a film of which I would be proud. And so I’m cancelling.”