Hilary Clinton


Well-Known Member
its an interesting election . Gary still has a legitimate shot at winning it all.

you have Hillary being exposed by wiki leaks every days. Trumps sexploits snowballing every day. Both candidates could legitimately disqualify their selves in the next couple of weeks.

Whats left then ? Pence versus Kaine versus Johnson?
Jill is pro union, at least. I hope you vote.


Well-Known Member


Strength through joy
Top 36 Hillary friend-bombs, flip-outs and eye-popping tantrums
Top 36 Hillary friend-bombs, flip-outs and eye-popping tantrums

But don’t expect the mainstream media to start digging into Hillary’s reported temper tantrums any time soon. While the major networks focus single-mindedly on an 11-year-old video recording of GOP nominee Donald Trump making sexually charged comments about women, they virtually ignore claims by witnesses who say Hillary’s foul-mouthed fits of rage happen even today.

And those expletive-laced explosions are enough to make any right-minded American recoil in horror.

During her campaign for the Democratic Party nomination and the presidency, Hillary has reportedly made the lives of her staffers a living hell.

“Hillary’s been having screaming, child-like tantrums that have left her staff members in tears and unable to work,” a campaign aide told Edward Klein in 2015, according to a New York Post report. “She though the nomination was hers for the asking, but her mounting problems have been getting to her, and she’s become shrill and, at times, even violent.”

According to the report, Hillary blasted a low-level campaign worker who had made a scheduling mistake. When Hillary viciously berated her, the worker turned and began to walk away. That’s when Hillary reportedly grabbed her by the arm.

Hillary has even “beaten Bill, hit him with hard objects, scratched and clawed him, and made him bleed,” according to the 2015 book, “The Clintons’ War on Women,” by authors Robert Morrow and Roger Stone.

“Go friend— yourself!” – Hillary screams at a Secret Service agent. He had passed her in the West Colonnade of the White House and greeted the first lady with, “Good morning.” This quote is reported by former Secret Service agent Gary Byrne in his 2016 book, “Crisis of Character.”

“If you want to remain on this detail, get your friend—ing ass over here and grab those bags!” – Hillary’s purported outburst directed at an unnamed Secret Service agent who had explained his duties did not include carrying suitcases from her plane to her limo, according to the 1999 book, “The First Partner,” by Joyce Milton.

“Stay the friend— back, stay the friend— away from me! Don’t come within 10 yards of me, or else! Just friend—ing do as I say, OK?” – Hillary’s reported explosion at Secret Service agents as they explain that they must remain nearby to effectively protect her. The quote comes from the 1996 book, “Unlimited Access,” by Gary Aldrich.

“Put this on the ground! I left my sunglasses in the limo. I need those sunglasses. We need to go back!” – Hillary flips out on a Marine One pilot after the helicopter had been nearing Air Force One and was headed for home. The quote is found in the 2003 book, “Dereliction of Duty,” by Air Force Lt. Col. Robert Patterson.

“friend–k off! I have to see you s–t-kickers every day. I’m not going to talk to you, too! Just do your g-d-damn job and keep your mouth shut” – Hillary’s response to an Arkansas state trooper after he greeted her with, “Good morning,” according to Christopher Anderson’s 2004 book, “America Evita.”

“[You] friend—ing idiot.” – Hillary’s outburst at an Arkansas state trooper driving her to an event. This quote was reported in the 1999 book, “Crossfire: Witness in the Clinton Investigation,” by L.D. Brown.

“These women are trash. Nobody’s going to believe them!” – Hillary’s purported statements concerning Bill Clinton’s sex accusers during the 1992 presidential campaign. This quote was included in the 1999 book, “Bill and Hillary: The Marriage,” by Christopher Anderson.

“I want you to do damage control over Bill’s philandering. … Bill’s going to be president of the United States. … I want you to get rid of all these b–ches he’s seeing. … I want you to give me the names and addresses and phone numbers, and we can get them under control.” – Hillary speaking to Little Rock private investigator Ivan Duda in 1982, according to the 2005 book, “The Truth About Hillary,” by Edward Klein.

“Stupid k-ke” and “friend—ing Jew bastard” – Hillary purportedly used these terms to describe Jewish people somewhat frequently, according to the 2016 book, “Hillary the Other Woman,” by Dolly Kyle, Bill Clinton’s longtime childhood friend.

“How long do I have to stay home with this kid? What would look right to people around here?” – Hillary complains to her close friend, Louise, about feeling trapped at her Arkansas home with her new baby, Chelsea. Hillary was not pleased when Louise told her she should wait about three months before returning to work. This quote was reported in the 2016 book, “Hillary the Other Woman,” by Dolly Kyle.

“When are they going to get those friend—ing retards out of here?!” – Hillary, also known as Arkansas’ “Mother of the Year” in 1984, grows impatient as handicapped children slowly collect their Easter eggs on the lawn of the Arkansas governor’s mansion. The quote is found in the 2016 book, “Hillary the Other Woman,” by Dolly Kyle.