Hilary Clinton


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Yes, so is the investigation into Trump's ties to Russia.

On a positive note, back in July, they closed the case on DB Cooper's skyjacking from 45 years ago.....

So you've probably got another 40+years to blabber on about this.
Well Drive, we get more honest reporting from you than the news media. They aren't reporting anything about the Foundation, just the emails.
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Inordinately Right
Well Drive, we get most honest reporting from you than the news media. They aren't reporting anything about the Foundation, just the emails.
People like Trump and Hillary don't go to jail..... there are probably better uses for your time than to preoccupy yourself with these pipe dreams.


Staff member


Inordinately Right
Comey translation:
She was guilty in July and we didn't prosecute, so why would we prosecute now.
Comey Translation:
I obeyed my Neocon masters and discussed ongoing FBI investigations with the press against departmental policy. Now that the damage from that is done, since I'm really just a politician, I have to try and salvage my political reputation and release the fact that there was no new information and I was full of :censored2:, not to mention the possibility of prosecution for violating the Hatch act.


golden ticket member
They reviewed Anthony Weiner's emails between Hillary, you crazy. Last I heard Hillary deleted her emails. Where do you get your information? damn, Too funny.
You can delete your emails, but the recipients of them may still have them....the FBI has Weiner's puter and Huma forwarded a lot of e-mails to that puter.....PLUS, the FBI wants to see all the dick-pics too!


golden ticket member
Since Comey's letter says they can find nothing criminal in the e-mails, then all of those folks that pleaded the fifth can come back and tell the truth....no worries!!