Hilary Clinton


Well-Known Member
Yes .... also i used 2 play b4 cages where required .... almost lost my eye ...LOL
Lots of respect for you guys helluva game, I'm a or was a pusillanimous baseball guy. Glad you still have your eye Future, maybe you'll lose it this year for the team if you have to. Peace buddy, have a great season.


Victory Ride
Lots of respect for you guys helluva game, I'm a or was a pusillanimous baseball guy. Glad you still have your eye Future, maybe you'll lose it this year for the team if you have to. Peace buddy, have a great season.
LOL....silly man I don’t play no more


Well-Known Member
so this rotten crook owned and rigged the whole DNC. cenk of the young turks said it was the most rigged primary hes ever heard of.


Well-Known Member


Staff member
so this rotten crook owned and rigged the whole DNC. cenk of the young turks said it was the most rigged primary hes ever heard of.
More so than party leaders in smoky rooms? I doubt it.

Sadly, if the paper trail is correct, doesn't even look illegal.

Kind of like Fedex running contractors like employees. It's not right but it sure is legal.